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Bridgefest 5K
February 2, 2002
Kingwood, Texas
3.1 miles
USATF certified course

Post your comments on the Bridgefest 5K to the RTN Message Board

Overall Male
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Terry Garrett           0:16:13 1          476
Overall Female
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Stacey Chaston          0:19:18 13         829
Female Age Groups
12 and Under
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Jones, Nichole          0:21:35 40         448
2    McKee, Clare            0:23:23 80         268
3    Boettcher, Erin         0:24:00 96         53
4    Quinn, Addie            0:24:12 107        276
5    Brzuzy, Emily           0:24:45 121        4
6    Ward, Hope              0:24:46 122        524
7    Dietz, Sara             0:25:44 146        68
8    Cazenave, Kristin       0:25:55 154        550
9    Brownlow, Savannah      0:27:01 181        379
10   Munoz, Megan            0:27:28 191        589
11   Irion, Lydia            0:28:55 232        759
12   Blackburn, Lianne       0:28:57 233        423
13   Thompson, Kelsey        0:29:50 262        226
14   Garcia, Lauren          0:33:23 330        474
15   Moore, Hannah           0:36:23 359        766
16   Pollard, Meredith       0:36:44 362        321
17   Cutbirth, Katelyn       0:37:19 367        437
18   McQueen, Melanie        0:39:48 382        818
19   Horn, Devan             0:40:24 385        24
20   Dietz, Krista           no time 400        67
21   Werlang, Caroline       no time 408        627
22   Sizer, Kelsey           no time 412        772
23   Shelden, Amy            no time 432        615
24   Mason, Anna Ciara       no time 438        92
25   Nerad, Abby             no time 450        602
26   Countryman, Victoria    no time 452        15
27   Brooks-Kane, Rachel     no time 504        358
28   Brooks-Martin, Kelsea   no time 506        355
29   Podkulski, Lianne       no time 521        280
30   Hilton, Jessica         no time 529        643
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Colburn, Carolyn        0:23:19 76         729
2    Brady, Lauren           0:23:21 78         534
3    Parker, Erica           0:23:22 79         499
4    Prestifilpo, Lisa       0:24:11 105        151
5    Sitton, Melissa         0:24:59 128        156
6    Hain, Melissa           0:25:18 136        251
7    Douglass, Stephanie     0:28:15 208        696
8    Jones, Elaine           0:28:28 216        446
9    Nicholls, Megan         0:29:44 257        835
10   Winter, Heather         0:30:04 270        711
11   Shelden, Stacy          0:32:42 316        617
12   Etter, Alison           0:38:28 380        244
13   Brady, Elizabeth        no time 442        535
14   Gill, Brittany          no time 457        462
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Van Slambrouck, Jeanne  0:20:56 29         805
2    Monks, Sarah            0:21:46 42         262
3    Johnson, Jamie          0:21:56 44         576
4    Moore, Cathryn          0:21:57 45         860
5    Becker, Jenny           0:22:37 58         412
6    Taylor, Jennifer        0:22:47 66         399
7    Sonnier, Leslie         0:23:41 86         216
8    Shatsar, Stephanie      0:23:48 89         782
9    Schorr, Julie           0:25:31 141        508
10   Ozbolt, Amanda          0:25:32 142        740
11   Velten, Felicitas       0:25:46 148        843
12   Stephens, Amanda        0:26:52 177        693
13   Ladewig, Tiffany        0:27:31 192        341
14   Chapman, Paige          0:28:59 235        126
15   Ensey, Kimberly         0:40:42 386        529
16   Ethington, Kellie       no time 402        181
17   Alliel, Fiona           no time 424        844
18   Caspary, Ashley         no time 425        846
19   Kiser, Brittany         no time 463        630
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Allen, Natalie          0:21:33 38         725
2    Chamberla, Emilee       0:22:17 51         767
3    Wendle, Dena            0:22:52 69         222
4    Crusham, Kelly          0:25:55 155        62
5    Baker, Donna            0:25:57 157        870
