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Gruene 10,000 (Male Age Groups)

9 and Under
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1     238  Turner Davidson         3     1    33:55.2 10:42      1    34:47.0 10:59    1:08:42.2
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1      80  Christian Carlson       10    1    22:29.8  7:15      1    24:49.0  8:00      47:18.8
     2      95  Brandon Nicholson       14    2    23:28.7  7:27      2    24:50.1  7:53      48:18.8
     3     217  Frederic Hinnenkamp     13    3    30:17.2  9:34      3    33:32.2 10:37    1:03:49.4
     4     251  Andrew Lehman           10    4  1:00:04.7 19:18      4    34:27.4 11:03    1:34:32.1
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1      12  Wes Johnson             17    2    18:08.8  5:51      1    18:52.7  6:05      37:01.5
     2      17  Matt Renner             16    1    18:05.1  5:50      3    20:22.5  6:34      38:27.6
     3      19  Jason Baker             16    3    19:11.9  6:09      2    19:57.0  6:24      39:08.9
     4      23  Kyle Grieser            19    4    19:25.6  6:15      4    20:35.6  6:38      40:01.2
     5      71  Justin Ladner           15    5    21:52.4  7:00      5    24:16.4  7:46      46:08.8
     6     184  Kevin Samuelson         19    6    27:41.6  8:55      6    29:49.4  9:36      57:31.0
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1       3  Adrian Martinez         23    1    16:46.8  5:25      1    18:06.1  5:50      34:52.9
     2       8  Kris Colquette          23    2    17:31.8  5:38      2    18:49.9  6:04      36:21.7
     3      34  Manuel Herrera          24    3    20:36.5  6:36      3    20:55.8  6:42      41:32.3
     4      74  Emerick Huber           22    4    24:00.4  7:37      4    22:37.3  7:10      46:37.7
     5     138  Jon-David Mohundro      20    5    24:08.1  7:45      5    28:32.0  9:10      52:40.1
     6     242  Brian Davis             23    6    34:07.2 10:49      6    36:07.2 11:28    1:10:14.4
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1      15  Carlos Perez            27    1    17:51.5  5:45      1    20:08.2  6:29      37:59.7
     2      37  Steve Schermerhorn      27    2    19:58.7  6:26      3    21:44.1  7:00      41:42.8
     3      39  Brenton Johnson         29    3    20:33.7  6:37      2    21:25.8  6:54      41:59.5
     4      49  Yuichi Goto             26    4    20:46.3  6:38      5    22:22.6  7:09      43:08.9
     5      58  Britt Skrivanek         26    5    21:31.2  6:55      6    22:58.2  7:24      44:29.4
     6      69  Carlos Hernandez        25    7    23:42.7  7:27      4    22:20.4  7:01      46:03.1
     7      73  Brett Clark             28    6    22:25.5  7:10      8    24:06.9  7:42      46:32.4
     8     100  Koby Crooks             27    8    24:41.1  7:49      9    24:14.3  7:41      48:55.4
     9     102  Kurt Harris             28   12    25:40.4  8:03      7    23:26.5  7:20      49:06.9
    10     118  Grady Carlson           29   13    25:43.9  8:04     10    24:56.2  7:49      50:40.1
    11     127  Robert Luna             28    9    24:54.8  7:50     11    26:31.1  8:22      51:25.9
    12     134  Bret Starr              28   10    25:11.0  7:59     14    26:57.5  8:33      52:08.5
    13     136  Brian Efird             27   11    25:37.9  8:08     12    26:55.9  8:34      52:33.8
    14     140  Chris Doyal             28   14    25:48.3  8:10     13    26:56.5  8:32      52:44.8
    15     202  Keith Whatley           27   15    30:38.8  9:50     15    29:56.5  9:36    1:00:35.3
    16     210  Chip Thompson           28   16    30:48.8  9:46     16    31:14.0  9:55    1:02:02.8
    17     213  Charles Sallee          25   17    31:14.6  9:57     17    31:30.3 10:02    1:02:44.9
