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Lone Star Paper Chase
May 25, 2002
Amarillo, Texas
26.2 miles / 5K
USATF certified course

Post your comments and compliments on the Lone Star Paper Chase to the RTN Message Board

Overall Male
Edward Bernal            Glendale, Ariz.     2:56:16
Male Age Groups
1. Jason Mays            Amarillo            3:21:51
2. Chaz Connolly         Pittsburgh, Pa.     3:33:08
3. Robert Kwan           Clovis, N.M.        3:56:54
4. Rob McIllhaney        Temple, Okla.       4:01:14
5. Phillip Rhodes        Dumas               4:13:46
6. Shane Jensen          Del Rio             4:15:15
1. Edward Bernal         Glendale, Ariz.     2:56:16
2. Paul Oseland          Oklahoma City       3:19:34
3. John Oseland          Edmond, Okla.       3:26:49
4. Marvin Washington     Lubbock             3:38:46
5. Scott Love            Amarillo            3:49:31
6. Mike Mead             Amarillo            3:50:34
7. Dave Dannels          Coppell             3:51:34
8. Rob Bates             Dumas               4:00:35
9. Chris Scott           Lubbock             4:01:57
10. Teddy J. Clement     Amarillo            4:03:40
11. Todd McShan          Carrollton          4:12:20
12. David Shaw           Lovington, N.M.     4:16:32
13. Bret Jones           Plano               4:19:04
14. Doug Heimer          Marion              4:20:04
15. Ritchie Tarbet       Claude              4:43:34
16. Rob Leathers         Amarillo            4:47:17
1. Kevin McClish         Amarillo            3:15:54
2. John Pugsley          Colorado Springs, Co3:27:59
3. Duane Willingham      Dumas               3:41:22
4. Rene Willplobos       Fort Worth          0:03:44
5. Paul Movroydis        Wellborn            3:44:32
6. James Butler          Chickasha, Okla.    3:45:29
7. Wilson B. Street      Dumas               4:05:33
8. David Johnson         Odessa              4:13:03
9. Tim Isaman            Hydro, Okla.        4:14:09
10. Greg Giddings        Wichita Falls       4:17:57
11. Stuart Nelson        Houston             4:29:11
12. Ray Hughel           Arlington           4:41:50
13. Mark White           Amarillo            4:45:23
14. Eddie Adatia         N. Little Rock, Ark.4:47:55
15. Rajan Alex           Canyon              4:55:41
16. Kelly Davis          Abilene             5:40:56
1. Gary Edd Fish         Amarillo            3:57:30
2. M. John Ross          Fort Worth          4:02:42
3. Jim Newton            Amarillo            4:39:55
1. Dick Esselborn        The Woodlands       3:33:17
2. Richard Harris        Albuquerque, N.M.   4:10:02
3. Louis Wilson          The Woodlands       5:27:09
4. Gerry Simpson         Houston             5:40:09
70 and Over
1. Beacham Toler         Amarillo            4:47:01
Overall Female
Suzy Seely               Spring              3:28:48
Female Age Groups
19 and Under
1. Kendra Raber          Pampa               4:23:23
1. Caroline Jensen       Del Rio             4:15:18
2. Leigh Thompson        Houston             4:44:46
1. Heather Canny         Richardson          3:43:37
2. Estelle Archer        Amarillo            3:47:21
3. Calissa McKinney      Amarillo            4:03:40
1. Suzy Seely            Spring              3:28:48
2. Nora Wilson           The Woodlands       4:14:08
3. Ronna Raber           Pampa               4:23:23
4. Gearldine Farley      Hooker, Okla.       4:41:30
5. Barbara Howard        Amarillo            4:44:22
6. Mary Jo Allen         Dallas              5:28:18
1. Kathy Lewis           Athens              4:20:30
Two Person Relays
1. Team Hornbrook        Amarillo            3:20:32
2. Team Roberts          Amarillo            3:24:14
3. Team Josselet         Dalhart             3:27:04
4. Team Dill             Amarillo            3:28:47
5. Team Deotte           Amarillo            3:29:16
6. Team Hubbard          Pampa               3:32:03
7. Team Behrens          Panhandle           3:36:47
8. Team Parker           Amarillo            3:40:11
9. Team Wilson           Amarillo            3:43:43
10. Team Fairchild       Amarillo            3:49:46
11. Team Pierce          Amarillo            3:55:53
12. Team Naples          Amarillo            3:58:18
13. Team Wallace         Amarillo            4:22:46
1. Team Cearley          Amarillo            3:11:59
2. Team Miller           Amarillo            3:24:59
3. Team Dockery          3:25:54
4. Team Donaldson        Amarillo            3:42:50
1. Team Woodman          Amarillo            3:25:52
2. Team Hukill           Canyon              3:42:30
3. Team Walls            Fort Worth          4:24:38
Four Person Relays
1. Team Shepherd         Canyon              2:35:04
2. Team Welling          Canyon              2:37:37
3. Team Alexander        Canyon              2:53:57
4. Team Marable          Canyon              3:03:24
5. Team Faulkner         Canyon              3:04:11