6    Long, Natalie           0:26:19 165        768
7    Longaker, Vicky         0:27:36 195        261
8    Peterson, Tayra         0:27:54 198        606
9    Morris, Jennifer        0:28:00 202        686
10   Lemme, Beth             0:28:03 205        713
11   Wolf, Rebecca           0:28:25 214        762
12   Robinson, Kate          0:28:36 222        614
13   McIntyre, Ann           0:29:01 237        488
14   Matthews, Nicole        0:29:29 250        331
15   Gallagher, Tara         0:29:42 255        567
16   Sigerson, Jennifer      0:29:45 258        852
17   Najera, Veronica        0:29:58 268        202
18   Ebright, Patricia       0:32:11 308        680
19   Richards, Sarah         0:33:53 336        507
20   Bachert, Rachel         0:35:28 350        543
21   Wood, Amanda            no time 420        43
22   Menzies, Maria          no time 439        700
23   Gowens, Jennifer        no time 454        346
24   Gilbreath, Jennifer     no time 460        465
25   Hoang, Elaine           no time 488        659
26   Rex, Rebecca            no time 490        658
27   Mansfield, Carlene      no time 512        328
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Chaston, Stacey         0:19:18 13         829
2    Ketterson, Brigitte     0:20:24 21         33
3    Eilerts, Nancy          0:21:06 30         820
4    Garrett, Kathy          0:21:19 36         477
5    Rice, Cheryl            0:22:38 59         865
6    Browning, Jennifer      0:22:45 64         761
7    Conroy, Amy             0:23:36 81         173
8    Ackerman, Kim           0:23:55 93         854
9    Cobb, Cindy             0:24:05 99         866
10   Bennett, Michelle       0:24:22 112        421
11   Bocock, Melissa         0:24:43 120        376
12   Stringer, Christi       0:25:00 129        733
13   Ward, Debbie            0:25:43 145        520
14   Pash, Laura             0:25:50 153        285
15   Brass, Denise           0:26:21 166        7
16   Boone, Eydie            0:26:41 172        526
17   Trujillo, Yvonne        0:26:47 175        730
18   Harrison, Nicole        0:27:01 180        739
19   Bray, Mary              0:27:03 182        57
20   Cordray, Lori           0:27:33 193        546
21   Pavel, Valerie          0:27:39 196        789
22   Craddock, Amy           0:27:59 201        440
23   Andrepont, Lee          0:28:18 209        228
24   Sexton, Cindy           0:28:23 213        798
25   Brown, Leighan          0:28:58 234        532
26   Cotter, Amy             0:29:05 238        65
27   Williams, Ginger        0:29:19 245        802
28   Harty, Carolyn          0:29:36 251        29
29   Morris, Louise          0:29:41 254        746
30   Smith, Michelle         0:29:45 259        697
31   Garcia, Connie          0:29:55 266        475
32   Faulkinberry, Laurie    0:30:33 276        807
33   Tomasek, Samantha       0:30:33 278        868
34   Davies, Lori            0:31:00 285        18
35   Tickell, Jennifer       0:31:31 296        299
36   Wood, Shannon           0:31:33 297        715
37   Hall, Susan             0:31:34 298        570
38   Richmond, Heather       0:31:46 301        719
39   Cardoza, Dawn           0:31:57 306        722
40   Terry, Dee Dee          0:32:06 307        667
41   van der Vorm, Sandra    0:32:17 311        400
42   Artavia, Mona           0:32:37 314        530
43   Countryman, Marty       0:35:11 347        14
44   Cutbirth, Tiffany       0:35:37 353        435
45   Bocock, Melissa         0:35:46 354        419
46   Ware, Janet             0:36:02 357        406
47   Goldblum, Kara          0:36:02 358        349
48   Briley, Natalie         0:37:02 364        315
49   Cox, Sarah              0:41:09 391        547
50   Gerhardt, Kristi        0:42:30 392        566
51   Sneed, Dani             0:42:47 397        611
52   Walker, Julie           no time 401        621
53   Hogan, Diane            no time 404        646
54   Lee, Cheryl             no time 409        584
55   Schmidt, Ana            no time 416        662
56   Arredondo, Sarah        no time 422        787
57   Goh, Irma               no time 434        183
