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Bosom Buddies Run 4 Life
September 15, 2001
San Antonio, Texas

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Overall Male
Place    Name                     Time   Pace O'All  Place in 
1        Reina, Randy             15:43  5:04   1           1

Overall Female Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Hunter-Galvan, Liza 17:04 5:30 6 1

Masters Male Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Rodriguez, Jorge 16:34 5:20 4 4

Masters Female Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Vicki, Ralph 21:06 6:47 34 11

Male Age Groups 14 and Under Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Carlson, Christian 23:06 7:26 68 48 2 Dresser, Richie 23:53 7:41 84 62 3 Miller, Curtis 28:14 9:05 146 90 4 Bosham, Travis 28:59 9:20 159 97 5 Fishel, David 30:10 9:43 170 102

15-19 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Fishel, Bill 19:48 6:22 19 14 2 Smith, Ian 20:36 6:38 25 19 3 Benavides, Phillip 23:08 7:27 71 51

20-24 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Meza, Joshua 16:28 5:18 3 3 2 Vorce, Nathan 23:01 7:24 67 47 3 Ybarra, Dwayne 30:04 9:41 168 101

25-29 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Darley, Benjamin 20:44 6:40 27 21 2 Aguirre, Alex 22:17 7:10 53 38 3 Romo, George 22:26 7:13 57 41 4 Watson, Drew 23:43 7:38 80 59 5 Wilson, Ryan 23:59 7:43 88 64 6 Carden, Michael 25:54 8:20 115 79 7 Lopez, Lorenzo 26:59 8:41 134 84 8 Tengra, John 28:30 9:10 151 93 9 Martinez, Raul 29:20 9:26 161 98 10 Trevino, Raymond 37:08 11:57 186 109

30-34 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Perron, Paul 18:09 5:50 9 7 2 Ferreris, Juan 19:14 6:11 17 13 3 Fortenberry, Phillip 19:50 6:23 20 15 4 Baldwin, Jerrel 21:00 6:46 33 23 5 Jesse, Lara 22:03 7:06 48 34 6 Frey, Chris 22:24 7:13 56 40 7 Bell, Matthew 22:37 7:17 61 44 8 Bell, James 22:38 7:17 62 45 9 Sanchez, Fred 22:39 7:17 63 46 10 Selva, Michael 23:29 7:33 77 57 11 Howe, Rob 23:51 7:41 82 61 12 Gregory, Michael 24:00 7:43 89 65 13 Guillen, Luis 24:41 7:57 99 71 14 White, Alan 24:56 8:01 102 73 15 Cooper, David 28:29 9:10 150 92 16 Hernandy, Abel 43:50 14:06 190 111 17 Tanez, Victor 45:37 14:41 191 112

35-39 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Iniguez, Jose 15:53 5:07 2 2 2 Arch, Mike 18:06 5:50 8 6 3 Zuniga, Jesus 18:18 5:53 10 8 4 Pumphrey, Mark 18:20 5:54 11 9 5 Smith, Charles 18:28 5:57 12 10 6 O'brien, Christopher 18:36 5:59 14 11 7 Friel, Joseph 18:39 6:00 15 12 8 Arch, Tim 20:22 6:33 24 18 9 Mendez, Miguel 20:42 6:40 26 20 10 Perez, Felix 20:52 6:43 31 22 11 Mercado, Steven 21:07 6:48 35 24 12 Nicolson, Coll 22:16 7:10 52 37 13 Flack, Keith 22:27 7:14 58 42 14 Maxey, James 23:27 7:33 76 56 15 Rodriguez, Raymond 23:46 7:39 81 60 16 Hanks, Craig 24:26 7:52 97 69 17 Philbim, Don 25:22 8:10 108 77 18 Lovil, Rod 27:33 8:52 141 88 19 Martinez, Hector 28:44 9:15 154 95 20 Dimas, Joel 32:37 10:30 181 106

