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Resurrection Run
March 30, 2002
Clear Lake, Texas
USATF certified course

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Overall Male
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Chaston, Justin      15:11    4:53      1         1
Overall Female
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Poole, Stacey        19:41    6:20      24        1
Masters Male
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Yanacek, Rich        18:48    6:03      12        12
Masters Female
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Barron, Bonnie Jo    22:29    7:14      70        8
Male Age Groups
14 and Under
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Bustos, Alexander    21:04    6:47      44        39
2       Boettcher, John      21:33    6:56      52        46
3       Christensen, Bryan   21:35    6:57      54        48
4       Perri, Matthew       21:40    6:58      55        49
5       Black, Cody          21:40    6:58      56        50
6       Pakkala, Andrew      22:21    7:12      68        61
7       Richards, Michael    22:34    7:16      71        63
8       Lee, Stuart          22:56    7:23      77        68
9       Hines, Josh          24:45    7:58      119       93
10      Whitten, Adam        25:04    8:04      129       97
11      Spuler, Shawn        25:26    8:11      137       103
12      Lamont, Brennan      25:36    8:14      141       106
13      Caid-loos, Keefer    25:50    8:19      152       113
14      Judd, Alex           25:54    8:20      158       116
15      Bowen, Scott         25:59    8:22      161       119
16      Thomas, Trey         27:11    8:45      187       135
17      Moffatt, Ben         28:00    9:01      200       142
18      Hesse, Steve         29:09    9:23      230       154
19      Shelley, Shane       29:31    9:30      235       157
20      Halle, Mark          29:47    9:35      239       159
21      Cecil, Kevin         30:19    9:45      252       166
22      Counts, Flecther     31:50    10:15     265       174
23      Hines, Chris         32:07    10:20     269       175
24      Petersen, Karch      32:37    10:30     273       177
25      Noack, Andre         32:41    10:31     276       180
26      Hughes, Devon        33:57    10:56     292       184
27      Bamford, James       34:01    10:57     295       186
28      Michalk, Dillon      34:17    11:02     298       187
29      Janecke, Aaron       34:29    11:06     299       188
30      Chambers, William    40:08    12:55     330       198
31      Sickorez, Jeff       41:20    13:18     334       200
32      Chambers, Robert     44:10    14:13     351       206
33      Lott III, Robert     46:03    14:49     365       209
34      Petersen, Kyle       47:47    15:23     370       211
35      Putman, Andy         47:51    15:24     372       212
36      Hughes, Derek        48:53    15:44     379       216
37      Caid-loos, Kyle      53:13    17:08     397       217
38      Lott, Christopher    56:00    18:01     402       219
39      Rosenhagen, Grant    56:17    18:07     404       220
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Crump, Colin         17:19    5:34      5         5
2       Hoeg, Alex           17:48    5:44      7         7
3       Meyers, Tim          18:19    5:54      10        10
4       Turnbull, Austin     18:20    5:54      11        11
5       Thompson, Joseph     18:58    6:06      13        13
6       Corbett, Stephen     19:08    6:09      16        16
7       Eller, Jeffrey       19:33    6:18      21        21
8       James, Alex          19:35    6:18      22        22
9       Bibler, Luke         19:50    6:23      26        25
10      Schwartz, Michael    20:08    6:29      31        30
11      Brasefield, David    21:02    6:46      43        38
12      Clemants, Ryan       21:23    6:53      50        44
13      Brimingham, Jordan   22:13    7:09      63        56
14      Spaulding, Frank     24:57    8:02      125       95
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Skytland, Nick       21:11    6:49      46        40
2       Helden, Mark         25:47    8:18      150       112
3       Michalk, Darin       36:08    11:38     309       191
4       Knepp, Robert        45:21    14:36     358       207
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Lara, Jose           16:46    5:24      2         2
2       Galegher, Sean       17:30    5:38      6         6
