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Reindeer Run
December 1, 2001
Clear Lake, Texas
USATF certified course

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Overall Male
Place Name                      Time   Pace        O'all   Place in Sex
1     Tansend, Stephen          17:18  5:34        1       1
Overall Female
Place Name                      Time   Pace        O'all   Place in Sex
1     Moore, Kassie             21:09  6:48        28      1

Male Age Groups 12 and Under Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Boettcher, John 20:56 6:44 24 24 2 Judd, Alex 26:01 8:22 86 64 3 Craig, Matthew 26:14 8:27 91 69 4 Buffaloe, Jacob 30:04 9:41 152 104 5 Schaefer, Derek 30:18 9:45 156 105 6 Bowen, Scott 31:03 10:00 174 114 7 Mulholland, Jr 31:47 10:14 187 117 8 Harris, Jordan 33:21 10:44 211 127 9 Gonzales, Cory 36:17 11:41 240 140 10 Munoz, Nicholas 37:14 11:59 249 145 11 Moch, Alex 42:43 13:45 287 155 12 Saunders, Zackery 47:28 15:17 329 166 13 Barudzija, Stefan 54:20 17:29 390 181 13-19 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Crump, Colin 17:34 5:39 2 2 2 Dewey, Jack 17:41 5:41 3 3 3 Mathera, Richard 18:06 5:50 6 6 4 Turnbull, Austin 18:13 5:52 7 7 5 Murray, Daniel 18:30 5:57 8 8 6 Anderson, Brian 19:10 6:10 12 12 7 McFadden, Kieran 19:20 6:13 13 13 8 Thompson, Joseph 19:42 6:20 14 14 9 Smith, Andrew 20:01 6:27 17 17 10 Craig, Michael 20:27 6:35 20 20 11 Bustos, Alexander 20:51 6:43 23 23 12 Allen, Greg 21:03 6:47 26 26 13 Wilson, Andrew 21:08 6:48 27 27 14 Wilson, Bradford 21:14 6:50 29 28 15 Lance, Nick 21:17 6:51 31 29 16 Kinzer, Michael 23:06 7:26 44 37 17 Terry, Dustin 23:16 7:29 45 38 18 Whitehead, Michael 24:16 7:49 57 48 19 Patrick, Brian 25:27 8:11 73 57 20 Ritter, Devin 26:11 8:26 89 67 21 Mcclung, Phillip 26:13 8:26 90 68 22 Bartel, Zachary 29:58 9:39 151 103 23 Maretinez, Casey 33:49 10:53 220 130 24 Cook, Peter 34:28 11:06 228 135 25 Schwellenbach, Sam 37:55 12:12 262 148 26 Gonzales, Peter 54:21 17:30 391 182 27 Dunzelman, Steve 57:02 18:21 400 184 20-29 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Nguyen, Phuong 19:58 6:26 15 15 2 Woodall, Edward 23:48 7:40 50 42 3 Abernethy, Les 24:24 7:51 60 50 4 Mund, Chad 25:28 8:12 74 58 5 Zlatniski, Dean 27:25 8:49 113 79 6 Land, Daniel 28:09 9:04 121 84 7 Finkel, Timothy 28:30 9:10 125 87 8 Boune, Jonathan 29:00 9:20 133 91 9 Russo, Jeffrey 29:33 9:31 140 96 10 Aloner, Jason 30:22 9:46 162 109 11 Moore, James 30:55 9:57 171 112 12 Wagner, Aaron 31:48 10:14 188 118 13 Nute, David 32:01 10:18 194 122 14 Allen, Marcus 33:20 10:44 