Running Defined: cooldown
July 1, 2002
by Steve SievertThis feature is a continuation of the "Beginners Beat" column in
the July 2002 issue of Runner Triathlete News. To get the full
scoop on running jargon, pick up a copy of the July issue of
Runner Triathlete News.
In the July installment of Beginners Beat, we took a look at
some terms and language unique to running. Without question,
running has its share of idioms that might make you pause,
scratch your head and say, "Huh?" Cool down is one of my favorites. You'll hear this term bandied about by runners after track
workouts and races. "Cool down" is used to describe jogging
another mile or two after finishing a race or the most difficult
portion of a workout. To me, this term never really made
sense. You just finished a workout in which you pushed, sweat and sweat
some more. When you finish running, finish. It shouldn't be
called a "cool down;" it should be called "let's run some
more." After all, you aren't going to cool off; you're just
going to sweat some more. Just finish!
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