3       Garabedian, Randy    19:15    6:12      18        18
4       Nguyen, Phoung       20:51    6:43      39        35
5       Rhodes, Gable        23:09    7:27      81        70
6       Hinojosa, Rick       25:09    8:06      133       99
7       Trevino, Jason       26:20    8:29      168       123
8       Callahan, Jeremy     28:36    9:12      215       147
9       Cupitt, Sean         33:23    10:45     285       181
10      Stevenson, Craig     38:47    12:29     321       196
11      Royster, Michael     44:10    14:13     350       205
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Rios, Leno           18:13    5:52      9         9
2       Lewis, Slade         20:30    6:36      35        34
3       Stoerkel, Walter     22:01    7:05      61        54
4       Dillon, Paul         22:06    7:07      62        55
5       Thomas, Jonathan     22:41    7:18      73        64
6       Decker, Matt         23:26    7:33      90        76
7       Lillie, Andrew       24:15    7:48      106       83
8       Yates, Keith         24:23    7:51      110       87
9       Nevik, James         25:37    8:15      142       107
10      Gonzalez, Cesar      25:41    8:16      144       109
11      Kinsey, Todd         26:23    8:29      170       124
12      Walker, Ted          28:12    9:05      205       143
13      Gray, Steven         28:27    9:09      212       144
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Perez, Francisco     16:52    5:26      3         3
2       King, Steven         16:54    5:26      4         4
3       Alvarado, Jorge      18:00    5:48      8         8
4       Van Steenbergh, John 19:05    6:09      15        15
5       Buckley, Thomas      20:10    6:29      32        31
6       Perri, Ralph         22:49    7:21      75        66
7       Vega, Oziel          23:06    7:26      78        69
8       Jackson, Dan         23:11    7:28      82        71
9       Hayhurst, Jack       23:15    7:29      85        72
10      Cavanaugh, Brad      23:32    7:34      93        78
11      Kortenkamp, David    23:55    7:42      98        80
12      Rosenhagen, Brad     24:05    7:45      104       82
13      Miles, Jason         24:17    7:49      107       84
14      Curits, Scott        25:11    8:06      135       101
15      Alvarez, Roberto     27:42    8:55      197       140
16      Houghton, Robert     28:33    9:11      214       146
17      Schoppe, Todd        29:40    9:33      237       158
18      Thomas, Joe          33:37    10:49     290       182
19      Hartman, Scott       57:08    18:23     405       221
20      Roos, Jim            57:46    18:36     407       222
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Pesek, Martin        19:12    6:11      17        17
2       Foster, Bill         19:37    6:19      23        23
3       Rodriguez, Jamie     19:53    6:24      27        26
4       Williams, Jeff       20:15    6:31      33        32
5       Heckmann, Duane      20:52    6:43      40        36
6       Williamson, Darwin   21:12    6:49      47        41
7       Loerch, Darcy        21:21    6:52      49        43
8       Courtright, Clark    21:41    6:59      57        51
9       Armstrong, Kenn      22:17    7:10      67        60
10      Mcginty, Mike        22:44    7:19      74        65
11      Malloy, Dennis       23:20    7:31      88        74
12      Chandler, Tom        23:43    7:38      94        79
13      Porre, Greg          25:11    8:06      134       100
14      Abi, Pineda          25:44    8:17      147       111
15      Black, Jeff          25:52    8:20      155       114
16      Judd, Bryan          25:54    8:20      159       117
17      Michalk, Dwight      26:05    8:24      162       120
18      Schwalbach, Rick     26:25    8:30      171       125
19      Grable, Jame         26:36    8:34      176       128
20      Hoeg, Matt           26:43    8:36      179       129
21      Kaufman, Ken         26:45    8:37      180       130
22      Hudson, Jack         27:00    8:41      184       132
23      Roberts, John        27:04    8:43      185       133
24      Money, Art           27:15    8:46      189       136
25      Lott Jr, Robert      28:53    9:18      223       149
26      Maricle, C           28:54    9:18      224       150
27      Rosenhagen, Rick     29:07    9:22      229       153
28      Lowman, Chris        29:11    9:24      231       155
29      Caid, Brian          30:05    9:41      244       162
