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Distaster Dash 5K
February 9, 2002
Bryan, Texas
3.1 miles

Overall Male                                     Overall Female
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
      Clifton Ruehl      24   16.23  199            Kayla Kohls          19     23.20  90
Male Age Groups                                  Female Age Groups
7-9                                              7-9
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Chase Miller       9    23.45  204     1      Ashton Mathews       8      27.22  188
2     Gavin Mattox       8    24.44  100     2      Sarah Solcher        8      29.51  145
3     Zack Buschmann     7    32.39  25      3      Stacey O"Shea        8      32.36  229
10-13                                            10-13
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Josh Mathews       11   23.48  187     1      Kathryn Boening      10     29.45  11
2     William Jinkins    12   27.40  78      2      Sarah Boening        12     33.30  12
3     Marshal Field      12   28.11  185     3
14-19                                            14-19
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Timothy Hoff       16   18.36  225     1      Kristine Foltermann  14     23.51  234
2     Diego Garcia       16   18.53  49      2      Cara Kirby           14     24.16  83
3                                            3      Joni Thetford        19     29.33  198
20-24                                            20-24
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Jeremy Woodley     22   19.00  213     1      Emily Montgomery     20     26.42  106
2     Matt Murski        22   28.45  219     2      Paula Fernandez      21     30.54  196
3     Stephen Kasberg    21   29.11  202     3      Brianne McKinney     21     34.03  192
25-29                                            25-29
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Jason Schrage      28   21.06  172     1      Krystina Tran        25     25.16  227
2     Aaron Awtry        28   21.37  170     2      Nicole Luza          26     29.09  97
3     Mark Poage         27   23.05  123     3      Rebecca Ince         25     29.15  205
30-34                                            30-34
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Chad Bohne         33   21.23  14      1      Kim Acker            34     23.22  165
2     Joey Dunn          32   21.27  41      2      Jennifer Fogarty     30     23.48  45
3     Jeff Burton        31   23.15  24      3      Jennifer Yeomans     35     24.15  161
35-39                                            35-39
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Alan Degelman      37   21.42  39      1      Joyce Stout          39     24.37  217
2     Peter Glenn        36   22.40  52      2      Jennifer Mosqueda    39     29.51  176
3     Darwin Brady       42   20.34  164     3
40-44                                            40-44
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Martin Juarez      44   19.17  206     1      Nancy Kasberg        44     27.18  201
2     Edward Cook        44   20.11  228     2      Theresa Galvez       43     28.09
3     Darwin Brady       42   20.34  164     3
45-49                                            45-49
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Haywood Robinson   49   21.25  169     1      Kim McFalls          46     34.15  102
2     Vince Ornelass     45   22.03  117     2
3     Ross Payne         49   22.04  214     3
50-54                                            50-54
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     George Richardson  52   24.35  222     1      Cheryl Parks         53     27.07  171
2     Richard Nelson     54   25.50  110     2      Denise Murski        50     28.58  182
3     Hank Bohne         51   26.01  15      3      Deborah Voorhees     52     29.14  221
55-59                                            55-59
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Dennis Alston      58   23.03  5       1      Claudia Essman       58     32.21  193
2     Robert Striker     58   24.40  152     2      Lyn Griffin          59     33.25  226
3     Barry Buschmann    55   33.16  26      3      Goldie Roberts       55     34.29
60-64                                            60-64
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Donald Cook        62   27.23  33      1
2     John Kopecki       60   28.34  91      2
3                                            3
65 and Over                                      65 and Over
Place Name               Age  Time   No.     Place  Name                 Age    Time   No.
1     Bart Braden        68   30.52  20      1
2                                            2
3                                            3

Male Walkers Female Walkers 11 and Under 11 and Under Name Age Time No. Name Age Time No. Conner Smith 9 26.10 143 Tifani Pitts 11 25.27 121 12-23 12-23 Name Age Time No. Name Age Time No. William Maloy 19 29.10 215 Rachel Fox 19 25.14 224 24-25 24-25 Name Age Time No. Name Age Time No. Randall Loya 29 29.00 96 Laura Mayces 26 25.23 101 36-47 36-47 Name Age Time No. Name Age Time No. Brent Sanford 39 36.57 134 Debbie Nicholson 45 26.11 111 48-59 48-59 Name Age Time No. Name Age Time No. Bill Wantuck 48 24.20 159 Marty Bowden 52 25.23 179 Youngest Male Youngest Female Name Age Time No. Name Age Time No. Travis Grygar 9 39.09 58 Alexis Horne 7 27.06 71 Oldest Male Oldest Female Name Age Time No. Name Age Time No. Juan Garcia 51 27.11 51 Jeanice Janes 65 30.37 75

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