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Endurathon 25K
January 27, 2002
San Antonio, Texas
USATF certified course

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Overall Male
            Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
            Guerrero, Gary           1:36:38           6:13     1       1
Masters Male
            Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
            Martinez, Rafael         1:43:58           6:42     7       7
Overall Female
            Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
            Ahlers, Rochelle         1:47:31           6:55     13      1
Masters Female
            Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
            Garcia, Maribel          2:00:49           7:47     38      9
Military Male
            Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
            Pease, Jaimie            1:51:40           7:11     17      16
Military Female
            Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
            Firestore, Lisa          2:05:44           8:06     56      15
Male Age Groups
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Romanos, Adrian          1:38:14           6:19     3       3
2           Barrows, Scotty          1:41:04           6:30     5       5
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Stewart, Andy            2:01:43           7:50     42      33
2           Fox, Andy                2:04:57           8:03     53      40
3           Chococaad, Chris         2:20:49           9:04     101     67
4           Moore, Charles           2:46:46           10:44    152     92
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Reinhart, David          2:01:55           7:51     43      34
2           Devora, David            2:04:37           8:01     51      39
3           Klein, Dale              2:06:11           8:07     59      42
4           Hampton, Stephen         2:16:29           8:47     89      61
5           Hernandez, Gene          2:23:06           9:13     108     70
6           Frontz, Mike             2:27:01           9:28     115     75
7           Rodriguez, Ruben         2:28:46           9:35     123     80
8           Rodriguez, Ramon         2:31:29           9:45     128     83
9           Guillen, Craig           2:45:00           10:37    148     90
10          Ludwig, Daniel           2:46:46           10:44    153     93
11          Mowen, Doug              2:56:01           11:20    156     95
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Fulton, Mick             1:38:05           6:19     2       2
2           Galvan, Ariel            1:39:23           6:24     4       4
3           Zuniga, Jesus            1:43:46           6:41     6       6
4           Gardner, Bill            1:45:22           6:47     8       8
5           Smith, Charles           1:46:23           6:51     11      11
6           Duffy, Brian             1:52:06           7:13     19      18
7           Pumphrey, Mark           1:52:44           7:15     21      20
8           Morales, Robert          2:00:24           7:45     36      28
9           Hight, Robert            2:02:02           7:51     45      35
10          Hernandez, Ramon         2:06:42           8:09     62      44
11          Sanchez, Reynaldo        2:09:23           8:20     70      48
12          Garcia, John             2:09:56           8:22     76      51
13          Leafstedt, Carl          2:10:47           8:25     79      54
14          Runner, Jr., Ken         2:13:11           8:34     82      56
15          Adorno, Noel             2:14:34           8:40     87      60
16          Liesen, James            2:20:43           9:03     100     66
17          Barrios, Mario           2:27:06           9:28     116     76
18          Smith, Greg              2:28:23           9:33     121     79
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Carnes, Lane             1:45:31           6:48     9       9
2           Johnson, Gene            1:47:02           6:53     12      12
3           McConaghy, Bruce         1:48:09           6:58     14      13
4           Cohen, Howard            1:49:18           7:02     15      14
5           McMillan, Bruce          1:49:44           7:04     16      15
6           Childers, Bart           1:51:52           7:12     18      17
7           Watassek, Kevin          1:52:48           7:16     22      21
8           Walter, Shirl            1:52:57           7:16     24      22
9           Lutz, Mike               1:52:58           7:16     25      23
10          Wicketts, Greg           1:55:09           7:25     28      25
11          Smith, Mike              1:58:19           7:37     32      26
12          King, Francisco          2:00:45           7:46     37      29
13          Phillips, Archie         2:05:21           8:04     54      41
14          Schawe, Scott            2:06:37           8:09     61      43
15          Sanchez, Roland          2:09:47           8:21     75      50
16          Randazzo, Santo          2:10:06           8:22     77      52
17          Hand, Darryl             2:13:18           8:35     84      58
18          Beck, Robert             2:19:35           8:59     97      65
19          Armato, Alex             2:25:48           9:23     113     74
20          Brite, Lee               2:29:11           9:36     124     81
21          Frazer, Kenneth          2:31:16           9:44     125     82