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1       2  Joel Pineda             33    1    16:29.1  5:19      1    17:27.6  5:38      33:56.7
     2       9  Ted Zderic              30    2    17:29.8  5:38      2    19:07.7  6:10      36:37.5
     3      13  Eric Herzog             32    3    17:51.4  5:45      3    19:33.2  6:17      37:24.6
     4      25  Justin Letourneau       31    4    19:19.7  6:12      5    21:00.2  6:45      40:19.9
     5      44  Roger Kramer            31    6    21:23.3  6:51      4    20:53.9  6:41      42:17.2
     6      56  David Pastalaniec       32    7    21:31.0  6:56      7    22:48.5  7:21      44:19.5
     7      57  Richard Green           34    8    21:53.0  7:03      6    22:34.9  7:16      44:27.9
     8      63  Jason Goertz            33   10    22:31.7  7:14      8    22:53.1  7:21      45:24.8
     9      67  David Egenolf           34    9    21:54.4  7:02     10    23:57.7  7:41      45:52.1
    10      70  Jorge Gomez             33   11    22:57.3  7:18      9    23:08.8  7:22      46:06.1
    11      91  Roland Rojas            33    5    20:22.3  6:34     19    27:36.3  8:54      47:58.6
    12     103  Matt McDaniel           32   17    25:10.7  7:57     11    24:07.6  7:37      49:18.3
    13     107  Steve Wilson            33   13    24:10.1  7:43     15    25:36.1  8:11      49:46.2
    14     108  Jim Starcher            34   15    24:46.9  7:55     14    25:04.9  8:01      49:51.8
    15     119  Trent Staats            31   18    26:29.7  8:29     12    24:13.2  7:45      50:42.9
    16     122  Mark Fletcher           33   14    24:19.7  7:49     17    26:47.3  8:37      51:07.0
    17     123  Chris Montgomery        31   19    26:31.4  8:30     13    24:36.5  7:53      51:07.9
    18     126  William Reutebuch       34   16    24:49.5  7:55     16    26:35.1  8:29      51:24.6
    19     146  Mike Frontz             33   21    26:41.0  8:21     18    27:03.1  8:28      53:44.1
    20     162  Bryan Carr              32   22    27:02.7  8:38     21    27:54.6  8:55      54:57.3
    21     168  Craig Normand           34   25    27:24.4  8:43     22    28:10.8  8:58      55:35.2
    22     171  Mike Chafin             33   30    28:11.6  8:54     20    27:36.4  8:43      55:48.0
    23     173  Eric Aguirre            33   24    27:22.6  8:44     24    28:43.9  9:10      56:06.5
    24     175  Jason Moore             31   28    27:54.3  8:51     23    28:24.0  9:00      56:18.3
    25     176  Rick Gomez              34   20    26:34.9  8:30     28    29:47.6  9:33      56:22.5
    26     178  Scott Jecker            32   27    27:44.0  8:52     27    29:14.1  9:21      56:58.1
    27     180  Greg Head               32   29    27:58.2  8:57     26    29:06.7  9:19      57:04.9
    28     185  Mark Carpenter          32   26    27:28.2  8:35     31    30:14.0  9:29      57:42.2
    29     188  Michael Segner          34   23    27:04.7  8:33     33    30:59.3  9:48      58:04.0
    30     191  Bruce Clark             31   31    28:33.2  9:08     29    29:56.1  9:35      58:29.3
    31     204  Mike Gershon            33   36    31:55.6 10:05     25    29:03.1  9:09    1:00:58.7
    32     206  Savio Rebello           32   34    30:46.9  9:48     32    30:36.8  9:45    1:01:23.7
    33     209  Tom Patton              30   32    29:01.1  9:14     35    32:43.4 10:25    1:01:44.5
    34     212  Neal Kieshnik           30   33    30:28.8  9:41     34    32:13.6 10:15    1:02:42.4
    35     221  J.d. Folbre             30   38    33:47.7 10:39     30    30:09.7  9:28    1:03:57.4
    36     227  Warren Spain            34   35    31:51.5 10:05     36    33:35.7 10:38    1:05:27.2