40-44 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Dunn, David 16:56 5:27 5 5 2 Zan, Jones 21:15 6:50 38 27 3 Almeter, Ron 21:17 6:51 39 28 4 Brooks, Gary 21:19 6:52 40 29 5 Ferral, Hector 22:18 7:11 54 39 6 Hamilton, Mantz 24:50 8:00 101 72 7 Yount, Steve 24:57 8:02 103 74 8 Day, William 25:04 8:04 105 75 9 Gonzalez, Yno 25:19 8:09 107 76 10 Bartys, Tony 26:43 8:36 126 82 11 Aguirre, Fernando 28:06 9:03 144 89 12 Sambrano, Jesse 28:22 9:08 147 91 13 Alire, Larry 28:41 9:14 153 94 14 Schneiderwent, Kevin 28:50 9:17 157 96 15 Munoz, Jeffrey 29:50 9:36 166 100 16 Villafranco, Jose 32:30 10:28 180 105

45-49 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Harrison, Dave 21:08 6:48 36 25 2 Young, Gregory 21:12 6:49 37 26 3 Montgomery, Michael 22:15 7:10 51 36 4 Dominguez, Daniel 22:29 7:14 59 43 5 Blackmon, Bill 23:07 7:26 69 49 6 Mott, Mark 23:15 7:29 72 52 7 Garcia, Robert 23:21 7:31 74 54 8 Kohutek, Mark 23:38 7:36 79 58 9 Sayers, Randy 23:54 7:42 85 63 10 Garay, George 26:01 8:22 116 80 11 Kurzanski, Al 26:40 8:35 124 81 12 Garza, Dante 26:47 8:37 128 83 13 Delgado, Robert 31:04 10:00 175 103 14 Reese, Dan 34:30 11:06 185 108 15 Refa, Manny 37:16 12:00 187 110

50-54 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Moon, Bryden 19:52 6:24 21 16 2 Pautz, Rick 19:54 6:24 22 17 3 Orsborn, John 21:53 7:03 46 32 4 Pierkarki, James 21:54 7:03 47 33 5 Dennis, David 22:11 7:08 50 35 6 Douglas, Jesse 23:18 7:30 73 53 7 DeLeon, Gilbert 23:26 7:33 75 55 8 Kerrest, Jacques 24:20 7:50 93 68 9 Greenberg, Stephen 24:27 7:52 98 70 10 Kingshott, Ed 25:34 8:14 109 78 11 Trevino, Arnold 27:32 8:52 140 87 12 Bailey, David 33:15 10:42 183 107

55-59 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Teitz, Richard 21:21 6:52 41 30 2 Hernandez, Roger 21:39 6:58 44 31 3 Wallis, Gury 23:08 7:27 70 50 4 Lloyd, Chriss 24:14 7:48 92 67 5 Bosch, John 27:05 8:43 136 86

60-64 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Kimbell, Ed 24:03 7:44 90 66

70 and Over Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Pawel, Tom 31:39 10:11 178 104

Males w/o ages Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Isbrand, Joe 27:02 8:42 135 85 2 Sloans, Michael 29:25 9:28 162 99

Female Age Groups 14 and Under Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Ortiz, Virginia 20:49 6:42 29 8 2 Coffee, Elizabeth 24:23 7:51 94 26 3 Carlson, Claudia 27:25 8:49 139 53

15-19 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Fishel, Kate 24:13 7:48 91 25 2 Hample, Kristin 28:24 9:08 148 57

20-24 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Crawford, Lauren 18:35 5:59 13 3 2 Gonzalez, Julie 20:59 6:45 32 10 3 Wren, Tunetha 22:56 7:23 66 20 4 Ortiz, Teresa 23:31 7:34 78 21

25-29 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Cochran, Machelle 17:08 5:31 7 2 2 Gonzales, Toni 20:46 6:41 28 7 3 Juarez, Patricia 22:32 7:15 60 17 4 Verdeja, Dee 24:24 7:51 95 27 5 Pedrotti, Lisa 26:27 8:31 121 41 6 Martinez, Enisa 26:34 8:33 122 42 7 Rabb, Jennifer 26:52 8:39 132 49 8 Broome, Jennifer 28:44 9:15 155 60 9 Ortiz, Jacqueline 28:45 9:15 156 61