30      Sterling, Howard     30:18    9:45      251       165
31      Hines, Paul          31:47    10:14     264       173
32      Freise, Tim          32:34    10:29     272       176
33      Noack, Adrim         32:41    10:31     275       179
34      Rihn, Steve          33:41    10:50     291       183
35      Coggeshall, John     35:27    11:25     305       189
36      Hughes, David        37:55    12:12     317       194
37      Blancarte, Adolfo    38:31    12:24     319       195
38      Bamford, Rob         39:18    12:39     327       197
39      Putman, Hugh         40:32    13:03     333       199
40      Preston, John        45:47    14:44     362       208
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Fraser, Mark         19:19    6:13      19        19
2       Hendrickson, Jay     19:22    6:14      20        20
3       Lee, Dale            19:44    6:21      25        24
4       Hoeffner, Karl       20:07    6:28      30        29
5       Heath, Don           21:16    6:51      48        42
6       Torregorssa, Jack    21:48    7:01      59        53
7       Beck, Steve          22:16    7:10      66        59
8       Stout, Calvin        23:23    7:32      89        75
9       Shepard, Steve       24:02    7:44      102       81
10      Cork, Richard        24:18    7:49      108       85
11      Morgan, David        24:22    7:51      109       86
12      Olsson, Ray          24:25    7:52      111       88
13      Boettcher, Steve     24:57    8:02      126       96
14      Hefland, Arden       25:38    8:15      143       108
15      Latt, Mike           25:58    8:21      160       118
16      Christensen, Mark    26:27    8:31      172       126
17      Rubash, Mark         26:57    8:40      182       131
18      Moses, Rex           27:29    8:51      190       137
19      Jacks, Steve         27:34    8:52      191       138
20      Smith, Scott         28:58    9:19      225       151
21      Hansen, Scott        29:01    9:20      226       152
22      Tomlinson, Richard   29:19    9:26      233       156
23      Spaulding, Glenn     30:53    9:56      256       168
24      Buck, Jeff           31:28    10:08     261       172
25      Reynolds, Alan       41:41    13:25     336       202
26      Davis, Frank         48:04    15:28     374       213
27      Ruppert, John        58:45    18:55     409       224
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Aguirre, Victor      19:58    6:26      28        27
2       Burgers, Wim         20:02    6:27      29        28
3       Cooley, Paul         20:56    6:44      41        37
4       Halle, Richard       21:31    6:56      51        45
5       Schreiber, Ronnie    21:35    6:57      53        47
6       Rodriguez, Raul      21:47    7:01      58        52
7       Sealing, Scott       22:15    7:10      65        58
8       Meza, Nicolas        23:32    7:34      92        77
9       Taylor, Bruce        25:27    8:11      138       104
10      Beedy, Don           25:34    8:14      139       105
11      Collins, Ralph       25:41    8:16      145       110
12      Delue, Norm          26:15    8:27      165       121
13      Webb, Allen          26:18    8:28      166       122
14      Le Compte, Denny     28:32    9:11      213       145
15      Hayes, William       30:05    9:41      245       163
16      Holden, Ricky        32:38    10:30     274       178
17      Blumenfeld, Steve    35:37    11:28     307       190
18      Melchor, Sonny       36:17    11:41     310       192
19      Sickorez, Donn       41:41    13:25     335       201
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Harvie, Ben          19:01    6:07      14        14
2       James, John          20:29    6:36      34        33
3       Dostal Jr, Paul      22:51    7:21      76        67
4       Ward, Fred           23:18    7:30      87        73
5       Moore, William       24:40    7:56      118       92
6       Perisho, Paul        25:53    8:20      156       115
7       Sanders, Joel        27:05    8:43      186       134
8       Casner, Don          28:52    9:17      222       148
9       Shea Jr, George      29:51    9:36      241       161
10      Fink, Elliot         30:44    9:53      254       167
11      Jaramillo, Nelson    31:17    10:04     258       169
12      Kubena, Glenn        31:23    10:06     260       171
13      Dennard, Mike        43:07    13:53     343       203
