Can sports drinks cure what ails you?
January 1, 2003
by Steve SievertThis feature is a continuation of the "Beginners Beat" column in
the January 2003 issue of Runner Triathlete News. To get the
full scoop on water and hyponatremia, pick up a copy of the
January issue of Runner Triathlete News. Subscribe to RTN today!
In the January edition of Beginners Beat, we learned that water -
in excessive amounts - can be hazardous to our health. What's
next? Breathing is bad for us?
Actually, in some cities in this country it can be, but that's
for another story.
If over-hydrating on water is an increasing problem among
runners, what about the consumption of sports beverages?
"Sports drinks can be a problem, too," said Dr. John Cianca,
medical director of the hp houston marathon. "While these
beverages contain sodium, they are still relatively diluted.
You're better off snacking on some salty foods before and after
a run than relying on sports drinks."
Pretzels, peanuts and the like are good options. Dr. Cianca
said since most runners don't have blood pressure concerns,
consuming these foods is typically not a problem.
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