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Maribels 5K
August 4, 2001
Seabrook, Texas
3.1 miles

Overall Male
Place   Name                  Time       Pace    O'all   Place in Sex
1       Fox, Sly              16:08:00   5:12    1       1

Overall Female Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Kaltenbaugh, Ann 19:57:00 6:25 22 1

Masters Male Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Sosa, Jaun 18:31:00 5:58 8 8

Masters Female Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Sonnen, Irene 22:51:00 7:21 56 7

Male Age Groups 13 and Under Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Boettcher, John 22:16:00 7:10 48 44 2 Henry, David 26:41:00 8:35 100 80 3 Henry, Sean 30:13:00 9:44 128 98 4 Lee, Stuart 30:14:00 9:44 130 100

14-19 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Ehlert, Weldon 16:49:00 5:25 2 2 2 Eller, Jefferey 19:53:00 6:24 20 20 3 Solomon, Andrew 21:02:00 6:46 34 30 4 Leblanc, Eric 22:17:00 7:10 50 45 5 Leblanc, Kyle 22:20:00 7:11 51 46 6 Von Wenckstern, Eric 22:32:00 7:15 53 48

20-29 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Mccurdy, Matt 17:25:00 5:36 4 4 2 Barnes, Jason 17:57:00 5:47 7 7 3 Matthews, Travis 18:50:00 6:04 12 12 4 Hogue, Jeffery 20:14:00 6:31 25 23 5 Scheffer, Loren 20:48:00 6:42 31 28 6 Hinkle, Frank 22:23:00 7:12 52 47 7 Branch, Bryan 22:37:00 7:17 55 49 8 Hinojosa, Rich 25:28:00 8:12 87 74 9 Camann, Joel 28:42:00 9:14 113 91 10 Basit, Majid 50:14:00 16:10 173 116

30-39 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Perez, Francisco 17:16:00 5:33 3 3 2 Browning, Chris 17:30:00 5:38 5 5 3 Holmes, John 17:51:00 5:45 6 6 4 Reed, Micheal 18:33:00 5:58 9 9 5 Van Steenbergh, John 18:44:00 6:02 11 11 6 Guenther, Gerhard 19:46:00 6:22 19 19 7 Patterson, Brad 19:54:00 6:24 21 21 8 Machin, Ricardo 20:51:00 6:43 32 29 9 Short, John 21:30:00 6:55 39 35 10 Johnson, Darren 22:58:00 7:24 57 50 11 Klingbeil, Tom 23:49:00 7:40 65 57 12 Dela Garza, Tom 24:16:00 7:49 71 62 13 Mcgrath, Steve 25:27:00 8:11 86 73 14 Navarette, Robert 26:05:00 8:24 91 75 15 Robertson, Mike 26:24:00 8:30 95 78 16 Meares, Theos 26:26:00 8:30 96 79 17 Chovanec, David 26:46:00 8:37 101 81 18 Paddon-jones, Doug 27:04:00 8:43 104 84 19 Hoge, Tom 27:43:00 8:55 107 86 20 Wade, Mike 28:37:00 9:13 112 90 21 Lawrence, Mark 29:09:00 9:23 120 96 22 Santulli, Frank 30:27:00 9:48 132 102 23 May, Geoff 31:07:00 10:01 137 105 24 West, Matt 31:52:00 10:15 139 107 25 Zutec, Mark 37:15:00 11:59 155 113