58   Pink, Christine         no time 435        281
59   Parker, Julie           no time 443        498
60   Marshall, Elizabeth     no time 446        487
61   Corino, Leida           no time 448        66
62   Brown, Jeanette         no time 453        373
63   Swalley, Karen          no time 464        310
64   Groesbeck, Karene       no time 466        780
65   Wilson, Kim             no time 469        629
66   McQueen, Mindy          no time 487        817
67   Brooks-Martin, Kari     no time 505        356
68   Beever, Jamie           no time 508        634
69   Beals, Sandy            no time 513        416
70   McClam, Latonya         no time 522        528
71   Adame, Sharon           no time 528        384
72   Jay, Roxanne            no time 534        254
73   Melton, Jenny           no time 536        264
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Smith, Michelle         0:22:03 49         211
2    Nolan, Beth             0:23:45 88         490
3    Geohegan, Kelly         0:24:52 124        193
4    Schroeder, Mindy        0:26:07 160        115
5    Rudolph, Rita           0:27:11 185        108
6    Bogert, Linda           0:27:34 194        165
7    Meller, Debbie          0:28:22 212        480
8    Winter, Cheryl          0:28:32 219        710
9    Collier, Brenda         0:28:49 226        635
10   Wells, Bobbie           0:29:05 239        223
11   Albrecht, Christal      0:29:09 241        670
12   Pate, Diane             0:29:40 252        325
13   Gill, Pat               0:29:43 256        463
14   Bautsch, Elizabeth      0:29:55 267        743
15   Wingert, Susan          0:30:12 271        304
16   White, Susan            0:30:20 272        161
17   Chesney, Nancy          0:30:30 275        360
18   Reid, Patty             0:30:45 282        106
19   Pollard, Susan          0:31:49 303        320
20   Roseland, Teresa        0:32:28 312        203
21   Walker, Susan           0:32:51 322        902
22   Johnson, Judy           0:34:00 339        578
23   Buttermore, Pat         0:37:04 365        425
24   Ladewig, Sandy          0:37:31 372        343
25   Cocker, Jill            0:37:33 373        896
26   Harris, June            0:38:04 375        683
27   Torres, Sylvia          0:40:16 384        512
28   Wiehe, Megan            0:40:47 387        516
29   Frazier, Marlene        0:40:52 389        21
30   Tannehill, Diane        no time 405        409
31   Werlang, Karin          no time 407        626
32   Sizer, Jan              no time 413        770
33   Roach, Rosemary         no time 414        318
34   Dietz, Johnette         no time 415        70
35   Rinehart, Judith        no time 421        316
36   Goodwyn, Vanessa        no time 426        842
37   Harrison, Christie      no time 429        2
38   Lucas, Doris            no time 431        753
39   Shelden, Kathy          no time 433        616
40   Brooks, Andrea          no time 437        95
41   Bunkley, Liz            no time 444        239
42   Podkulski, Judy         no time 449        278
43   Nerad, Janine           no time 458        600
44   Thompson, Mary          no time 461        225
45   Duggar, Kari            no time 470        637
46   Schorr, Nancy           no time 472        509
47   Kratoille, Jan          no time 473        581
48   Bishop, Denise          no time 480        235
49   Kaskie, Katherine       no time 482        143
50   Bennett, Veronica       no time 484        51
51   Lemm, Mary              no time 491        408
52   Ethington, Teri         no time 493        180
53   Waters, JoElaine        no time 497        121
54   Bertrand, Joni          no time 499        241
55   Evans, Barbara          no time 500        246
56   Brown, Tina             no time 502        741
57   Kirk, Kathy             no time 503        410
58   Domangue, Peggy         no time 514        763
59   Heisler, Judy           no time 519        783
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Martino, Ivy            0:23:42 87         881
2    Maney, Doris            0:24:22 111        684
3    Tribo, Kathy            0:26:45 174        401
4    Wadzeck, Caroline       0:32:50 321        840