    37     241  Sean Keane-Dawes        32   37    33:39.5 10:39     37    36:31.4 11:35    1:10:10.9
    38     248  Scott Gogolewski        31   39    38:28.0 12:13     38    37:56.9 12:03    1:16:24.9
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1       4  Ariel Galvan            36    2    17:30.0  5:38      1    17:31.3  5:39      35:01.3
     2       7  John Paladino           36    1    17:29.9  5:38      2    18:18.0  5:54      35:47.9
     3      10  Mick Fulton             37    3    18:24.7  5:55      3    18:24.8  5:55      36:49.5
     4      16  Jesus Zuniga            38    5    18:56.2  6:06      4    19:30.1  6:17      38:26.3
     5      18  Thomas McNairy          36    4    18:54.2  6:05      5    19:45.5  6:22      38:39.7
     6      20  Mark Pumphrey           38    6    19:33.2  6:17      6    20:00.2  6:25      39:33.4
     7      30  Charles Smith           37    8    20:34.4  6:28      7    20:27.1  6:26      41:01.5
     8      38  Steve Bogisch           37    7    20:28.4  6:35      8    21:18.8  6:51      41:47.2
     9      54  James Dixon             38    9    21:47.1  7:00      9    21:58.5  7:04      43:45.6
    10      61  Bill Kornitzer          39   10    22:12.8  7:06     10    22:54.2  7:20      45:07.0
    11      64  Michael Taylor          38   11    22:34.2  7:13     11    23:05.9  7:23      45:40.1
    12      72  Mike Smierciak          36   13    22:41.1  7:18     14    23:47.4  7:40      46:28.5
    13      75  Tim Helmstetter         37   12    22:36.6  7:15     15    24:03.9  7:43      46:40.5
    14      76  Joe Lapeyre             35   16    23:28.7  7:28     12    23:14.9  7:24      46:43.6
    15      81  Evan Guy                38   17    24:02.0  7:39     13    23:18.4  7:25      47:20.4
    16      84  Todd Schwartz           37   14    23:03.4  7:24     16    24:33.5  7:53      47:36.9
    17      87  Nick Milnor             39   15    23:03.8  7:21     18    24:46.0  7:54      47:49.8
    18     101  Chris Miller            39   19    24:15.5  7:44     17    24:41.1  7:52      48:56.6
    19     105  Joe Kroesche            36   20    24:27.9  7:45     19    24:54.1  7:54      49:22.0
    20     106  Steve Jacobs.           35   18    24:12.3  7:45     20    25:16.1  8:06      49:28.4
    21     133  Roger White             37   21    24:31.5  7:43     25    27:24.3  8:39      51:55.8
    22     135  Paul Gerner             38   24    25:39.3  8:13     22    26:49.4  8:35      52:28.7
    23     139  Charlie Natividad       39   22    25:16.7  8:03     26    27:27.1  8:45      52:43.8
    24     143  Tom Tabler              37   23    25:38.8  8:12     24    27:24.2  8:46      53:03.0
    25     144  Robert Blount           37   27    26:35.4  8:29     21    26:35.1  8:29      53:10.5
    26     147  Mark Abbott             36   25    26:04.2  8:20     29    27:57.3  8:56      54:01.5
    27     157  Tom Driscoll            38   30    27:22.7  8:40     23    27:18.6  8:39      54:41.3
    28     159  Randy Todd              38   28    26:58.6  8:32     27    27:49.9  8:49      54:48.5
    29     160  Joe Kenworthy           37   26    26:29.5  8:21     32    28:22.6  8:57      54:52.1
    30     166  Tim Ruggles             36   29    27:20.7  8:41     30    28:04.8  8:55      55:25.5
    31     169  David Luce              39   35    27:49.9  8:53     28    27:51.5  8:54      55:41.4
    32     172  Mitch Phillips          37   33    27:49.6  8:51     31    28:16.1  8:59      56:05.7
    33     174  John Teyhen             38   32    27:48.2  8:49     33    28:25.8  9:01      56:14.0
    34     179  James Grunder           39   31    27:38.3  8:54     34    29:21.5  9:27      56:59.8