210 126 15 Gonzalez, Ramon 35:25 11:24 233 137 16 Hicks, Neal 41:53 13:29 281 154 30-39 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Rios, Leno 18:04 5:49 5 5 2 Blackwood, Tom 18:39 6:00 9 9 3 Root, Michael 20:00 6:26 16 16 4 Sanford, Joe 21:38 6:58 32 30 5 Dillon, Paul 21:51 7:02 34 32 6 Werner, Richard 22:24 7:13 39 36 7 Keiser, James 23:29 7:33 46 39 8 Purdy, Robert 23:38 7:36 49 41 9 Vander Ark, Steve 23:55 7:42 52 44 10 Garban, Killy 24:00 7:43 54 45 11 Skeeter, Stuart 24:13 7:48 56 47 12 Gorrell, Scott 24:28 7:52 61 51 13 Kortenkamp, David 25:23 8:10 72 56 14 Wenzel, Gary 25:56 8:21 81 61 15 Chovanec, David 26:16 8:27 93 70 16 Curtis, Scott 26:33 8:33 99 73 17 Standa, Frank 26:38 8:34 103 76 18 Herrina, David 27:30 8:51 114 80 19 Rulis, David 27:57 9:00 119 83 20 Acosta, Chris 28:20 9:07 123 86 21 Gray, Steven 28:41 9:14 128 88 22 Basci, Tansel 28:51 9:17 130 90 23 Duong, Daniel 29:04 9:21 135 92 24 Hoang, Stephen 29:04 9:21 136 93 25 Mcdonald, Jerry 29:12 9:24 138 94 26 Henson, Larry 29:31 9:30 139 95 27 Sanders, Ken 29:34 9:31 141 97 28 Tanzberger, Eric 31:42 10:12 185 116 29 Lauzon, Peter 31:58 10:17 192 121 30 Rogers, Blake 33:27 10:46 212 128 31 Creedon, Michael 36:13 11:39 237 139 32 Lavoy, Joe 36:48 11:51 242 141 33 Schmidt, Brandon 37:01 11:55 245 143 34 Cain, Alicon 37:09 11:57 248 144 35 Walters, Adam 44:34 14:21 304 158 36 Melton, Jim 44:57 14:28 309 160 37 Hagy, Scott 45:37 14:41 316 162 38 Holy, Terry 45:49 14:45 317 163 39 Boulais, Dan 47:29 15:17 330 167 40 Garland, Wesley 47:42 15:21 335 168 41 Untalan Iii, Victoriano 47:59 15:27 339 169 42 Braun, Dick 48:33 15:38 341 170 43 Scanlon, Mike 50:53 16:23 372 175 44 Burns, Thomas 52:21 16:51 383 178 45 Green, Keith 54:30 17:32 394 183 46 Sinisgallo, Paul 57:03 18:22 401 185 40-49 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Boyd, Scott 17:59 5:47 4 4 2 Ghecas, Tony 18:41 6:01 10 10 3 Rubin, Josh 20:08 6:29 18 18 4 Mansur, Bruce 20:43 6:40 21 21 5 Smith, Martin 21:46 7:00 33 31 6 Romanko, Mike 22:04 7:06 37 34 7 Broderick, Bill 22:09 7:08 38 35 8 Chandler, Tom 23:33 7:35 47 40 9 Weatherhead, Douglas 23:51 7:41 51 43 10 Mcclung, Stuart 24:00 7:43 55 46 11 Boettcher, Steve 24:28 7:52 62 52 12 Meersman, Bob 24:32 7:54 63 53 13 O'bert, Mike 25:34 8:14 77 59 14 Mcbride, Chris 25:59 8:22 84 62 15 Schwalbach, Rick 26:00 8:22 85 63 16 Cork, Richard 26:08 8:25 88 66 17 Money, Art 26:17 8:28 94 71 18 Craig, Mike 26:21 8:29 96 72 19 Tomlinson, Richard 27:47 8:57 116 81 20 Cerna, Peter 27:53 8:58 118 82 21 Smith, Scott 28:45 9:15 129 89 22 Renshaw, Rick 29:35 