5    Dunlap, Susan           0:32:53 324        557
6    Smith, Maureen          0:33:00 328        398
7    Evans, Joyce            0:36:28 361        177
8    Holcombe, Martha        0:37:18 366        191
9    Adkins, Kathy           0:37:27 369        48
10   Roberts, Carolyn        0:38:04 376        750
11   Kelly, Yvonne           0:39:43 381        650
12   Hain, Diane             0:41:04 390        249
13   McConnell, Karen        0:42:30 393        596
14   Dillewyn, Kitty         no time 410        74
15   Grab, Judy              no time 417        134
16   Chapman, Deborah        no time 447        127
17   Cutshall, Carol         no time 462        242
18   Gray, Janie             no time 465        314
19   Marrou, Joyce           no time 474        585
20   Baron, Gerri            no time 475        233
21   Moyers, Sheryl          no time 476        731
22   Scott, Annette          no time 477        295
23   Smith, DeeAnn           no time 478        294
24   Dimke, Susan            no time 481        453
25   Wagner, Mary            no time 492        308
26   Scott, Annette          no time 501        295
27   Kelso, Susie            no time 509        312
28   Hostettler, Karen       no time 510        313
29   Mansfield, Patricia     no time 511        332
30   Clark, AnnaMarie        no time 515        749
31   Herron, Claudia         no time 533        642
60 and Over
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Foster, Helen           0:32:40 315        565
2    Clark, Helen            0:32:59 327        129
3    Means, Marge            no time 398        503
4    Henrique, Ilda          no time 399        872
5    Carter, Ruth            no time 419        679
6    Collins, Jayne          no time 436        815
7    Bell, Marlene           no time 467        370
8    Philips, Betty Jo       no time 498        123
9    Coley, Margaret         no time 518        17
10   Williamson, Barbara     no time 526        302
11   Goff, D. Jean           no time 527        345
12   Sutton, Bettye          no time 535        292
13   McMahon, Jean           no time 537        599
Male Age Groups
12 and Under
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Boettcher, John         0:21:11 31         54
2    Sanchez, Joshua         0:22:57 71         618
3    McKenzie, Lee-Michael   0:23:38 84         195
4    Scott, Michael          0:24:09 104        848
5    Jones, Joshua           0:25:21 138        447
6    Pash, Patrick           0:25:49 150        288
7    Pash, Cooper            0:25:49 151        289
8    Ciliske, Steve          0:26:10 161        366
9    Garza, Aaron Louis      0:26:33 169        803
10   Sonnier, Zach           0:27:09 184        217
11   Bennett, Todd           0:27:15 187        52
12   Bennett, Ryan           0:27:15 188        49
13   Pate, Brian             0:27:27 190        326
14   Sneed, Kyle             0:28:03 204        612
15   Harrison, Bobby         0:28:29 217        1
16   Wilson, Christopher     0:29:00 236        632
17   Pate, Chris             0:29:20 246        324
18   Tacon, Ryan             0:29:20 247        668
19   Dickey, Jeremy          0:31:26 293        553
20   Lester, Coery           0:32:44 318        703
21   Wyborney, Curtis        0:33:51 334        891
22   Werlang, Jonathan       0:34:29 342        628
23   Bautsch, Kyle           0:35:04 345        542
24   Amsbury, Niel           0:35:27 349        888
25   Cutbirth, Austin        0:35:37 352        436
26   Cutbirth, Christian     0:37:23 368        439
27   Mason, Owen             0:37:54 374        91
28   Groesbeck, Mitch        0:38:14 377        776
29   Torres, Michael         0:38:15 378        513
30   Roach, Tim              0:39:57 383        317
31   Sneed, Brett            0:42:31 394        609
32   Groesbeck, Will         0:42:31 395        778
33   Alexander, Geoffrey     0:42:33 396        827
34   Vitarius, Jeffrey       no time 403        220
35   Goh, Andrew             no time 423        184
36   Pink, Sean              no time 427        282
37   Thompson, Matthew       no time 428        227
38   Mason, Glen             no time 455        93