22          Zavala, Victor           2:38:52           10:14    139     87
23          White, Keith             2:49:40           10:55    154     94
24          Brite, Charles           2:57:31           11:26    159     96
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Guest, Gary              1:46:09           6:50     10      10
2           Waldau, Michael          1:52:38           7:15     20      19
3           Palmer, John             2:01:30           7:49     41      32
4           Conlon, Paul             2:07:58           8:14     65      46
5           Dominguez, Joe           2:09:42           8:21     73      49
6           Bell, Randall            2:10:19           8:23     78      53
7           Bullock, Garland         2:18:39           8:56     95      63
8           Shea, Bill               2:21:50           9:08     104     68
9           Littleton, Rick          2:21:59           9:08     107     69
10          Shofner, Michael         2:25:41           9:23     112     73
11          Alonzo, Herb             2:28:00           9:32     117     77
12          Harle, Sip               2:33:07           9:51     132     84
13          Cortinas, Juan           2:34:38           9:57     135     85
14          Felix, Rick              2:45:46           10:40    149     91
15          Ring, Robert             3:11:26           12:19    165     97
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Young, Robert            1:53:15           7:17     26      24
2           Medlin, Chris            2:00:50           7:47     39      30
3           Piekakski, James         2:01:15           7:48     40      31
4           Naylor, Rick             2:02:58           7:55     47      37
5           Adair, Allen             2:04:31           8:01     49      38
6           Orsborn, John            2:08:11           8:15     68      47
7           Sozanski, Steve          2:12:53           8:33     80      55
8           Lake, Thomas             2:13:34           8:36     85      59
9           Woods, J.D.              2:17:22           8:51     93      62
10          Dennis, David            2:19:27           8:59     96      64
11          Holbach, James           2:24:32           9:18     110     71
12          Jeffers, John            2:25:39           9:23     111     72
13          Tree, James              2:28:06           9:32     118     78
14          Barrows, Robert          2:41:51           10:25    140     88
15          De Leon, Gilbert         2:44:42           10:36    146     89
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Herzog, Glen             1:59:05           7:40     33      27
2           Teitz, Richard           2:02:53           7:55     46      36
3           Wilder, Ed               2:07:36           8:13     63      45
4           Saldana, George          2:13:11           8:34     83      57
5           Garza, Gregory           3:33:48           13:46    171     101
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Sablow, Sid              3:14:18           12:30    166     98
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Ellison, Leslie          2:38:20           10:12    138     86
2           Hamlyn, Hugh             3:15:56           12:37    168     99
3           Corley, Edmond           3:33:54           13:46    172     102
70 and Over
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Omer, Allard             3:28:29           13:25    170     100
2           Helmer, Don              3:35:49           13:54    173     103
Female Age Groups
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Hernandez, Danielle      2:42:13           10:27    142     54
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Delarosa, Herrejonbridge 2:02:00           7:51     44      10
2           Rybak, Kimberly          2:09:11           8:19     69      22
3           Lerma, Sonya             2:09:47           8:21     74      25
4           Carley, Andrea           2:16:43           8:48     90      29
5           Esquivel, Laura          2:26:17           9:25     114     40
6           Nowotny, Donica          2:28:18           9:33     120     42
7           Reyes, Joesphine         2:31:39           9:46     129     46
8           Stone, Pamela            2:32:56           9:51     131     48
9           Burns, Christine         2:43:01           10:30    144     56
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Rojas, Ana               1:57:06           7:32     30      5
2           Stewart, Jennifer        1:57:17           7:33     31      6
3           Gonzalez, Toni           1:59:23           7:41     34      7
4           Parke, Carolyn           2:06:10           8:07     57      16
5           Sheffield, Susie         2:18:08           8:54     94      32
6           Heller, Dawn             2:20:35           9:03     99      34
7           Astrachan, Juliana       2:20:58           9:04     102     35
8           Kleck, Wendy             2:28:13           9:32     119     41
9           LeBlank, Terri           2:31:17           9:44     126     44
10          Noyola, Suzette          2:31:29           9:45     127     45
11          Himebaugh, Maria         2:36:47           10:06    137     52
12          Ryan, Dawn               2:43:17           10:31    145     57
13          Shofner, Carolyn         2:44:47           10:36    147     58
14          Kreider, Richelle        2:45:59           10:41    151     60