9:31 142 98 23 Kinstle, Stephan 29:37 9:32 144 99 24 Womack, David 29:50 9:36 148 101 25 Mchenry, Bertrand 29:53 9:37 150 102 26 Schaefer, Eric 30:20 9:46 159 107 27 Kirk, Bob 30:22 9:46 161 108 28 Olsson, Ray 30:57 9:58 173 113 29 Jacks, Steve 31:52 10:15 189 119 30 Stailey, Jay 32:21 10:25 200 124 31 Durel, Jay 32:52 10:35 209 125 32 Key, Robert 33:46 10:52 218 129 33 Dickson, Dan 33:58 10:56 225 132 34 Atwood, Carmela 34:08 10:59 227 134 35 Cook, Kevin 34:28 11:06 229 136 36 Hesse, Mike 35:30 11:26 234 138 37 Bowen, James 38:21 12:21 266 149 38 Moch, Jerry 42:49 13:47 288 156 39 Holvenstot, Chris 44:37 14:22 306 159 40 Naranjo, Fred 45:01 14:29 311 161 41 Paschall, Ken 59:57 19:18 406 188 50-59 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Needham, Chris 20:18 6:32 19 19 2 Schreiber, Ronnie 20:49 6:42 22 22 3 Knievel, Jim 21:01 6:46 25 25 4 Sealing, Scott 21:52 7:02 35 33 5 Rodriguez, Luis 24:52 8:00 68 54 6 Ross, Dwane 25:18 8:09 71 55 7 Perisho, Paul 26:35 8:33 102 75 8 Hancock, Russell 27:01 8:42 107 77 9 Armstrong, Richard 29:40 9:33 146 100 10 Ryan, Mike 30:33 9:50 166 110 11 Kubena, Glenn 30:35 9:51 167 111 12 Poche, Glenn 31:55 10:16 191 120 13 Jaramillo, Nelson 32:05 10:20 195 123 14 Waddell, Barry 33:56 10:55 224 131 15 Mcrae, Paul 36:50 11:51 243 142 16 Hernandez, Joe 37:16 12:00 251 146 17 Lynn, Jeff 37:23 12:02 252 147 18 King, Dennis 40:10 12:56 271 151 19 Lapka, Michael 40:12 12:56 273 153 20 Troeger, Richard 45:51 14:45 319 164 21 Clark, Ralph 49:00 15:46 353 171 22 Florentino, Sanchez 50:50 16:22 370 174 60-69 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Talley, Don 24:19 7:50 59 49 2 Garban, Lorant 25:35 8:14 78 60 3 Peacock, Brian 26:03 8:23 87 65 4 Sawchak, Stephen 27:05 8:43 110 78 5 Smith, Ron 28:11 9:04 122 85 6 Tarrant, Charles 30:20 9:46 158 106 7 Lopez, Dan 31:13 10:03 175 115 8 Bowman, Sam 33:59 10:56 226 133 9 Skweres, Charles 39:55 12:51 270 150 10 Tincher, Cline 46:00 14:48 321 165 11 Spangler, Harold 49:13 15:50 355 172 12 Wadding, Richard 49:51 16:03 357 173 13 Frame, Gun 51:36 16:36 378 176 14 Brotzman, Richard 52:34 16:55 384 179 15 Erickson, Earl 58:15 18:45 404 187 70 and Over Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Castagna, Anthony 26:34 8:33 100 74 2 Hamilton, Todd 40:11 12:56 272 152 3 Mcdonald, William 42:50 13:47 289 157 4 Frame, Austin 51:36 16:36 379 177 5 Phillips, Jack 57:33 18:31 403 186 Males w/o ages Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Daum, Jeremy 19:00 6:07 11 11 2 Diffee, Ron 53:08 17:06 386 180