    35     193  Subra Narayanaiyer      37   34    27:49.8  8:55     36    30:58.5  9:55      58:48.3
    36     200  Ron Sager               39   37    30:30.9  9:45     35    29:55.0  9:34    1:00:25.9
    37     220  Bob Gray                35   38    31:12.0  9:51     39    32:45.2 10:21    1:03:57.2
    38     224  Garland Abernathy       38   36    29:59.7  9:39     40    35:01.0 11:16    1:05:00.7
    39     225  Ira Astrachan           38   40    33:43.3 10:44     37    31:25.1  9:59    1:05:08.4
    40     230  Christopher Woodward    35   41    34:00.9 10:50     38    32:30.6 10:21    1:06:31.5
    41     243  Robert Wootten          37   42    35:11.8 11:12     41    35:34.2 11:19    1:10:46.0
    42     246  Mark Davis              36   39    32:56.0 10:25     42    39:51.0 12:38    1:12:47.0
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1      21  Mike Lutz               43    3    19:41.0  6:20      1    20:00.8  6:26      39:41.8
     2      22  Ron Perry               40    1    19:11.8  6:11      2    20:31.3  6:37      39:43.1
     3      27  Roger Soler             41    2    19:33.5  6:18      3    21:01.6  6:46      40:35.1
     4      31  Bruce McMillan          40    5    20:05.2  6:28      5    21:06.6  6:48      41:11.8
     5      32  David Hoffman           44    6    20:14.3  6:31      4    21:03.7  6:46      41:18.0
     6      36  Paul Movroydis          42    4    20:02.7  6:27      7    21:38.6  6:58      41:41.3
     7      42  Mike Smith              41    7    20:48.3  6:41      6    21:16.9  6:50      42:05.2
     8      55  David Smith             44    8    21:46.8  6:44      8    22:31.6  6:58      44:18.4
     9      65  Paul Soliz              44    9    22:27.9  7:11      9    23:14.2  7:26      45:42.1
    10      78  Arnold Espe             41   10    22:37.9  7:14     13    24:24.0  7:49      47:01.9
    11      86  Victor Zavala           44   13    24:06.3  7:42     11    23:41.4  7:34      47:47.7
    12      88  Bob Debesse             42   17    24:25.4  7:43     10    23:26.4  7:24      47:51.8
    13      92  Matthew Friestman       42   14    24:10.4  7:40     12    23:55.5  7:35      48:05.9
    14      97  J. Frank Garcia         43   15    24:17.7  7:44     14    24:29.0  7:47      48:46.7
    15     109  Leonard Koehl           43   18    24:31.8  7:51     19    25:22.5  8:07      49:54.3
    16     110  Robert J. Nollen        40   11    23:30.6  7:33     23    26:29.1  8:30      49:59.7
    17     112  Terry Thomas            44   21    25:34.2  8:05     15    24:34.2  7:46      50:08.4
    18     113  James Weatherwax        41   19    24:37.8  7:52     20    25:42.3  8:13      50:20.1
    19     117  Brent Iverson           41   12    24:04.2  7:45     22    26:27.3  8:31      50:31.5
    20     121  Michael Archuleta       42   22    26:08.1  8:22     16    24:52.5  7:58      51:00.6
    21     124  Peter Boardman          42   20    24:59.3  8:00     21    26:14.1  8:24      51:13.4
    22     125  David SchuMacHer        43   26    26:21.8  8:18     17    24:55.4  7:50      51:17.2
    23     130  Juan Echartea           42   23    26:18.1  8:28     18    25:21.4  8:10      51:39.5
    24     141  Tim Hartsoe             40   16    24:20.4  7:50     32    28:25.5  9:09      52:45.9
    25     150  David Brahm             42   24    26:19.6  8:28     27    27:54.6  8:59      54:14.2
    26     151  Lee Brite               44   25    26:19.9  8:17     28    27:55.1  8:48      54:15.0
    27     152  Joe Isbell              40   30    27:46.2  8:50     24    26:32.3  8:26      54:18.5
    28     158  Ed Rowly                44   27    26:34.8  8:30     30    28:07.8  9:00      54:42.6
    29     164  Jason Holmes            40   29    27:43.8  8:46     25    27:19.5  8:38      55:03.3
