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Try a tri: a primer for training for your first triathlon
May 1, 2003

by Annabelle Landa

This feature is a continuation of the "Beginners Beat" column in the May 2003 issue of Runner Triathlete News. To get the full scoop on training for your first triathlon, pick up a copy of the May issue of Runner Triathlete News. Subscribe to RTN today!

You started your year off with a bang! In January, you were able to complete a marathon, or half-marathon. Then, you trained & completed the MS 150 ride from Houston to Austin, or maybe you just simply started your 2003 with a new exercise routine. Now you are considering your first triathlon - three sports in one event. It was hard enough to train for one activity, but now it is time to combine swimming, cycling, and running.

Many athletes forget that cross-training is the best way to maintain an injury-free, well-balanced body. There are many benefits to combining activities and training different muscle groups. Cross-training helps you achieve greater muscular fitness as well as cardiovascular fitness, thus enhancing your overall performance.

Let's talk about sprint distance training. It is not necessary to train all three sports in one day. It is also not a must to train two to three hours a day in order to get ready for a sprint distance race. What is needed, is a solid plan to complete the event, smart heart rate training, and a proper combination of activities in order to reach your goal.

Take your realistic aerobic fitness level and give yourself about twelve weeks to get yourself ready to tri. Start with four weeks of aerobic base conditioning (ABC), followed by four weeks of strength training (ST), and finish it with four weeks of interval training (IT).

Check out your first four weeks (below). Keep your heart rate no higher than 75% and follow a simple plan such as the example below.

Monday -- Swim 500 / 800, Warm up / Drills
Tuesday -- Run 2-4 miles or 30 min.
Wednesday -- Swim 600/1000, Divide into 200's, 100's and 50's
Thursday -- Bike 15/20 miles or 45 min. to 1 hour
Friday -- Off
Saturday -- Longer Run, 45 minutes
Sunday -- Long Ride, 20/25 miles or 60-75 minutes

Next month, we'll analyze heart rate training and twelve week periodization training as well as provide the training schedule for weeks 5-8.

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