Female Age Groups 12 and Under Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Hermann, Kimberly 22:48 7:20 42 6 2 Shulik, Emily 23:37 7:36 48 8 3 Boettcher, Erin 24:50 8:00 67 14 4 Aguilar, Elizabeth 26:22 8:29 97 25 5 Kirk, Sandy 29:50 9:36 147 47 6 Blackman, Jenny 30:21 9:46 160 53 7 Wenzel, Ashley 31:22 10:06 177 62 8 Durel, Elisa 31:22 10:06 178 63 9 Sonnier, Paige 31:30 10:08 182 67 10 Goeke, Heather 32:15 10:23 199 76 11 Buffaloe, Lacey 33:40 10:50 216 88 12 Pedersen, Sarah 33:55 10:55 222 92 13 Dickson, Erin 33:56 10:55 223 93 14 Sanford, Taylor 37:51 12:11 261 114 15 Sanford, Jordan 38:00 12:14 263 115 16 Bowen, Jordan 38:02 12:14 265 117 17 Goeke, Courtney 41:25 13:20 276 123 18 Kathy, Olansen 42:51 13:47 290 133 19 Wynkoop, Paulina 43:12 13:54 293 136 20 Herrscher, Monet 44:41 14:23 307 148 21 Short, Rachel 44:42 14:23 308 149 22 Lehman, Rebecca 45:03 14:30 312 151 23 Lehman, Sarah 47:03 15:09 325 160 13-19 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Zersen, NIcole 21:14 6:50 30 2 2 Neigut, Lisa 22:00 7:05 36 3 3 Oadra, Megan 22:27 7:14 40 4 4 Zamarripa, Francesca 22:36 7:16 41 5 5 Hager, Rebecca 24:19 7:50 58 10 6 Mulholland, Juliana 25:08 8:05 69 15 7 Banks, Allison 25:48 8:18 79 19 8 Burns, Lara 26:49 8:38 104 28 9 Walker, Ashley 27:37 8:53 115 35 10 Gullett, Allison 28:59 9:20 132 42 11 Kitmacher, Debbie 30:13 9:44 153 49 12 Waddell, Lindsay 31:59 10:18 193 72 13 Jacks, Sabrina 32:41 10:31 207 83 14 Lehman, Allison 32:48 10:33 208 84 15 Key, Kenan 33:46 10:52 219 90 16 Chen, Stefanie 33:50 10:53 221 91 17 Gonzales, Mandi 36:15 11:40 239 100 20-29 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Russo, Lori 24:36 7:55 64 11 2 Nolan, Allison 24:46 7:58 65 12 3 Dutton, Heather 24:48 7:59 66 13 4 Aston, Melissa 25:59 8:22 83 22 5 Kazukiewicz, Sarah 26:32 8:32 98 26 6 Land, Jolie 28:09 9:04 120 37 7 Watchter, Amy 28:52 9:17 131 41 8 Luent, Nicole 29:05 9:22 137 44 9 Hillcomeier, Michelle 29:39 9:33 145 46 10 Tarrant, Tiffany 30:20 9:46 157 52 11 Woodfin, Vanessa 30:42 9:53 169 58 12 Trenolone, Mary 30:49 9:55 170 59 13 Rulis, Susan 30:57 9:58 172 60 14 Ponce, Sandra 32:14 10:22 196 73 15 Reilich, Christina 32:15 10:23 198 75 16 Rowland, Becca 34:41 11:10 231 95 17 Gonzalez, Sandra 35:23 11:23 232 96 18 Sheek, Tisha 37:03 11:55 246 103 19 Sellers, Jill 37:46 12:09 257 110 20 Collins, Stephanie 37:47 12:10 258 111 21 Gerwick, Amy 41:43 13:26 277 124 22 Vance, Kelly 41:45 13:26 278 125 23 Hicks, Tanisha 41:50 13:28 280 127 24 Gallia, Amanda 41:57 13:30 282 128 25 Ryan, Sara 43:29 14:00 295 138 26 Beathard, Amy 43:37 14:02 297 140 27 Lavoy, Melisa 