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Intertel 5K for the Children's Shelter
February 9, 2002
San Antonio, Texas
3.1 miles
USATF certified course

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Overall Male
    Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
    Kimbell, Kevin             15:27   4:58      1         1
Overall Female
    Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
    Cochran, Machelle          17:24   5:36      6         1
Masters Male
    Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
    Miller, Mark               17:32   5:39      10        9
Masters Female
    Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
    Salinas, Veronica          23:22   7:31      81        11
Male Age Groups
19 and Under
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Barrows, Scotty            17:11   5:32      4         4
2   Aleman, Ray                17:28   5:37      9         8
3   Aleman, Paul               18:42   6:01      17        16
4   Davila, Aaron              18:45   6:02      18        17
5   Dumas, Sean                18:57   6:06      20        19
6   Leblanc, Evan              19:43   6:21      30        27
7   Bryant, William            20:42   6:40      41        37
8   Johathan, Alaniz           22:24   7:13      68        59
9   Rodriguez, Erasmo          23:00   7:24      76        66
10  Cavazos, Phillip           23:58   7:43      91        77
11  Bordas, Jozsef             25:09   8:06      106       87
12  Lopez, Robbie              28:23   9:08      148       106
13  Dreeben, Samuel            29:17   9:25      160       110
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Snodgrass, Shelby          15:42   5:03      2         2
2   Whitley, Jeremy            19:35   6:18      27        24
3   Guido, Anthony             21:53   7:03      60        51
4   Theiss, Matthew            23:16   7:29      79        69
5   Abbott, Derek              27:58   9:00      144       103
6   Howser, Biggs              36:42   11:49     224       128
7   Wilson, Jason            1:02:18   20:03     283       146
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Velasquez, Efrain          15:44   5:04      3         3
2   Powers, Peter              18:15   5:52      13        12
3   Froman, Matt               19:23   6:14      23        21
4   Basaldra, Ray              19:37   6:19      28        25
5   Fling, Tom                 21:37   6:57      56        48
6   Blataric, Jason            23:52   7:41      88        74
7   Colin, Blair               30:03   9:40      169       112
8   Puvvena, Madhan            52:25   16:52     265       141
9   Robles, Tony             1:05:58   21:14     284       147
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Vreeke, Stephen            17:22   5:35      5         5
2   Grater, Stefan             18:27   5:56      14        13
3   Flores, Gary               19:51   6:23      33        30
4   Brooks, David              19:51   6:23      34        31
5   Klein, Dale                21:15   6:50      47        41
6   Marafioto, Kevin           21:22   6:53      50        44
7   Rodriguez, Ruben           22:05   7:06      65        56
8   Gomez, Jorge               22:13   7:09      66        57
9   Medina, Roy                22:34   7:16      71        61
10  Smith, Michael             23:45   7:39      87        73
11  Carter, Michael            25:25   8:11      108       89
12  DeHoyos, Juan              28:09   9:04      147       105
13  Escobar, Emilio            28:55   9:18      155       108
14  Ponce III, Simon           30:21   9:46      171       114
15  Ponce, Terry               51:39   16:37     264       140
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Arch, Mike                 17:24   5:36      7         6
2   Geackel, Chris             17:25   5:36      8         7
3   Jesus, Zuniga              18:14   5:52      12        11
4   Kalisky, Gary              19:29   6:16      26        23
5   Lopez, Paul                19:46   6:22      32        29
6   Gardner, Bill              20:19   6:32      37        33
7   Caballero, Gil             20:31   6:36      39        35
8   Ferdin, Esteban            21:28   6:55      53        46
9   Guillen, Mark              21:46   7:00      59        50
10  Johnson, Philip            22:23   7:12      67        58
11  Robinson, Keith            22:27   7:14      69        60
12  Mayer, Stefan              22:37   7:17      72        62
13  Chacon, Charles            23:02   7:25      77        67
14  Martinez, Victor           23:14   7:29      78        68
15  Luna, Robert               24:24   7:51      95        80
16  Garcia, Angel              24:52   8:00      99        83
17  Jerralds, Gregoroy         25:03   8:04      103       86
18  Milnor, Nick               26:34   8:33      126       98
19  Montemayor, Chuck          27:07   8:44      135       100