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Morales, Corinne         1:52:50           7:16     23      2
2           Walsh, Shannon           1:54:04           7:21     27      3
3           Toland, Marissa          1:56:46           7:31     29      4
4           Demandante, Bobbie       1:59:32           7:42     35      8
5           Hennis, Melanie          2:03:46           7:58     48      11
6           Ireland, Tammy           2:04:38           8:01     52      13
7           Powell, Donna            2:05:37           8:05     55      14
8           Sheedy, Carolyn          2:06:23           8:08     60      18
9           Travella, Kim Michele    2:07:50           8:14     64      19
10          Klein, Tina              2:07:59           8:14     66      20
11          Sanchez, Jodie           2:09:26           8:20     71      23
12          Adorno, Robin            2:14:19           8:39     86      27
13          Farina, Kathy            2:15:49           8:45     88      28
14          Hernandez, Cynthia       2:42:13           10:27    141     53
15          Brown, Sabine            3:00:39           11:38    160     64
16          Weems, Kristie           3:02:41           11:46    162     66
17          Hegedusich, Mary         3:06:26           12:00    163     67
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Wineland, Cyndie         2:04:32           8:01     50      12
2           Morgan, Selina           2:08:10           8:15     67      21
3           Cockroft, Joellen        2:09:40           8:21     72      24
4           Medlin, Cindy            2:13:01           8:34     81      26
5           Muenster, Mary           2:16:59           8:49     92      31
6           Bambace, Cherry          2:21:49           9:08     103     36
7           Evans, Lori              2:21:51           9:08     105     37
8           Pittman, Cynthia         2:32:10           9:48     130     47
9           Sanchez, Margarita M.    2:50:26           10:58    155     61
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Rydel, Kimberly          2:06:10           8:07     58      17
2           Wells, Jeannette         2:19:50           9:00     98      33
3           Arnold, Peggy Jean       2:21:58           9:08     106     38
4           Saldana, Anita           2:28:43           9:34     122     43
5           Machado, Mickey          2:36:47           10:06    136     51
6           Wolfshohl, Karen         2:42:51           10:29    143     55
7           Bosch, Ana               2:56:43           11:23    158     63
8           Hernandez, Adele         3:19:54           12:52    169     70
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Salinas, Veronica        2:16:57           8:49     91      30
2           Heffner, Sherry          2:33:49           9:54     133     49
3           Rios, Sally              2:56:06           11:20    157     62
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Waldau, Susan            2:23:08           9:13     109     39
2           Richardson, Thelma       2:34:31           9:57     134     50
3           McCord, Mary             3:02:39           11:45    161     65
4           Williams, Lena           3:11:08           12:18    164     68
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Adorno, Vonda Lee        2:45:51           10:41    150     59
2           Wilkerson, Julia         3:14:18           12:30    167     69
70 and Over
Place       Name                     Time              Pace   O'all  Sex Place
1           Reed, Joanita                                       174     71

Military Males Place Name Name Time Pace O'all 1 La Migra Eluders Alvarado, Robert 2:33:18 9:52 20 Open Males Place Name Name Time Pace O'all 1 Snot Rockets Metting, Stehpen 1:32:25 5:57 1 Nicolaides, Paul 2 The Dynamic Duo Araiza, Aaron 1:43:32 6:40 2 Araiza, III, Abel Open Females Place Name Name Time Pace O'all 1 Slow by Choice Hedgepeth, Dawn 1:54:22 7:22 6 Jones, Jeannette 2 Fleet Feet Racets Savo-Benge, Deanna 1:59:04 7:40 7 Stidham, Rita 3 Runaway Brides Larkin, Jennifer 2:07:59 8:14 12 McCloskey, Rebecca 4 Levy and Jupe Jupe, Kim 2:14:47 8:41 14 Levy, Sandy 5 Aiken & Clyde Aiken, Ria 2:28:04 9:32 18 Clyde, Lisa Open Mixed Place Name Name Time Pace O'all 1 Hammer Time McIntosh, Amanda 1:49:21 7:02 3 Shurbet, Jesse 2 Team - 474 Kalisky, Gary 1:50:12 7:06 4 Mccaw, Erin 3 Team - 479 Rojburton, Megan 2:03:16 7:56 9 Taylor, Travis 4 Team Tonk Tonkinson, April 2:06:37 8:09 10 Tonkinson, Brien 5 Father & Daughter Juarez, Carlos 2:07:00 8:11 11 Juarez, Patricia 6 Team - 481 Mcdonald, Misha 2:13:18 8:35 13 Nowotny, Jim 7 J & T Flores, Juan 2:15:32 8:43 15 Wilson, Tenley 8 bachier Bachier, Carlos 2:17:43 8:52 16 Schmitt, Lisa 9 Vargas & Evans Dejohn, Rose 2:40:00 10:18 21 Vargas, Alejandro Masters Males Place Name Name Time Pace O'all 1 Becken & Becken Becken, Al 1:52:01 7:13 5 Becken, Wayne 2 San Antonio Kids Jones, Zan 2:00:38 7:46 8 White, Evan 3 Team - 477 Hernandez, Pete 2:21:03 9:05 17 Jobe, Jeff Masters Females Place Name Name Time Pace O'all 1 Bodies by Sher Marcucci, Susan 2:30:53 9:43 19 Saucedo, Sherry 2 M&M's Berchelmann, Margar2:43:28 10:31 22 Collier, Marsha 3 Dynamite Duo Lizarralde, Debby 2:52:16 11:05 25 Vradenburg, Kay 4 Last of the Pack Graf, Martha 3:21:59 13:00 26 Hamlyn, Jane Masters Mixed Place Name Name Time Pace O'all 1 Happy-Go-Luckeys Alexander, Stewart 2:47:35 10:47 23 Goodman, Paulette 2 Oliva & Oliva Oliva, Cruz G. 2:51:31 11:02 24 Oliva, Joe

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