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St. Mary Parish Run to benefit college-bound students
August 24, 2001

The 100 Black Men of St. Mary Parish will host their 4th Annual 5K Fun/Walk Fundraiser will be Saturday, September 1, 2001, as part of the 2001 Shrimp and Petroleum Festival. The 5K Fun/Walk benefits the scholarship fund of the 100 Black Men, a nonprofit community service organization comprised of leading African-American of business, industry, education, and government, who devote their combined skills and resources to confronting the challenges facing African American male youth. The 100 Black Men of St. Mary Parish is a local chapter of the 100 Black Men of America.

The Shrimp and Petroleum Festival is Louisiana's oldest chartered festival, and features country, cajun, rock, blues and zydeco music. This year's event will feature these national and international artists: The Marshall Tucker Band; Rosie Ledet; Hunter Hayes; and Rockin Dopsie Jr. For more information on the Shrimp and Petroleum Festival, click

The festival begins on Thursday, August 30, and ends Monday, September 3 (Labor Day). The 5K Run begins a 8 a.m. in front of the Morgan City Hall, on Saturday, Sept 1. Walkers immediately follow the runners. $200 in cash will be awarded to the top male and female finisher of the race. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies will be awarded for the top male and female finishers. First place trophies will also be awarded for these categories: 13 & under male & female; 14-24 male & female; 25-34 male & female; 35-44 male & female; 45-54 male & female; 55 & over male & female. Ribbons will also be given for 2nd and 3rd place winners in the above age groups.

Entry Fees are $16.00, for those persons pre-Registered by Monday, August 27, 2001. This will include a t-shirt and some sort of complimentary breakfast at a neighboring restaurant.

Persons who register after August 27th and, on the day of race, will pay $20. This fee also includes one shirt and one breakfast. Senior Citizens can register for only $20., and this will include one t-shirt and one breakfast. There is also a $10. fee, for runners and walkers who do not wish a shirt; however, they will be entitled to a breakfast with this fee.

Persons can pre-register in person at KBZE radio station, the host radio station for the event, at 1320 Victor II Blvd, in Morgan City. Persons may also obtain a form from the KBZE website at Please click the 100 Black Men icon, situated at left in the navigation bar, on the radio station's website. A link to the form is at the bottom of the information on the race. The form can be then filled out and mailed to: 100 Black Men of St. Mary Parish 4th Annual 5K/Fun Run/Walk, c/o P.O. Box 43, Morgan City, La. 70381. (Payment must be enclosed.)

All race numbers must be picked up on the race day, at the pre- registration table.

The 100 Black Men are accepting donations from those persons who cannot attend the event--a complimentary T-shirt will be mailed for each donation of $20 or more. Persons wishing to donate, can send their gift to: The 100 Black Men of St. Mary Parish, 4th Annual 5K/Fun Run/Walk, c/o P.O. Box 43, Morgan City, La. 70381.

The host hotel for the 100 Black Men is the Morgan City Holiday Inn - 520 Roderick Street. The hotel has given a $57 room rate, per night, single or double, which includes 2 complimentary breakfast bars. Persons can reserve rooms one of two ways: *Call (985) 385-2200 - Ask for reservations, and request the 100 Black Men Race Rate. *On the internet at

The 5K Fun Run/Walk began in 1998 as a fundraiser for the 100 Black Men to award one scholarship to one graduating senior from each of St. Mary Parish's High Schools, including Central Catholic High of Morgan City. Due to the success of the 2000 event, the 100 awarded $7,000 in scholarships. The top person presenting the most entries will receive 12 Jazzland Theme Park Tickets--this is a $480 VALUE. The second place fundraiser will receive 6 Jazzland Theme Park Tickets--a $240. value. 100 Black Men 4th Annual Commemorative screen printed t-shirts may be given after September 1st, to entrants registered after August 27, 2001. Please keep race number until picking up t-shirt.

For more information on the race, persons can call Clarence Robinson, Jr., race director and president of the 100: at 985-518-9986 or 985- 385-4476. Persons may also call Howard Castay, Jr., asst. race director & honorary member of the 100 at: 985-385-1391; 504-372-0086; or 985-385- 6301.

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