20  Garza, Louis               29:00   9:20      157       109
21  Ray, Jamie                 30:06   9:41      170       113
22  Necsoiu, Marius            30:32   9:50      173       116
23  McManus, Adam              30:58   9:58      179       117
24  Jimenez, Martin            32:28   10:27     192       121
25  Yeich, Brian               33:23   10:45     202       124
26  Correa, Michael            33:32   10:48     204       125
27  Gonzalez, Ruben            46:45   15:03     255       137
28  Walsh, Bob               1:06:36   21:26     285       148
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Richard, Dan               18:40   6:00      15        14
2   Johnson, Gene              18:50   6:04      19        18
3   Watassek, Kevin            18:59   6:07      21        20
4   Fuentes, Roger             19:24   6:15      24        22
5   Mendoza, Richard           19:39   6:19      29        26
6   Smith, Mike                20:25   6:34      38        34
7   Bosquez, Mike              20:53   6:43      43        38
8   Jernigan, David            21:16   6:51      48        42
9   Brooks, Gary               21:23   6:53      51        45
10  Randazzo, Santo            22:47   7:20      74        64
11  Moran, Robert              22:51   7:21      75        65
12  Acuna, Daniel              23:18   7:30      80        70
13  Day, William               24:06   7:45      92        78
14  Rodriguez, Pablo           24:33   7:54      97        82
15  Riedel, Kenneth            24:55   8:01      100       84
16  Moczygemba, Brice          25:43   8:17      111       91
17  Walter, Shirl              25:52   8:20      113       92
18  Lutz, Mike                 25:53   8:20      114       93
19  Munoz, Jeffrey             26:18   8:28      122       96
20  Zuniga, Phillip            27:06   8:43      134       99
21  Lopez, Joseph              28:23   9:08      149       107
22  Diaz, John                 29:49   9:36      168       111
23  Brink, Steve               31:00   9:59      180       118
24  Leblanc, Hobson            32:49   10:34     198       123
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Nicolaides, Paul           17:34   5:39      11        10
2   Guest, Gary                18:41   6:01      16        15
3   Lopatzie, John             19:44   6:21      31        28
4   Young, Gregory             21:28   6:55      54        47
5   Berger, Robert             22:45   7:19      73        63
6   Harville, Donald           24:28   7:52      96        81
7   Sayers, Randy              24:57   8:02      102       85
8   Vigil, Oscar               27:43   8:55      140       102
9   Bobrukiewkez, Walter       35:46   11:31     220       127
10  Gary, Nelson               44:11   14:13     247       135
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Young, Bob                 20:18   6:32      36        32
2   Vandermey, Pete            21:58   7:04      62        53
3   Martinez, Carlos           23:28   7:33      83        71
4   Garcia, Daniel             23:54   7:42      89        75
5   Kingshott, Edward          24:20   7:50      94        79
6   Lawrence, Whitney          25:11   8:06      107       88
7   Anderson, Spunky           26:03   8:23      120       95
8   Yanaway, Jim               28:08   9:03      145       104
9   Martinez, Hector           31:29   10:08     186       119
10  Lavery, John               37:31   12:04     225       129
11  Dreeben, Oren              39:42   12:47     232       132
12  Stoltz, Craig              45:33   14:40     252       136
13  Applewhite, Art            51:39   16:37     262       139
14  Porpiglia, Bill            52:32   16:54     268       142
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Oates, Jim                 20:35   6:37      40        36
2   Armstrong, Robert          20:58   6:45      44        39
3   Newman, Thomas             21:18   6:51      49        43
4   Teitz, Richard             21:55   7:03      61        52
5   Koppes, Gerald             22:03   7:06      63        54
6   Lloyd, Chriss              23:35   7:35      85        72
7   Mellman, John              25:34   8:14      110       90
8   Dunn, Bruce                59:00   18:59     276       144
9   Lipton, Billy              59:50   19:15     277       145
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Mitchell, Willy            20:59   6:45      45        40
2   Vradenburg, Steve          21:40   6:58      57        49
3   Harten, Robert             22:04   7:06      64        55
4   Hernandez, Fernando        23:55   7:42      90        76
5   Speece, George             26:22   8:29      125       97
6   Baird, Scott               27:37   8:53      138       101
7   Riordan, Patrick           31:47   10:14     188       120
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Langill, Ray               30:30   9:49      172       115