    30     165  Bob Goudge              44   28    27:10.8  8:35     29    28:03.5  8:52      55:14.3
    31     170  Dick Dodds              42   31    27:50.4  8:51     26    27:52.2  8:51      55:42.6
    32     182  Arturo Martin-De-nicol  43   33    29:06.4  9:18     31    28:13.0  9:01      57:19.4
    33     194  Randy Johnson           41   32    27:52.0  8:55     35    31:16.7 10:01      59:08.7
    34     196  Jeffrey Munoz           42   36    31:12.2  9:58     34    28:47.8  9:11    1:00:00.0
    35     201  Dan Britt               43   39    31:45.7 10:04     33    28:47.7  9:07    1:00:33.4
    36     222  Charles Brite           44   35    30:38.9  9:40     36    33:39.7 10:39    1:04:18.6
    37     231  Gregg Hinnenkamp        42   37    31:27.6  9:57     37    35:27.5 11:14    1:06:55.1
    38     232  Tim Doss                41   34    30:29.0  9:47     39    36:33.3 11:45    1:07:02.3
    39     234  George Stevens          41   38    31:30.3 10:02     38    36:21.4 11:35    1:07:51.7
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1       6  Thomas Gaudette         47    2    17:53.0  5:44      1    17:50.5  5:43      35:43.5
     2      11  John Gonzalez           49    1    17:43.1  5:43      2    19:14.8  6:12      36:57.9
     3      24  John Ferguson           46    3    19:37.6  6:19      3    20:28.6  6:36      40:06.2
     4      28  Ouellette Daniel        45    4    19:38.6  6:18      4    20:59.2  6:45      40:37.8
     5      29  Richard Pennington      49    5    19:52.7  6:24      5    21:05.6  6:47      40:58.3
     6      45  Jesse Conrad            46    6    20:12.7  6:29     11    22:08.1  7:06      42:20.8
     7      46  Juan Oliva              45    7    20:26.0  6:35     10    22:05.9  7:07      42:31.9
     8      47  Wendell Brooks          46    9    21:13.6  6:50      6    21:25.3  6:54      42:38.9
     9      48  Joe Vilarreal           45    8    20:47.9  6:40      9    22:02.4  7:05      42:50.3
    10      51  John Palmer             47   10    21:19.5  6:50     12    22:10.0  7:07      43:29.5
    11      52  Brom Hoban              47   11    21:44.8  7:00      7    21:50.0  7:02      43:34.8
    12      53  Jerry Doyle             46   12    21:47.1  7:00      8    21:51.5  7:01      43:38.6
    13      59  Richard Botello         48   13    21:55.9  7:01     13    22:53.9  7:19      44:49.8
    14      66  Victor Delgado          47   14    22:02.9  7:01     16    23:47.4  7:35      45:50.3
    15      68  Romeo Canales           47   15    22:34.2  7:15     14    23:20.5  7:30      45:54.7
    16      85  Dave Jackson            46   16    23:08.7  7:27     18    24:32.2  7:55      47:40.9
    17      89  Ed Meyertholen          47   17    23:28.6  7:30     17    24:23.8  7:48      47:52.4
    18      96  Garland Bullock         49   19    24:41.5  7:52     15    23:45.0  7:34      48:26.5
    19     111  Bob Rambusek            46   18    24:39.5  7:53     19    25:26.5  8:08      50:06.0
    20     120  Pat Burch               47   20    24:55.4  7:59     21    25:58.8  8:20      50:54.2
    21     128  Edward Oswald           49   22    25:50.4  8:05     20    25:39.8  8:02      51:30.2
    22     132  Frank Kavanaugh         48   21    25:38.3  8:11     22    26:09.6  8:21      51:47.9
    23     137  Jim Goudge              48   24    26:27.8  8:21     23    26:11.1  8:16      52:38.9
    24     153  Steve Makarsky          47   28    27:45.9  8:52     24    26:36.4  8:30      54:22.3
    25     154  Dan Catalani            46   26    27:17.0  8:33     25    27:09.8  8:30      54:26.8
    26     155  Glenn Otake             46   23    26:07.8  8:23     27    28:20.7  9:06      54:28.5