45:09 14:32 313 152 28 House, Catherine 47:40 15:21 334 167 29 Andrus, Nikki 47:54 15:25 336 168 30 Cepeda, Sarah 47:59 15:27 338 170 31 Brown, Shannon 48:37 15:39 345 175 32 Allen, Sandra 48:59 15:46 352 182 33 Rich, Melanie 52:18 16:50 382 205 34 Nguyen, Linda 53:06 17:05 385 206 35 Nguyen, Mo Molly Thi 54:17 17:28 389 209 30-39 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Botting, Dianne 23:59 7:43 53 9 2 Weker, Donna 25:57 8:21 82 21 3 Coffey, Kristin 26:14 8:27 92 23 4 Olansen, Nancy 26:35 8:33 101 27 5 Aguilar, Ana 27:02 8:42 108 31 6 Cordray, Lori 27:08 8:44 111 33 7 Gunton, Cathy 27:13 8:46 112 34 8 Gustafson, Theresa 27:52 8:58 117 36 9 Hilkemeier, Denise 28:41 9:14 127 40 10 Pogue, Molly 29:51 9:36 149 48 11 Grant, Bea 30:17 9:45 155 51 12 Jadwick, Jennifer 30:23 9:47 163 54 13 Devereaux, Lisa 30:28 9:48 164 55 14 Kuhl, Jennifer 30:41 9:53 168 57 15 Howard, Amy 31:17 10:04 176 61 16 Wenzel, Theresa 31:25 10:07 179 64 17 Holy, Royanne 31:26 10:07 180 65 18 Walsh, Maria 31:30 10:08 181 66 19 Sonnier, Kim 31:31 10:09 183 68 20 Tanzberger, Lisa 31:42 10:12 184 69 21 Revill, Clara 31:46 10:13 186 70 22 Bolt, Laurel 31:54 10:16 190 71 23 Rogers, Donna 32:14 10:22 197 74 24 Wren, Meli 32:39 10:31 204 80 25 Frick, Jammie 32:40 10:31 205 81 26 Stovall, Sonyia 32:40 10:31 206 82 27 Ford, Jennifer 33:34 10:48 214 86 28 Creedon, Sherri 36:14 11:40 238 99 29 Mchenry, Patti 36:20 11:42 241 101 30 Curtis, Kelly 36:58 11:54 244 102 31 Cummings, Kathy 37:07 11:57 247 104 32 Munoz, Michelle 37:14 11:59 250 105 33 Weyland, Staci 37:48 12:10 259 112 34 Mccann, Lisa 39:07 12:35 268 119 35 Knight, Diane 39:26 12:42 269 120 36 Goeke, Erica 40:46 13:07 275 122 37 Jones, Shelly 41:49 13:28 279 126 38 Bosman, Ellen 42:29 13:40 283 129 39 Hawley, Teresa 42:30 13:41 285 131 40 Spradlin, Vickie 42:52 13:48 291 134 41 Kersten, Kris 43:30 14:00 296 139 42 Arredondo, Lorraine 43:56 14:08 298 141 43 Avina, Maria 44:35 14:21 305 147 44 Burns, Dianna 47:20 15:14 327 162 45 Andrews, Pam 47:33 15:18 331 164 46 Clemons, Wendee 47:55 15:25 337 169 47 Keely, Shelly 48:41 15:40 347 177 48 Boulais, Lisa 49:27 15:55 356 184 49 Perez, Susan 50:35 16:17 364 191 50 Scanlon, Liz 50:57 16:24 373 198 51 Walla, Carissa 54:48 17:38 396 213 52 Rodriguez, Eracema Edie 54:48 17:38 397 214 40-49 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Propp, Joan 22:51 7:21 43 7 2 Ross, Linda 25:18 8:09 70 16 3 Metzmeier, Lythia 25:33 8:13 75 17 4 O'bert, Laura 25:34 8:14 76 18 5 Wilson, Louis 25:53 8:20 80 20 6 Canich, Joann 26:20 8:29 95 24 7 Romanko, Patty 26:54 