39   Duggar, Kaleb           no time 471        636
40   Groesbeck, Jake         no time 485        779
41   Adame, Samuel           no time 525        382
42   Hilton, Christopher     no time 530        644
43   McKee, Colin            no time 531        267
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Munoz, Mitchell         0:20:42 24         590
2    Snapp, Ryan             0:21:35 39         293
3    Luthy, Jarrett          0:22:51 68         90
4    Gagliano, Bryce         0:24:01 97         80
5    Becker, Jimmy           0:24:21 110        415
6    Dietz, Zac              0:24:31 115        69
7    Post, James             0:25:05 131        99
8    Szymanski, Kurt         0:26:04 159        212
9    Cutbirth, Jason         0:26:50 176        434
10   Garcia, Austin          0:28:19 211        473
11   Flanagan, Patrick       0:29:05 240        563
12   Bookout, Trenton        0:30:53 283        168
13   Goldman, Aaron          0:31:09 289        903
14   Dickey, Joshua          0:31:50 304        554
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Munoz, Matthew          0:16:51 2          592
2    Funderburg, Luke        0:17:06 4          788
3    Munoz, Michael          0:19:00 9          591
4    Mouser, Jason           0:19:14 11         263
5    Swanson, Kevin          0:19:40 14         666
6    Torres, Vicente         0:20:41 23         514
7    Allen, Patrick          0:21:16 35         724
8    Mallon, Joseph          0:22:23 53         335
9    Jones, Caleb            0:22:38 60         445
10   Bautsch, Mark           0:22:57 70         745
11   Awe, Michael            0:23:19 75         796
12   Himanga, Eric           0:24:09 103        470
13   Horn, Casey             0:25:38 144        25
14   LeBlanc, Chris          0:26:31 168        259
15   Chesney, Greg           0:28:48 224        362
16   Roseland, Jacob         0:28:50 227        204
17   Bookout, Brett          0:31:24 291        169
18   Wagner, Jeff            0:32:57 325        307
19   Ladewig, Christopher    0:37:28 371        342
20   Gill, Jonathan          no time 459        464
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Matthews, Patrick       0:21:44 41         329
2    Hamilton, Michael       0:21:47 43         682
3    Murdock, Jamie          0:21:59 46         97
4    Judalet, Raymond        0:22:28 55         720
5    Brusatori, Larry        0:24:08 101        60
6    Chappell, Chris         0:24:41 119        176
7    Means, Brad             0:24:53 125        484
8    Listi, Gerald           0:25:56 156        900
9    Blackwell, Michael      0:26:03 158        354
10   Gallagher, Brian        0:31:04 287        460
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Garrett, Terry          0:16:13 1          476
2    Schroeder, Bill         0:17:03 3          114
3    McClam, Michael         0:18:29 5          150
4    Swanson, Lloyd          0:18:32 6          154
5    Zamura, Daniel          0:18:52 8          873
6    Sobus, Mark             0:19:47 16         113
7    Garza, Art              0:19:53 18         461
8    Neugebauer, Ralf        0:20:43 25         897
9    Eilerts, Brent          0:20:56 28         819
10   Bah, Mohamed            0:21:15 34         894
11   Walker, Ben             0:22:25 54         622
12   Hoffman, Chad           0:22:41 61         468
13   Jay, Steve              0:23:21 77         252
14   Conroy, William         0:23:37 82         174
15   Wiehe, John             0:23:58 94         748
16   Golze, Gray             0:24:07 100        348
17   Bocock, Frank           0:24:11 106        418
18   Maupin, Alan            0:25:13 133        336
19   Sheppard, Michelle      0:25:17 135        694
20   Parker, Derrick         0:25:26 139        497
21   Pash, Tom               0:25:49 152        287
22   Richmond, David         0:26:37 171        718
23   Williams, Gordon        0:26:45 173        801
24   Branz, Steve            0:26:52 178        633
25   Cagney, Miles           0:27:48 197        758
26   Sigerson, Richard       0:27:56 200        853
27   Wildrix, Marc           0:28:02 203        695