    27     161  Leslie Smith            47   25    26:43.2  8:31     26    28:11.3  8:59      54:54.5
    28     186  Dennis Burzynski        45   27    27:42.3  8:55     32    30:05.7  9:41      57:48.0
    29     189  John Stack              46   29    29:02.4  9:10     28    29:02.2  9:10      58:04.6
    30     192  Don Wright              46   31    29:28.2  9:23     29    29:12.9  9:18      58:41.1
    31     195  Juan Cortinas           48   32    29:33.9  9:20     30    29:39.2  9:22      59:13.1
    32     198  Rick Torres             46   35    30:29.3  9:45     31    29:53.7  9:34    1:00:23.0
    33     205  Brian Padden            48   30    29:10.4  9:18     36    32:12.1 10:17    1:01:22.5
    34     207  Jose Perez-Arbelo       46   33    30:18.9  9:35     33    31:07.4  9:51    1:01:26.3
    35     214  Scott Bage              48   34    30:26.8  9:42     37    32:30.2 10:22    1:02:57.0
    36     215  Steve Dowd              45   36    31:08.2  9:51     35    32:00.0 10:08    1:03:08.2
    37     223  Roger Kraft             49   39    33:07.8 10:28     34    31:24.8  9:55    1:04:32.6
    38     233  Scott Cary              48   38    32:15.3 10:15     40    35:04.9 11:10    1:07:20.2
    39     235  Jeff Jobe               46   40    34:03.1 10:49     38    33:50.3 10:45    1:07:53.4
    40     237  Eugene Rios             49   41    34:03.4 10:48     39    34:36.9 10:59    1:08:40.3
    41     240  Ewing Will              45   37    31:39.8 10:03     41    37:51.6 12:03    1:09:31.4
    42     250  David Mohundro          47   42    45:08.3 14:23     42    44:49.1 14:17    1:29:57.4
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1      14  Andres Zavala           50    1    18:12.1  5:52      1    19:15.7  6:13      37:27.8
     2      26  David Forbes            51    3    20:08.9  6:28      2    20:16.1  6:31      40:25.0
     3      33  Peter Boulette          53    2    19:54.9  6:25      4    21:31.9  6:56      41:26.8
     4      35  John La Claire          50    5    21:02.7  6:45      3    20:34.7  6:36      41:37.4
     5      41  Paul Sullivan           50    4    20:28.7  6:35      5    21:35.4  6:56      42:04.1
     6      50  Dayton Archer           51    6    21:48.9  6:58      6    21:40.3  6:55      43:29.2
     7      82  Tinker Murray           50   12    24:18.1  7:47      7    23:06.9  7:24      47:25.0
     8      90  Skip Jiru               53    9    24:02.5  7:33      8    23:54.2  7:31      47:56.7
     9      93  Jorge Boria             53    8    23:16.8  7:26     10    24:50.5  7:56      48:07.3
    10      94  Steve Sozanski          52    7    23:09.3  7:26     11    25:01.7  8:02      48:11.0
    11      99  Dave Dandford           50   13    24:49.4  7:50      9    23:57.7  7:33      48:47.1
    12     104  Clifford Shaw           54   10    24:10.2  7:46     12    25:11.6  8:06      49:21.8
    13     114  Danny Pullen            54   11    24:11.7  7:47     13    26:08.9  8:25      50:20.6
    14     129  Rick Littleton          50   14    25:16.4  8:08     16    26:20.9  8:28      51:37.3
    15     131  Douglas Billnitzer      52   15    25:26.9  8:08     15    26:18.4  8:25      51:45.3
    16     142  Ronnie Wotipka          52   18    26:29.2  8:24     14    26:17.5  8:20      52:46.7
    17     148  Gilbert Deleon          54   16    26:05.7  8:23     17    27:56.6  8:58      54:02.3
    18     167  Carlos Juarez           52   17    26:05.9  8:21     20    29:21.4  9:25      55:27.3
    19     181  Phillip Fuentes         50   19    28:09.8  8:51     18    29:01.7  9:08      57:11.5
    20     187  Cliff Sorrell           50   21    28:50.9  9:13     19    29:07.9  9:18      57:58.8
    21     208  Jeffrey Lynn            52   22    29:40.1  9:25     22    31:58.9 10:10    1:01:39.0