8:39 105 29 8 Lollar, Sandy 27:00 8:41 106 30 9 Hermann, Patty 27:03 8:42 109 32 10 Rowe, Joanne 28:24 9:08 124 38 11 Meersman, Sue 28:36 9:12 126 39 12 Fulford, Catherine 29:03 9:21 134 43 13 Mckenna, Pat 29:36 9:32 143 45 14 Valdes, Silvia 30:16 9:44 154 50 15 Gissen, Laura 30:31 9:49 165 56 16 Schulz, Carol 32:38 10:30 202 78 17 Schulz, Aubrey 32:38 10:30 203 79 18 Tomlinson, Vivian 33:28 10:46 213 85 19 Pettigrew, Amy 33:40 10:50 215 87 20 Spangle, Laurie 33:42 10:51 217 89 21 Demetrios, Susan 35:55 11:34 235 97 22 Zeller, Linda 37:35 12:06 254 107 23 Albon, Linsy 37:42 12:08 256 109 24 Stancher, Nancy 37:48 12:10 260 113 25 Bailey, Judith 38:01 12:14 264 116 26 Balu, Judy 42:42 13:45 286 132 27 Anderson, Jessica 42:54 13:48 292 135 28 Harris, Denise 43:28 13:59 294 137 29 Hernandez, Lauren 44:25 14:18 300 143 30 Cain, Kimberly 44:27 14:18 301 144 31 Lindsley, Becky 44:29 14:19 303 146 32 Naranjo, Kaye 44:58 14:28 310 150 33 Haynes, Carlea 45:36 14:41 315 154 34 Carboni, Paula 45:49 14:45 318 155 35 Walker, Michelle 46:14 14:53 323 158 36 Bartel, Mary 47:00 15:08 324 159 37 Martt, Anne 47:18 15:13 326 161 38 Collopy, Joni 47:25 15:16 328 163 39 Pelton, Mary 47:35 15:19 332 165 40 Lehman, Judy 48:36 15:39 343 173 41 Devillier, Scarlett 48:37 15:39 344 174 42 Chen, Beverly 48:41 15:40 346 176 43 Dubois, Janet 48:42 15:40 348 178 44 Raschke, Susan 48:43 15:41 349 179 45 Perez, Sandra 49:56 16:04 358 185 46 Zavala, Velma 50:33 16:16 361 188 47 Maloney, Donna 50:34 16:17 363 190 48 Blackman, Missy 50:47 16:21 368 195 49 Lapell, Danielle 50:52 16:22 371 197 50 Hesse, Rosie 51:04 16:26 374 199 51 Diffee, Carol 53:09 17:06 387 207 52 Burkhalter, Stacy 54:01 17:23 388 208 53 Millican, Monica 54:27 17:31 392 210 54 Hernendez, Viola 55:43 17:56 398 215 55 Enneking, Joy 56:54 18:19 399 216 56 Pierpoline, Kathy 58:18 18:46 405 218 50-59 Place Name Time Pace O'all Place in Sex 1 Jaramillo, Mary 32:26 10:26 201 77 2 Harris, Jeanette 34:38 11:09 230 94 3 Junn, Sandy 36:00 11:35 236 98 4 Rolf, Marilyn 37:25 12:03 253 106 5 Leeper, Nancy 37:38 12:07 255 108 6 Mcrae, Delores 40:45 13:07 274 121 7 Lopez, Linda 42:30 13:41 284 130 8 Beathard, Linda 44:28 14:19 302 145 9 Ryan, Janet 45:30 14:39 314 153 10 Cambell, Linda 46:01 14:49 322 157 11 Kuhl, Carol 47:35 15:19 333 166 12 Braun, Helen 48:35 15:38 342 172 13 Borths, Janice 48:50 15:43 350 180 14 Tjandrasa, Terry 48:58 15:46 351 181 15 Clark, Sally 49:03 15:47 354 183 16 Mcclain, Connie 50:31 16:16 359 186 17 Samchez, Diana 50:49 16:21 369 196

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