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Lindeen, Larry       22:14    7:09      64        57
2       Peacock, Brian       22:22    7:12      69        62
3       Brossette, David     24:31    7:53      113       89
4       Newcom, Roger        24:38    7:56      116       90
5       Mccurdy, Don         24:39    7:56      117       91
6       Harbison, Nelson     24:48    7:59      121       94
7       Manthei, William     25:20    8:09      136       102
8       Brown, John          27:36    8:53      193       139
9       Bauch, Garland       27:47    8:57      198       141
10      Shelley, Fred        29:48    9:35      240       160
11      Dusek, Donald        34:01    10:57     294       185
12      Schoonmaker, P Brian 37:32    12:05     316       193
13      Frame, Gun           48:38    15:39     376       215
14      Nesheim, John        53:16    17:09     399       218
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Leber, Quentin       31:20    10:05     259       170
2       Stoerkel, Fred       43:33    14:01     346       204
70 and Over
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Allensworth, Dan     25:05    8:04      131       98
2       Lopze, Tony          26:33    8:33      175       127
3       Bell, Arthur         30:07    9:42      246       164
4       Roth, Phil           47:33    15:18     369       210
5       Frame, Austin        48:19    15:33     375       214
6       Walker, Jack         59:25    19:07     412       225
Female Age Groups
14 and Under
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Oadra, Megan         23:18    7:30      86        14
2       Boettcher, Erin      24:34    7:54      115       26
3       Halle, Theresa       25:02    8:03      128       32
4       Spaulding, Hallie    25:35    8:14      140       35
5       Hoeg, Betsy          26:31    8:32      174       48
6       Counts, Catherine    30:48    9:55      255       88
7       Durel, Elisa         31:32    10:09     263       91
8       Preston, Ann         32:23    10:25     271       96
9       Thomas, Laura        33:59    10:56     293       109
10      Putman, Katie        40:14    12:57     331       133
11      Bowen, Jordan        44:09    14:13     349       145
12      Schoppe, Megan       44:31    14:20     353       147
13      Preston, Ellen       52:34    16:55     391       175
14      Bamford, Brooke      52:35    16:55     392       176
15      Patrick, Monica      52:51    17:01     393       177
16      Patrick, Miriam      52:56    17:02     395       179
17      Lament, Emily        53:03    17:04     396       180
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Brant, Anne          23:28    7:33      91        15
2       Bluntzer, Laura      24:46    7:58      120       27
3       Huff, Jessica        24:53    8:01      123       29
4       Dennard, Claire      26:13    8:26      164       44
5       Nelson, Lean         26:22    8:29      169       46
6       Abell, Lynn          26:28    8:31      173       47
7       Michalk, Emily       28:41    9:14      216       69
8       Thunder, Jazmyn      28:48    9:16      219       72
9       Brasefield, Julie    30:04    9:41      243       82
10      Reynolds, Ashley     42:02    13:32     337       135
11      Patrick, Monique     52:52    17:01     394       178
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Kazukiewicz, Sarah   23:09    7:27      80        11
2       Hetland, Laura       23:56    7:42      99        19
3       Hetland, Kristen     24:51    8:00      122       28
4       Pfingsten, Lindy     27:35    8:53      192       54
5       Yokkbatis, Cat       28:26    9:09      211       68
6       Holick, Michelle     29:04    9:21      228       76
7       Davis, Courtney      45:20    14:35     356       150
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Gay, Kate            20:58    6:45      42        5
2       Wright, Jennifer     21:08    6:48      45        6
3       Kraft, Suzanne       21:57    7:04      60        7
4       Chauvin, Jamie       23:07    7:26      79        10
5       Florida, Marilyn     23:44    7:38      95        16
6       Novy, Meredith       24:03    7:44      103       22
7       Bacon, Misty         25:45    8:17      149       38
8       Burns, Amy           26:40    8:35      177       49
9       Massengale, Jaye     28:17    9:06      209       66
10      Gaspard, Shannon     28:52    9:17      221       74
11      Allen, Katie         29:02    9:21      227       75