    22     219  Alan Waisanen           51   20    28:27.1  9:05     23    35:25.5 11:20    1:03:52.6
    23     228  Robert Leos             53   24    34:03.2 10:49     21    31:38.4 10:02    1:05:41.6
    24     236  David Alexander         50   23    32:03.7 10:08     24    36:03.6 11:25    1:08:07.3
    25     247  Dan Pozza               51   25    35:29.1 11:20     25    40:08.2 12:50    1:15:37.3
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1      40  Dick Wilkowski          58    1    20:24.2  6:34      1    21:37.4  6:58      42:01.6
     2      60  Doug Madsen             55    3    22:02.5  7:05      2    23:03.8  7:25      45:06.3
     3      62  Richard Teitz           59    2    22:00.8  7:05      3    23:22.4  7:31      45:23.2
     4      77  George Saldana          58    5    23:31.1  7:30      4    23:29.1  7:29      47:00.2
     5      79  Joe Warner              55    4    22:55.5  7:23      5    24:21.0  7:51      47:16.5
     6      98  Alvaro Saavedra         57    6    24:03.9  7:44      7    24:42.8  7:56      48:46.7
     7     115  Al Cumming              56    8    25:40.6  8:10      6    24:41.2  7:51      50:21.8
     8     116  Dennis Sweezea          59    7    24:35.9  7:54      8    25:55.0  8:20      50:30.9
     9     145  William Storm           61   10    26:51.4  8:35      9    26:41.7  8:32      53:33.1
    10     149  Fred Frawley            55    9    26:39.4  8:30     11    27:25.2  8:45      54:04.6
    11     156  Jack Wilkinson          58   12    27:34.5  8:47     10    27:05.0  8:37      54:39.5
    12     163  William Washburn        55   11    27:10.7  8:45     12    27:49.6  8:57      55:00.3
    13     183  George Speece           60   13    29:02.6  9:07     13    28:18.9  8:53      57:21.5
    14     199  Gilbert Barrera         63   14    29:08.5  9:22     14    31:14.9 10:02    1:00:23.4
    15     203  David Carr              61   15    29:08.9  9:19     15    31:27.2 10:04    1:00:36.1
    16     211  Fred Neff               63   16    30:26.9  9:42     16    31:45.9 10:07    1:02:12.8
    17     216  Danny Chafin            60   17    30:56.6  9:48     17    32:37.0 10:20    1:03:33.6
    18     226  Willie Hall             62   18    31:21.6 10:02     18    33:54.2 10:51    1:05:15.8
    19     239  Dan Leffingwell         55   19    31:39.9 10:08     20    37:05.0 11:54    1:08:44.9
    20     244  Arthur Glaze            63   20    33:55.0 10:50     21    37:09.6 11:53    1:11:04.6
    21     245  Turnier Walter          55   21    36:04.5 11:25     19    35:53.0 11:21    1:11:57.5
    22     249  Lambert Avocha          55   22    42:21.0 13:31     22    46:01.2 14:42    1:28:22.2
65 and Over
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1     177  David Larson            65    1    26:55.2  8:34      1    29:30.4  9:24      56:25.6
     2     197  Al Hale                 68    2    28:58.8  9:18      2    31:08.1 10:00    1:00:06.9
     3     218  Ray Fingill             67    3    30:46.3  9:54      3    33:05.2 10:39    1:03:51.5
     4     229  Charles Baertl          65    4    31:53.8 10:09      4    34:30.5 11:00    1:06:24.3
Males w/o Ages
                                             ----- 1st 5K -----      ----- 2nd 5K -----         Total
  Place   O'all Name                   Age  Rnk     Time    Pace    Rnk     Time    Pace         Time
     1      43  Gary Kalisky            0     1    21:23.5  6:51      1    20:44.9  6:38      42:08.4
     2      83  Chris Chaput                  2    23:34.6  7:28      2    23:51.7  7:34      47:26.3
     3     190  Paul Williams           0     3    28:11.8  9:00      3    30:02.5  9:35      58:14.3

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