40-49 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Aguirre, Victor 18:41:00 6:01 10 10 2 Pesek, Martin 18:55:00 6:05 14 14 3 Mckenna, John 19:21:00 6:14 15 15 4 Martinez, Jose 19:37:00 6:19 17 17 5 Solomon, Mark 19:45:00 6:21 18 18 6 Mack, Sam 20:20:00 6:33 28 26 7 Esquivel, Ignacio 21:06:00 6:47 36 32 8 Meza, Nicolas 21:36:00 6:57 40 36 9 Koenig, John 21:50:00 7:02 41 37 10 Amador, Jose 22:04:00 7:06 45 41 11 Redding, Rodger 23:19:00 7:30 59 52 12 Sandoval, Jaun 23:21:00 7:31 60 53 13 Martinez, Wilfredo 23:31:00 7:34 61 54 14 Cork, Rich 23:58:00 7:43 66 58 15 Delany, Richard 24:26:00 7:52 72 63 16 Boettcher, Steve 24:28:00 7:52 73 64 17 Ferrell, Ricky 24:51:00 8 79 67 18 Norris, Dennis 25:06:00 8:05 81 69 19 Wappler, Paul 25:11:00 8:06 84 71 20 Henry, Patrick 25:18:00 8:09 85 72 21 Moffatt, David 26:23:00 8:29 94 77 22 Litzinger, Terry 26:47:00 8:37 102 82 23 Spalding, Eric 26:51:00 8:39 103 83 24 Powell, Ted 27:17:00 8:47 105 85 25 Lang, Kevin 28:00:00 9:01 109 88 26 Jacks, Steve 29:01:00 9:20 116 93 27 Jozwiak, Michael 29:02:00 9:21 117 94 28 Baker, Robert 29:10:00 9:23 121 97 29 Lee, Dale 30:15:00 9:44 131 101 30 Womack, David 30:33:00 9:50 133 103 31 Pechacek, Ron 31:01:00 9:59 136 104 32 Linn, Jeff 35:19:00 11:22 145 108 33 Clements, Robert 36:28:00 11:44 151 110 34 Sheoffer, Paolo 36:45:00 11:50 152 111 35 Marotti, Joe 37:16:00 12 156 114

50-59 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Harvie, Ben 18:52:00 6:04 13 13 2 Rodriguez, John 20:01:00 6:27 23 22 3 Padilla, Don 20:15:00 6:31 26 24 4 Burgers, Will 20:19:00 6:32 27 25 5 Cooley, Paul 20:29:00 6:36 29 27 6 Hodges, Ken 21:04:00 6:47 35 31 7 Ybarra JR., Ignacio 21:09:00 6:48 37 33 8 Schreiber, Ronnie 22:10:00 7:08 46 42 9 Phillips, John 22:11:00 7:08 47 43 10 Burgisser, Heinz 23:04:00 7:25 58 51 11 Madison, Allen 23:42:00 7:38 62 55 12 Walker, Michael 23:49:00 7:40 64 56 13 Mccurdy, Don 24:10:00 7:47 68 60 14 Avo, Ma 24:14:00 7:48 70 61 15 Christ, David 24:36:00 7:55 75 65 16 Henry, Leo 24:41:00 7:57 77 66 17 Taylor, Bruce 25:07:00 8:05 82 70 18 Casner, Donald 28:36:00 9:12 111 89 19 Fink, Elliot 29:08:00 9:23 118 95 20 Oudshoorn, Henk 30:14:00 9:44 129 99 21 Moss, Ron 43:55:00 14:08 165 115 22 Ritch, Cindy 51:14:00 16:29 178 117

60-69 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Harding, Bill 19:26:00 6:15 16 16 2 Henny, Jack 21:21:00 6:52 38 34 3 Ferguson, Richard 21:58:00 7:04 43 39 4 Brossette, David 24:00:00 7:43 67 59 5 Newcom, Roger 25:02:00 8:03 80 68 6 Perry, Alan 27:49:00 8:57 108 87 7 Vann, Conrad 28:48:00 9:16 114 92 8 Dusek, Donald 36:57:00 11:54 153 112

0 and Over Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Ellis, Robert 21:56:00 7:04 42 38 2 Lopez, Tony 26:12:00 8:26 92 76 3 Bell, Arthur 31:36:00 10:10 138 106 4 Wolf, Herman 35:28:00 11:25 146 109 5 Ciaccio, Louis 51:16:00 16:30 180 118