2   Corley, Edmond             32:35   10:29     194       122
3   Hamlyn, Hugh               35:14   11:20     214       126
4   Peschel, Franklin          38:30   12:23     226       130
5   Dovali, William            38:35   12:25     227       131
70 and Over
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Rios, Robert               26:02   8:23      119       94
2   Elder, R D                 40:08   12:55     233       133
3   Allen, Dale                40:47   13:08     234       134
4   Calvarese, John            51:27   16:34     260       138
5   Cusick, Pat                58:59   18:59     275       143
Female Age Groups
19 and Under
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Saldivar, Stevie           21:04   6:47      46        6
2   Hayes, Monica              24:56   8:01      101       17
3   Berger, Kelly              25:59   8:22      117       24
4   Cerpa, Lauren              29:00   9:20      156       48
5   Mars, Kari                 30:49   9:55      176       60
6   Brink, Shannon             35:34   11:27     215       89
7   Brink, Stephanie           35:35   11:27     216       90
8   Gravens, Allison           42:56   13:49     240       106
9   Diaz, Ernestine            43:29   14:00     242       108
10  Chapman, Sarah             46:04   14:50     253       117
11  Chapman, Liz               46:05   14:50     254       118
12  Moczygemba, Sarah          46:55   15:06     256       119
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Garcia, Mandie             27:33   8:52      137       37
2   Hew, Jackie                28:08   9:03      146       42
3   Whitley, Angel             32:02   10:19     189       69
4   De La Concha, Virginia     32:03   10:19     190       70
5   Graves, Amanda             32:39   10:31     197       75
6   Abbott, Katie              34:19   11:03     211       86
7   Betancur, Felicia          35:42   11:29     219       93
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Ahlers, Rochelle           19:26   6:15      25        3
2   Bravo, Karla               21:44   7:00      58        9
3   Watson, AnaPaula           27:53   8:58      141       39
4   Watson, Kelly              27:53   8:58      142       40
5   Lester, Michelle           30:39   9:52      174       58
6   Suarez, Bernadette         30:56   9:57      177       61
7   Holzer, Amy                31:27   10:07     184       66
8   Schley, Elyse              33:37   10:49     205       80
9   Daniels, Monica            50:16   16:11     259       122
10  Peterson, Stephanie        51:27   16:34     261       123
11  Manepally, Chandrika       52:27   16:53     266       125
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Mitchell, Stacey           22:32   7:15      70        10
2   Jupe, Kim                  23:25   7:32      82        12
3   Garza, Jonell              25:32   8:13      109       20
4   Alonso, Amber              25:45   8:17      112       21
5   Dowe, Pamela               26:06   8:24      121       26
6   Mayo, Oralia               27:05   8:43      133       35
7   Hall, Stephanie            27:23   8:49      136       36
8   Christilles, Dawn          27:38   8:54      139       38
9   Anderson, Berenice         28:33   9:11      151       44
10  Marafioto, Brenda          28:34   9:12      152       45
11  Seaman, Virginia           28:34   9:12      153       46
12  Howard, Michele            29:41   9:33      165       55
13  Montemayor, Diann          30:40   9:52      175       59
14  Burgess, Laurie            31:18   10:04     183       65
15  Grater, Teryn              33:00   10:37     200       77
16  Brink, Amy                 35:35   11:27     217       91
17  Howard, Melissa            39:26   12:42     231       100
18  Arizmendez, Melinda        54:30   17:32     271       129
19  Ramirez, Dawn              57:21   18:27     273       131
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Sander, Sharon             19:05   6:09      22        2
2   Ireland, Tammy             20:02   6:27      35        4
3   Morales, Corinne           20:51   6:43      42        5
4   Klein, Tina                21:25   6:54      52        7
5   Farina, Kathy              21:29   6:55      55        8
6   Moran, Gloria              23:44   7:38      86        14
7   Fox, Bernice               24:09   7:46      93        15
8   Amaya, Jackie              26:20   8:29      124       28
9   Kiolbassa, Melissaa        26:36   8:34      127       29
10  Compean, Monica            26:37   8:34      128       30
11  Jenkins, Fran              26:37   8:34      129       31
12  Walter, Lisa               26:42   8:36      132       34
13  Frey, Lynda                27:54   8:59      143       41
14  Mora-Guerra, Deborah       28:25   9:09      150       43
15  Garcia, Yvonne             29:39   9:33      164       54
16  Arch, Kimberly             29:44   9:34      167       57