30-34 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Priest, Jackie 19:07 6:09 16 4 2 Lee, Juliann 20:18 6:32 23 6 3 Demandante, Bobbie 20:52 6:43 30 9 4 Deidre, Fontenot 21:44 7:00 45 14 5 Stadler, Jana 22:05 7:06 49 15 6 Howe, Catherine 22:44 7:19 65 19 7 Epperson, Terry Kay 23:57 7:43 87 24 8 Garza, Jonell 25:43 8:17 111 33 9 Morgan, Amy 25:51 8:19 114 36 10 Sommers, Patrice 26:47 8:37 127 45 11 Moreno, Stacy 27:20 8:48 138 52

35-39 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Sander, Sharon 19:36 6:19 18 5 2 Antilley, Cynthia 21:23 6:53 42 12 3 Krenger, Lisa 21:38 6:58 43 13 4 Hennis, Melanie 22:18 7:11 55 16 5 Rocque, Janet 24:59 8:02 104 30 6 Hamilton, Margaret 25:18 8:09 106 31 7 Pedroza, Grace 25:35 8:14 110 32 8 Connely, Susan 25:51 8:19 113 35 9 Delgadillo, Anne Marie 26:49 8:38 130 47 10 Kohutek, Tracy 28:08 9:03 145 56 11 Arch, Kimberly 31:12 10:03 176 73

40-44 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Gonzalez, Yolanda 22:41 7:18 64 18 2 Garcia, Sandra 23:51 7:41 83 22 3 Phillips, Susan 25:44 8:17 112 34 4 Williamson, Elizabeth 26:15 8:27 117 37 5 Lovil, Isabel 26:16 8:27 118 38 6 Young, Julie 26:41 8:35 125 44 7 Morgan, Suzi 26:47 8:37 129 46 8 Felty, Kim 27:51 8:58 142 54 9 Stewart, Becky 28:04 9:02 143 55 10 Garcia, Velma 28:32 9:11 152 59 11 Carlton, Lillian 29:02 9:21 160 63 12 Fishel, Anne 30:09 9:42 169 68 13 Sloans, Dawn 30:30 9:49 173 71

45-49 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Trankina, Michelle 24:25 7:52 96 28 2 Porter, Paula 24:42 7:57 100 29 3 Barnes, Bernadette 26:23 8:29 120 40 4 DeMartin, Lou Ann P. 26:36 8:34 123 43 5 Bosch, Ana M. 28:27 9:09 149 58 6 Essick, Debbie 29:29 9:29 163 64 7 Tucker, Alice 30:00 9:39 167 67

50-54 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Moon, Kay 23:56 7:42 86 23 2 Smith, Barbara 26:18 8:28 119 39 3 Heffner, Sherry 26:51 8:39 131 48 4 Brink, Trudy 26:53 8:39 133 50 5 Shepard, Mimi 27:10 8:45 137 51 6 Vardo, Alicia 30:32 9:50 174 72 7 Rios, Sally 31:22 10:06 177 74

55-59 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Arrgeuin, Sylvia 29:39 9:33 164 65 2 Gregory, Emma 32:51 10:34 182 76 3 Lagleder, Patricia 34:12 11:00 184 77

60-64 Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Pepin, Diane 28:53 9:18 158 62 2 Sambrano, Gloria 29:40 9:33 165 66 3 Zatarain, Josie 43:10 13:54 189 79

70 and Over Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Caro, Mary 38:01 12:14 188 78

Females w/o ages Place Name Time Pace O'All Place in Sex 1 Mcdonough, Katie 30:16 9:44 171 69 2 Mcdonough, Ellen 30:17 9:45 172 70 3 Weselley, Shelley 32:09 10:21 179 75

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