6. Team Kirton           Amarillo            3:05:25
7. Team Higgins          Amarillo            3:10:55
8. Team Brown            Amarillo            3:25:45
9. Team Smith            Amarillo            3:26:53
10. Team Greene          Amarillo            3:37:48
11. Team Beck            Canyon              3:40:23
12. Team Allen           Amarillo            3:56:15
13. Team Barela          Amarillo            4:15:57
14. Team Waters          Amarillo            4:23:54
1. Team Maestas          Amarillo            4:00:15
1. Team McCaskill        Amarillo            3:00:49
2. Team Ufford           Amarillo            3:07:27
3. Team Brockman         Panhandle           3:18:40
4. (tie) Team McOmber    Amarillo            3:40:17
   Team Schoch           Amarillo            3:40:17
6. Team Archer           Amarillo            3:48:13
7. Team Parker           Panhandle           4:49:07
Overall Male
Hawk Harris              Hobbs, N.M.         17:23:00
Male Age Groups
12 and Under
1. Wesley Shannon        Amarillo            29:22:00
2. Lucas Shannon         Amarillo            29:27:00
3. Zack Murray           Amarillo            31:21:00
4. Kyler Fairchild       Quanah              45:20:00
1. Luke Stephenson       Amarillo            18:47:00
2. Lance Green           Amarillo            20:09:00
3. Tyler Beckner         Amarillo            20:12:00
4. Ryan Hall             Amarillo            20:54:00
5. John Allison          Amarillo            21:37:00
6. Blake Beilue          Amarillo            21:44:00
7. Marc Schoch           Amarillo            22:09:00
8. Erick Gabel           Amarillo            29:11:00
9. Nick Ramirez          Childress           37:43:00
1. Brandon Beard         Amarillo            18:22:00
2. Joseph Sandoval       Amarillo            18:50:00
3. Roland Resendez       Amarillo            19:07:00
4. Alex Nelson           Borger              19:20:00
5. Greg Garza            Amarillo            19:39:00
6. Jake Wood             Amarillo            22:11:00
7. Josh Pena             Amarillo            22:57:00
8. Steffan Bush          Friona              27:50:00
9. Mickey Murray         Amarillo            28:47:00
10. Kris Richardson      Canyon              29:08:00
11. Blake Bagwell        Amarillo            45:57:00
1. Trey McCavit          Lubbock             22:26:00
2. Tom Allison           Amarillo            25:38:00
3. Byron May             Abilene             26:20:00
4. Ian Black             Amarillo            33:55:00
1. Jamie Stonecipher     Amarillo            23:13:00
2. Todd Hinkle           East Berlin, Pa.    24:23:00
3. Marcos J. Serda       Amarillo            25:10:00
4. Nathan Gonzales       Canyon              25:21:00
5. Steve O'Con           Amarillo            26:00:00
6. Scott Houston         Pampa               31:38:00
7. Darren Wade Taylor    Amarillo            34:36:00
8. Michael Rader         Amarillo            35:09:00
1. Lynn Pulliam          Texline             20:13:00
2. Mark A. King          Canyon              23:23:00
3. Dale Henderson        Amarillo            26:28:00
4. Jeff Malcom           Amarillo            28:53:00
5. Hixon Frank           Amarillo            30:30:00
6. Lonnie Bush           Friona              33:46:00
7. Clifton Coleman       Fort Worth          34:11:00
1. Rob Noland            Hereford            19:36:00
2. Bradley Howard        Amarillo            22:26:00
3. Mark Gillbreath       Amarillo            23:45:00
4. Tim Johnson           Rosemond, Calif.    25:46:00
5. Richard Gore          Amarillo            26:06:00
6. Troy Johnson          Amarillo            27:28:00
7. Scott Howard          Bushland            29:28:00
8. Mark Nicklaus         Amarillo            29:32:00
9. James Layman          Hereford            29:58:00
10. James Frank          Wichita Falls       30:31:00
11. Steven Greene        Lubbock             32:17:00
12. Eliseo Romirez       Childress           37:53:00
1. Martin Lopez          Canyon              20:28:00
2. Shaughn O'Grady       Amarillo            21:00:00
3. Jack Turner           Amarillo            24:04:00
4. Scott Mills           Borger              24:40:00
5. J.R. Mendoza          Levelland           25:12:00
6. K.C. Cook             Amarillo            34:13:00
7. Larry Casey           Amarillo            49:04:00
1. Paul Sweetgall        Canyon              19:22:00
2. Randy Lucas           Amarillo            21:08:00
3. Bobby Boswell         Canyon              21:53:00
4. Steve Wood            Amarillo            22:12:00
5. Steve Land            Amarillo            22:38:00
6. Phil Ward             Amarillo            22:48:00
7. Wayne Lyles           Dumas               23:27:00
8. Johnny Cunningham     Groom               23:28:00
9. Lorenzo Padilla       Lubbock             24:53:00
10. Larry Leppard        Amarillo            26:25:00