17  Perez, Loretta             32:28   10:27     193       72
18  Westmoreland, Marion       32:36   10:30     195       73
19  Lang, Tammy                33:30   10:47     203       79
20  Lopez, Cindy               33:53   10:54     207       82
21  Zuniga, Deborah            33:55   10:55     208       83
22  Beyersdorf, Julia          34:01   10:57     209       84
23  Small, Kami                35:38   11:28     218       92
24  Munoz, Eva                 36:08   11:38     222       95
25  Gornitz, Sheri             36:41   11:48     223       96
26  Holzschuher, Kathi         41:07   13:14     237       103
27  Bateman, Pamela            43:39   14:03     243       109
28  Cushman, Sherry            43:45   14:05     244       110
29  Stoltz, Linda              45:32   14:39     251       116
30  Patton, Cheryl             53:15   17:08     269       127
31  Lopez, Deborah             59:55   19:17     279       134
32  Gruber, Tracy              59:58   19:18     280       135
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Reagan, Ann                23:30   7:34      84        13
2   Bugay, Elizabeth           24:34   7:54      98        16
3   Ahrens, Dina               25:04   8:04      104       18
4   McClaran, Lynette          25:55   8:20      116       23
5   Garza, Carmen              26:01   8:22      118       25
6   Mulligan, Marion           26:38   8:34      130       32
7   Berger, Diana              28:40   9:14      154       47
8   Felty, Kimberley           29:15   9:25      159       50
9   Dibrell, Ingrid            29:29   9:29      163       53
10  Bryant, Beth               29:42   9:34      166       56
11  Meurer, Cynthia            31:03   10:00     181       63
12  Pabalan, Paulinda          31:06   10:01     182       64
13  Campbell, Karen            31:28   10:08     185       67
14  Veksler, Natalie           31:46   10:13     187       68
15  Knutson, Janet             32:37   10:30     196       74
16  Diaz, Angie                33:52   10:54     206       81
17  Semien, Lorie              34:01   10:57     210       85
18  Gonzalez, Karen            34:38   11:09     212       87
19  Trevino, Judy              35:53   11:33     221       94
20  Habeeb, Kim                39:09   12:36     229       98
21  Trent, Lynne               41:07   13:14     238       104
22  Schmidt, Vicky             44:59   14:29     249       114
23  Applewhite, Sonja          48:46   15:42     257       120
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Trankina, Michele          25:06   8:05      105       19
2   Hacberson, Debra           29:08   9:23      158       49
3   Wolfshohl, Karen           29:19   9:26      161       51
4   Leblanc, Dorrece           32:49   10:34     199       76
5   Munoz, Rosemarie           40:52   13:09     236       102
6   San Miguel, Gina           41:08   13:14     239       105
7   Gravens, Lezlie            43:02   13:51     241       107
8   Nelson, Jolene             44:10   14:13     246       112
9   Newsome, Caroyln           51:39   16:37     263       124
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Vandermey, Jenna           26:19   8:28      123       27
2   Heffner, Sherry            26:39   8:35      131       33
3   Vradenburg, Kay            30:58   9:58      178       62
4   Bobrukiewiez, Joan         33:12   10:41     201       78
5   Ormsby, Cathy              39:08   12:36     228       97
6   Black, Sue                 43:47   14:06     245       111
7   Mitchell, Barbara          50:16   16:11     258       121
8   Giese, Kathy               54:31   17:33     272       130
9   Dunn, Toni                 58:57   18:58     274       132
10  Walden, Mary Alice       1:02:17   20:03     282       137
11  Hew, Tessa               1:06:41   21:28     286       138
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Brink, Trudy               25:54   8:20      115       22
2   Anderson, Gloria           29:22   9:27      162       52
3   Howard, Bonnie             39:26   12:42     230       99
4   Barrera, Elvira            53:15   17:08     270       128
5   Lipton, Nancy              59:52   19:16     278       133
6   Linton, Carole           1:01:53   19:55     281       136
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Graf, Martha               34:58   11:15     213       88
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Hamlyn, Jane               40:50   13:09     235       101
2   Elder, Phyllis             45:26   14:37     250       115
70 and Over
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Neville, Kathleen          52:32   16:54     267       126
Females w/o ages
PL  Name                        Time   Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1   Lopez, Angela              32:15   10:23     191       71
2   Lautham, Joanne            44:58   14:28     248       113

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