Female Age Groups 13 and Under Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Vega, Oziel 22:00:00 7:05 44 40 1 Boettcher, Erin 26:40:00 8:35 99 20 2 Watson, Lisa 35:46:00 11:31 148 39

14-19 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Carruthers, Lea 21:02:00 6:46 33 4

20-29 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Fox, Audrey 20:34:00 6:37 30 3 2 Camann, Amy 24:36:00 7:55 76 11 3 Rincon, Alejandra 28:00:00 9:01 110 22 4 Laubacher, Kristen 30:02:00 9:40 125 28 5 Kraynik, Marcy 30:10:00 9:43 126 29 6 Zuteck, Teri 37:13:00 11:59 154 42 7 Taylor, Melissa 37:58:00 12:13 158 44 8 Cavanaugh, Dawn 41:53:00 13:29 161 47 9 Grace, Angela 50:13:00 16:10 171 56 10 Camann, Kristi 50:36:00 16:17 174 58

30-39 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Belson, Lisa 20:10:00 6:29 24 2 2 Barron, Bonnie Jo 22:16:00 7:10 49 5 3 Almendarez, Anne 22:37:00 7:17 54 6 4 Schmandt, Rosemarie 23:46:00 7:39 63 8 5 Adams, Alma 24:12:00 7:47 69 9 6 Hoge, Veronica 25:09:00 8:06 83 13 7 Tuden, Christine 26:02:00 8:23 90 16 8 Schuck, Stacy 26:29:00 8:31 97 18 9 Robertson, Shay 26:35:00 8:33 98 19 10 Weber, Donna 27:39:00 8:54 106 21 11 Cain, Alicen 28:52:00 9:17 115 23 12 Radcliffe, Suzanne 29:09:00 9:23 119 24 13 Ibrahim, Christina 29:24:00 9:28 122 25 14 Mcquillen, Mary 30:40:00 9:52 134 31 15 Jones, Angie 31:56:00 10:17 140 33 16 Cryer, Lorie 32:33:00 10:29 141 34 17 Mcgrath, Christie 36:19:00 11:41 150 41 18 Linn, Carol 42:21:00 13:38 162 48 19 Chovanec, Mary 43:02:00 13:51 164 50 20 Martin, Carie 49:35:00 15:58 170 55 21 Schmidt, Sally 50:14:00 16:10 172 57 22 Mcahin, Alice 50:37:00 16:17 175 59

40-49 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Oberlin, Jo 24:35:00 7:55 74 10 2 Rodriguez, Ellen 24:44:00 7:58 78 12 3 Raines, Carole 25:40:00 8:16 88 14 4 Nash, Julia 25:44:00 8:17 89 15 5 Tilley, Vanessa 29:44:00 9:34 123 26 6 Spalding, Linda 30:13:00 9:44 127 30 7 Sulsi, Lailah 30:54:00 9:57 135 32 8 Fulford, Catherine 32:39:00 10:31 142 35 9 Henry, Kathy 34:46:00 11:11 143 36 10 Taylor, Ann 35:32:00 11:26 147 38 11 Mitrano, Denise 36:14:00 11:40 149 40 12 Wilson, Angelia 38:18:00 12:20 159 45 13 Carruthers, Deb 41:19:00 13:18 160 46 14 Lane, Dennis 44:28:00 14:19 166 51 15 Manuell, Judith 46:13:00 14:53 167 52 16 Beck, Vicki 51:13:00 16:29 177 61 17 Morton, Betty 51:16:00 16:30 179 62

50-59 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Koons, Marilyn 26:16:00 8:27 93 17 2 Mccurdy, Sandra 29:47:00 9:35 124 27 3 Palmer, Glendine 49:12:00 15:50 169 54 4 Lawley, Janet 51:06:00 16:27 176 60

60-69 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Luco, Joann 35:11:00 11:19 144 37 2 Garban, Julia 37:57:00 12:13 157 43

70 and Over Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Moore, Bertie Jo 42:22:00 13:38 163 49

Females w/o ages Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Curry, Margot 48:46:00 15:42 168 53

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