28   Meller, Lance           0:28:26 215        481
29   Gibson, Brian           0:28:33 220        466
30   Groesbeck, Mark         0:28:36 221        777
31   Faulkinberry, John      0:28:49 225        806
32   Harrison, Michael       0:29:11 243        738
33   Follis, Tim             0:29:48 260        130
34   Stringer, Barry         0:30:22 273        735
35   Tomasek, Craig          0:30:37 279        867
36   Marshall, Ken           0:30:57 284        486
37   Davies, Trevor          0:31:03 286        72
38   Lampis, Damon           0:31:47 302        145
39   Sonnier, Michael        0:31:52 305        215
40   Sniscak, Paul           0:32:11 309        155
41   Lester, Scott           0:32:45 319        702
42   Wilkerson, Jeremy       0:33:42 333        631
43   Menzies, Mark           no time 440        701
44   Countryman, Cary        no time 441        13
45   McQueen, Brent          no time 486        35
46   Kendrick, Bob           no time 489        660
47   Martin, Trent           no time 507        351
48   Adame, Jessie           no time 524        385
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Richards, Bryan         0:18:39 7          699
2    Morrison, Scott         0:19:07 10         586
3    Kutscher, Gary          0:19:15 12         583
4    Rubin, Josh             0:19:45 15         760
5    Cochran, Jeff           0:19:49 17         800
6    McNeil, Stephen         0:20:09 19         892
7    Sullivan, John          0:20:18 20         386
8    Pasquini, Tom           0:20:39 22         271
9    Baker, Keith            0:20:44 26         371
10   Horn, Gary              0:20:53 27         27
11   De La Cruz, Mike        0:21:12 32         443
12   Steffeck, Jim           0:21:25 37         836
13   Ladewig, Jim            0:22:00 47         344
14   Sizer, Jim              0:22:02 48         769
15   Marantis, Bruce         0:22:14 50         199
16   Goodwyn, Ron            0:22:29 56         841
17   Allen, Dale             0:22:30 57         723
18   Thomas, Mike            0:22:44 63         511
19   Kashou, Sam             0:22:45 65         257
20   Mihalco, Albert         0:22:49 67         387
21   Lucas, Donnie           0:23:10 74         752
22   Johnson, Chuck          0:23:37 83         580
23   Dietz, David            0:23:40 85         71
24   McCoig, Edward          0:23:50 90         485
25   Shirley, Fred           0:23:51 91         206
26   Ryan, Michael           0:24:08 102        290
27   Burleigh, Randy         0:24:15 108        432
28   Quinn, Robert           0:24:20 109        277
29   Hill, Len               0:24:28 113        472
30   Mallon, James           0:24:30 114        334
31   Luthy, Lee              0:24:33 116        89
32   Wingert, Lee            0:24:36 117        305
33   Rodriguez, Richard      0:24:38 118        505
34   Coulter, Peter          0:24:49 123        367
35   Gagliano, Hal           0:25:02 130        79
36   Swanson, Ricky          0:25:12 132        665
37   Hain, Robert            0:25:19 137        250
38   Cocker, Mark            0:25:30 140        895
39   Boettcher, Steve        0:25:33 143        55
40   Purrazzella, Peter      0:25:45 147        330
41   Cazenave, Bruce         0:26:11 162        551
42   Summers, Michael        0:26:18 164        39
43   Bugner, Doug            0:27:07 183        377
44   Jones, Doug             0:27:14 186        87
45   Bauernschmidt, Glenn    0:27:55 199        166
46   Chesney, David          0:28:07 206        359
47   Scott, Greg             0:28:09 207        847
48   Becker, Jim             0:28:19 210        413
49   Reed, Doug              0:28:30 218        607
50   Salinas, Richard        0:28:44 223        395
51   Bradley, Pat            0:29:13 244        420
52   Van Hook, Kevin         0:29:21 248        755
53   Brown, Jeff             0:29:49 261        372
54   Flanagan, Chris         0:29:52 263        560
55   Blackburn, Jay          0:29:53 264        417
56   Clevenger, Mark         0:29:54 265        548
57   Thompson, Keith         0:29:59 269        224
58   Bennett, Thomas         0:30:33 277        50
59   Many, Anthony           0:30:38 280        201