12      Garcia, Crystal      29:20    9:26      234       78
13      Jeter, Becky         30:09    9:42      247       83
14      Wooledge, Pam        30:10    9:43      248       84
15      Connors, Kristin     30:13    9:44      249       85
16      Evernden, Amy        32:54    10:35     279       99
17      Cupitt, Amy          33:20    10:44     282       102
18      Ullmer, Dawn         33:21    10:44     283       103
19      Reilich, Christina   35:03    11:17     303       115
20      Lim, Jenny           35:30    11:26     306       117
21      Dahms, Jennifer      38:47    12:29     322       126
22      Williams, Kelly      45:32    14:39     360       153
23      Lockhart, Lesa       45:32    14:39     361       154
24      Garman, Janet        50:32    16:16     385       169
25      Leslie, Carol        50:40    16:18     387       171
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Nyberg, Karen        20:37    6:38      36        2
2       Rodriguez, Claudia   23:12    7:28      83        12
3       Caldwell, Tracy      23:54    7:42      97        18
4       Krekeler, Paige      24:02    7:44      101       21
5       Caldwell, Lindsey    25:00    8:03      127       31
6       Fowler, Kellie       26:19    8:28      167       45
7       Rachita, Laura       26:58    8:41      183       52
8       Dupre, Tracy         28:04    9:02      202       60
9       Keena, Mary          28:16    9:06      206       63
10      Jadwick, Jennifer    33:23    10:45     286       105
11      Miller, Kristen      37:27    12:03     315       123
12      Catching, Amy        38:43    12:28     320       125
13      Van Essen, Michelle  39:14    12:38     326       130
14      Patrolia, Elizabeth  39:18    12:39     328       131
15      Patterson, Teresa    45:22    14:36     359       152
16      Stewart, Niki        46:14    14:53     366       157
17      Nuernberg, Kathy     50:31    16:16     384       168
18      Milbrath, Elizabeth  51:12    16:29     390       174
19      Hartman, Laurel      57:46    18:36     406       185
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Groff, Julie         20:43    6:40      37        3
2       Armstrong, Lisa      20:50    6:42      38        4
3       Pacinda, Cheryl      24:01    7:44      100       20
4       Bottling, Dianne     24:08    7:46      105       23
5       Loerch, Linda        24:26    7:52      112       24
6       Robertson, Shay      24:33    7:54      114       25
7       Stout, Joyce         25:05    8:04      130       33
8       O Connell, Eileen    25:44    8:17      148       37
9       Jones, Olivia        26:41    8:35      178       50
10      Zamudio, Ramona      27:12    8:45      188       53
11      Cain, Alicen         27:40    8:54      195       56
12      Flury, Kelley        28:51    9:17      220       73
13      Krist, Kim           29:33    9:31      236       79
14      Hudson, Shar         32:06    10:20     268       94
15      Grant, Bea           33:22    10:44     284       104
16      Dasch, Sheila        33:28    10:46     288       107
17      Garcia, Shirley      33:37    10:49     289       108
18      Perterson, Dawn      35:01    11:16     302       114
19      Coggeshall, Margaret 36:46    11:50     311       119
20      Bordelon, Rebecca    38:08    12:16     318       124
21      Freise, Kelley       40:26    13:01     332       134
22      Mc Kinley, Melissa   42:20    13:38     339       137
23      Schoppe, Adrienne    44:32    14:20     354       148
24      Parks, Marianna      45:01    14:29     355       149
25      Hughes, Kim          47:50    15:24     371       160
26      Putman, Stacy        47:57    15:26     373       161
27      Topolski, Julie      50:17    16:11     381       165
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Schwandt, Elizabeth  22:35    7:16      72        9
2       Abell, Catherine     23:47    7:39      96        17
3       Lutz, Brenda         25:43    8:17      146       36
4       Canich, Jo Ann       25:48    8:18      151       39
5       Sharchburg, Kathleen 25:51    8:19      153       40
6       Dvorak, Cindy        25:52    8:20      154       41
7       Brown, Carol         26:47    8:37      181       51
8       Williams, Lynn       27:53    8:58      199       58
9       Richards, Linda      28:45    9:15      218       71
10      Tilley, Vanessa      30:30    9:49      253       87
11      Jacobson, T J        32:45    10:32     277       97