11. Steve Seabourn       Amarillo            26:32:00
12. Glenn Griffin        Amarillo            26:45:00
13. Barry Allison        Amarillo            26:55:00
14. Phil Davis           Dalhart             26:56:00
15. James Schulte        Amarillo            27:59:00
16. Al Nelson Jr.        Borger              28:05:00
17. Brian Vick           Amarillo            29:03:00
18. Steve Bustos         Lubbock             31:42:00
19. Charles Black        Amarillo            49:56:00
1. David Atkinson        Chapel Hill, N.C.   22:05:00
2. Israel Cantano        Amarillo            23:00:00
3. Jack McCavit          Pampa               25:35:00
4. Tom Riney             Amarillo            25:45:00
5. Bill Murray           Amarillo            28:48:00
6. Daniel McCall         Amarillo            29:20:00
7. Bruce Baca            Amarillo            29:48:00
8. Mike Gonzales         San Antonio         36:45:00
1. Ed Craighead          Dalhart             19:58:00
2. Dr. Mike Kendall      Amarillo            22:50:00
3. Taylor Withrow        Amarillo            24:35:00
4. Barry E. Blackwell    Amarillo            26:19:00
5. Ernest Castaneda      Amarillo            27:52:00
6. Bert Bytheway         Amarillo            31:30:00
1. W.T.J. McLean         Amarillo            27:07:00
2. Don Marsh             Amarillo            28:12:00
1. Dale Thompson         Amarillo            24:25:00
Overall Female
Kara Newton              Amarillo            18:07:00
Female Age Groups
12 and Under
1. Tara Shields          Morse               25:39:00
2. Hanna Layman          Hereford            29:57:00
3. Kristen Smith         Amarillo            36:39:00
1. Brooke Shepherd       Canyon              21:18:00
2. Samantha Costwnuela   Amarillo            21:52:00
3. Tabatha Shields       Morse               23:34:00
4. Courtney Slaughter    Amarillo            24:20:00
5. Amanda Matsler        Amarillo            24:54:00
6. Miriam Lovell         Amarillo            29:44:00
7. Krislenn Fairchild    Quanah              45:09:00
1. Susanna Pierce        Amarillo            21:47:00
2. Jenna Watson          Amarillo            22:05:00
3. Bethany Griffin       Amarillo            22:20:00
4. Ashley Ward           Amarillo            22:45:00
5. Sarah Hood            Amarillo            22:58:00
6. Katie Thamer          Amarillo            23:03:00
7. Audrey Cabexuela      Hereford            24:16:00
8. Kalin Gabel           Amarillo            25:55:00
9. Jessica Jones         Borger              26:05:00
10. Kassi Pettis         Amarillo            34:48:00
11. Stephenie Black      Amarillo            34:49:00
12. Haley Black          Amarillo            48:06:00
13. Natalie Thomas       Amarillo            49:58:00
1. Sarah Lowell          Amarillo            27:00:00
2. Keelie Sherrod        Amarillo            27:28:00
3. Sarah Werner          Amarillo            28:43:00
4. Erika Sota            Amarillo            32:35:00
5. Jamie Brannan         Amarillo            35:09:00
6. Kendra Pope           Amarillo            45:05:00
7. Sarah Couture         Amarillo            48:07:00
1. Cynthia Guillen       Amarillo            22:49:00
2. Mangia Gamboa         Lubbock             25:09:00
3. Traci L. Brush        Amarillo            27:15:00
4. Angie Ross            Amarillo            28:20:00
5. Amy Howard            Pampa               28:21:00
6. April Altom           Canyon              32:08:00
7. Josie Budillo         Amarillo            49:59:00
1. Julie Whittenberg     Austin              20:21:00
2. Nicole Shannon        Amarillo            22:30:00
3. Angie Jeffcoat        Canyon              26:14:00
4. Diedra Burgess        Amarillo            27:20:00
5. Melissa Houston       Pampa               31:41:00
6. Karen Wildman         Chandler, Ariz.     45:03:00
1. Ruth Ward             Canadian            25:22:00
2. Kristen Temple        Amarillo            26:51:00
3. Lani Hall             Amarillo            27:07:00
4. Yvonne Bagrich        Amarillo            29:33:00
5. Kay Bingham           Amarillo            34:01:00
6. Angela Douglas        Amarillo            34:01:00
1. Sydney Atkinson       Chapel Hill, N.C.   25:37:00
2. Calisse Nix           Amarillo            34:32:00
3. Beverly Fuller        Amarillo            45:08:00
4. Yasmin                Amarillo            49:57:00
1. Shirley Clark         Amarillo            29:43:00
2. Janet Dubois          Canyon              32:43:00
3. Candy Ryan            Corpus Christi      37:42:00
4. Sherry Morrison       Amarillo            48:14:00
5. Deborah Smith         Amarillo            49:59:00
1. Annette Cooper        Hereford            36:15:00
2. Betty King            Canyon              43:30:00
3. Ilene Wildman         Amarillo            45:05:00
1. Joy A. Leddy          Fountain Hills, Ariz45:07:00

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