60   Mason, Gavin            0:30:42 281        94
61   Meredith, Douglas       0:31:07 288        270
62   Flipse, Arthur          0:31:10 290        350
63   Higdon, Paul            0:31:28 294        757
64   Clages, Ronald          0:32:13 310        737
65   Roseland, Mark          0:32:29 313        205
66   Shelden, Barry          0:32:43 317        619
67   Schmidt, William        0:32:49 320        663
68   Walker, Frank           0:32:52 323        901
69   Wood, Glen              0:33:24 331        523
70   Advocate, Dave          0:33:29 332        46
71   Wyborney, Todd          0:33:53 335        889
72   Mann, Robert            0:33:56 338        489
73   Werlang, Jorge          0:34:29 343        624
74   Thompson, Bill          0:34:44 344        707
75   Bautsch, Jerry          0:35:06 346        744
76   Cutbirth, Jason         0:35:36 351        433
77   Vitarius, Jon           0:35:56 355        221
78   Moore, Mack             0:36:23 360        765
79   Pollard, Bruce          0:36:45 363        322
80   Frazier, Reuben         0:40:51 388        458
81   Etter, Charles          no time 406        245
82   Bray, Chuck             no time 430        58
83   Yancey, Ken             no time 445        309
84   Nerad, Jim              no time 451        604
85   Bishop, Steve           no time 479        236
86   Kaskie, John            no time 483        144
87   Ethington, Bob          no time 494        179
88   Heisler, Robert         no time 517        784
89   Podkulski, Dan          no time 520        279
90   Kutscher, Gary          no time 523        583
91   McKee, Kevin            no time 532        265
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Knievel, James          0:21:15 33         880
2    Evans, Trey             0:22:18 52         178
3    Boughton, Phil          0:22:42 62         533
4    Maney, Derold           0:23:04 72         685
5    Solberg, Robert         0:23:07 73         296
6    Cahn, Michael           0:23:58 95         365
7    Cardella, Tony          0:24:03 98         454
8    Lane, Larry             0:24:58 127        149
9    Balch, Sammy            0:25:16 134        125
10   LeBlanc, Al             0:25:48 149        260
11   Richards, Alton         0:26:12 163        506
12   Olsen, Bill             0:26:34 170        689
13   Sawma, Terry            0:26:54 179        671
14   Grant, Ray              0:27:17 189        568
15   Tanner, Bob             0:28:52 228        301
16   Chapman, Steve          0:28:53 229        128
17   Sanchez, Ed             0:28:54 230        393
18   Rollins, Ray            0:29:27 249        692
19   Wynn, Johnny            0:29:41 253        402
20   Ware, Weldon            0:30:28 274        403
21   Wilkins, Steven         0:31:26 292        519
22   Wadzeck, Larry          0:31:29 295        839
23   Feller, Steve           0:31:36 299        797
24   Bolls, Rich             0:31:43 300        537
25   Wagner, John            0:32:58 326        306
26   Blackwell, Joseph       0:33:55 337        353
27   Jay, Frank              0:34:04 340        255
28   Exum, Robert            0:34:28 341        640
29   Szymanski, Alan         0:35:12 348        213
30   Dimke, Dave             0:35:59 356        452
31   Adkins, Henry           0:37:27 370        47
32   Dillewyn, John          no time 411        73
33   Grab, Bob               no time 418        131
34   Baron, James            no time 495        234
35   Moyers, Tom             no time 496        732
36   Domangue, Al            no time 516        764
60 and Over
PL   Name                       Time O'all      Bib#
1    Anderson, Edward        0:23:53 92         9
2    Williams, Delmor        0:24:56 126        736
3    Sigerson, Bob           0:26:22 167        705
4    Ozbolt, Jack            0:28:55 231        728
5    Bounds, William         0:29:09 242        368
6    Collins, Nathaniel      0:33:01 329        816
7    Foster, Rob             0:38:21 379        559
8    Brooks, Norman          no time 456        61
9    Bell, J.B.              no time 468        369

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