12      Erickson, Angela     34:01    10:57     296       110
13      Nealy, Jody          39:07    12:35     325       129
14      Bell, Dessiray       42:55    13:49     341       139
15      Slusher, Sherri      42:56    13:49     342       140
16      Michalk, Cheryl      43:55    14:08     348       144
17      Krumrey, Carolyn     45:21    14:36     357       151
18      Collopy, Joni        46:21    14:55     367       158
19      Halle, Gina          48:49    15:43     377       162
20      Fuqua, Tammy         48:54    15:44     380       164
21      Patrick, Corinne     50:40    16:18     386       170
22      Tomlinson, Vivian    50:41    16:19     388       172
23      Lott, Julanne        55:59    18:01     401       183
24      Ruppert, Rudy        59:14    19:04     410       186
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Collins, Yong        23:13    7:28      84        13
2       Mccrary, Susan       24:54    8:01      124       30
3       Watson, Nancy        25:06    8:05      132       34
4       Beavers, Cathy       25:53    8:20      157       42
5       Holden, Diana        28:03    9:02      201       59
6       Hefland, Donna       28:06    9:03      203       61
7       Torregrossa, Bernice 28:09    9:04      204       62
8       Wilson, Janet        28:16    9:06      207       64
9       Sutton, Janet        28:16    9:06      208       65
10      Hinton, Gloria       28:21    9:07      210       67
11      Tigges, Brenda       28:44    9:15      217       70
12      Spaulding, Laura     30:01    9:40      242       81
13      Stottlemyer, Sylvia  33:03    10:38     280       100
14      Chandler, Tracie     33:05    10:39     281       101
15      Palmer, Lynn         35:05    11:18     304       116
16      Mireles, Maria       35:42    11:29     308       118
17      Chambellan, Morgan   37:01    11:55     312       120
18      Latimer, Kay         37:14    11:59     313       121
19      Vaughan, Ana         39:40    12:46     329       132
20      Hesse, Rosie         42:03    13:32     338       136
21      Kolkmeier, Pat       42:54    13:48     340       138
22      Dennard, Beth        43:23    13:58     344       141
23      Frank, Terry         44:24    14:17     352       146
24      Devillier, Scarlett  50:18    16:11     382       166
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Koons, Marilyn       26:10    8:25      163       43
2       Thompson, Sara       29:14    9:25      232       77
3       Groden, Patricia     29:44    9:34      238       80
4       Smith, Barbara       31:10    10:02     257       89
5       Novak, Mikki         31:31    10:09     262       90
6       Rhoden, Linda        32:00    10:18     266       92
7       Webb, Chris          32:12    10:22     270       95
8       Huff, Debbie         32:48    10:33     278       98
9       Jones, Sharon A.     33:24    10:45     287       106
10      Jaramillo, Mary      34:15    11:01     297       111
11      Junn, Sandy          34:57    11:15     300       112
12      Savino, Mary Jane    35:00    11:16     301       113
13      Tacquard, Phyllis    37:26    12:03     314       122
14      Sartor, Kathy        38:50    12:30     323       127
15      Rolf, Marilyn        38:56    12:32     324       128
16      Mc Clain, Connie     45:47    14:44     363       155
17      Stalmaker, Sandy     50:22    16:13     383       167
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Ryerson, Mary Ann    27:42    8:55      196       57
2       McCurdy, Sandra      30:14    9:44      250       86
3       Easto, Linda         50:56    16:24     389       173
4       Walker, Barbara      59:14    19:04     411       187
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Montgomery, Margaret 32:05    10:20     267       93
2       Oliver, Anita        54:00    17:23     400       182
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Curtis, Dorthy       46:02    14:49     364       156
2       Roth, Kathleen       46:53    15:05     368       159
3       Fajardo, Rosario     48:50    15:43     378       163
4       Smith, Patsy         56:03    18:02     403       184
70 and Over
Place   Name                 Time     Pace      O'all     Sex Place
1       Jasso, Verna         43:33    14:01     345       142
2       Moore, Bertie Jo     43:50    14:06     347       143
3       Caid, Betty Jo       53:14    17:08     398       181

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