How to advertise with Runner Triathlete News
Click here to view the Race Director's
Checklist/Timeline Provided by Runner Triathlete
NewsAdvertising with Runner Triathlete News is the most
effective way to reach thousands
of runners, cyclists, swimmers, and multi-sport athletes
throughout the Southwest. RTN
is the premier running and multi-sport magazine and web
site in the Southwest and your ad in
the print and/or web versions of RTN will reach more
entrants than any other magazine
or web site in the Southwest. RTN offers rates to fit every event's budget -- and if
your event benefits a non-profit
group, please make sure to alert us so you may receive our
special "non-profit" rates. For
more information on advertising with RTN, e-mail
[email protected] or call (800) 441-9837. However, unlike many magazines and web sites, the
RTN staff doesn't quit working for your
event when your ad is done. We offer a number of
complimentary "perks" for events that
advertise with our print magazine and/or web site. These
special items and promotions
add extra value to your ad and continue to promote your
event right up to race morning and beyond. For as little as $110, your event can take advantage of
this complete promotional package. A partial list of the complimentary promotional tools
provided to all events that advertise
with RTN includes:
Complimentary Promotional Tools
- Event ad (design, layout, & production) provided at no additional charge. YOU SAVE --$60 minimum
- Event listed in RTN Events Calendar for period of time. (Non-advertisers limited to month of event and one month prior) YOU SAVE --$15 per month
- Event listed in BOLD TYPE in RTN Events Calendar for duration of listing. (Non-advertisers limited to smaller regular type-face) YOU SAVE -- $10 per month
- Event promoted prominently prior to event through press releases, pre-race article, photos, and/or logo presentation. (Non-advertisers not guaranteed pre-event publicity) YOU SAVE -- $525 (average)
- Complimentary hyperlinks to event web site. (No hyperlinks provided to non-advertisers) YOU SAVE -- $35
- Two (2) complimentary one-year subscriptions to RTN provided to event to award in post-event raffle drawing.(Complimentary subscriptions not provided to non-advertisers) YOU SAVE -- $30
- Race results guaranteed to be published in both print magazine and on web site. (No guarantee that results will be published for non-advertisers) YOU SAVE -- $225 (average)
- Event promoted prominently post-event through race coverage, press release, photos, and/or photo gallery. (Not available for non-advertisers) YOU SAVE -- $615 (average)
- Complimentary copies of RTN provided for all participants in event. (Quantities limited -- request magazines early for your event. Magazines not available for non-advertisers) YOU SAVE -- $500 (average)
- Complimentary high-quality plastic drawstring bags provided to use as "goodie bags" for race participants. (Quantities limited -- request bags early for your event. Advertisers given first priority over non-advertisers) YOU SAVE -- $85 (average)
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