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SARR Women's 5K
July 13, 2002
San Antonio, Texas
3.1 miles

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SARR Women's 5K Photo Gallery

Overall Females
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Arzola, Deborah            17:25 5:36   1
2      Ahlers, Rochelle           19:42 6:20   2
3      Genevieve, Chavez          19:45 6:21   3
4      McCumber, Elizabeth        19:47 6:22   4
5      Amy, Rapp                  20:15 6:31   6
Masters Females
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Braud, Margo               20:06 6:28   5
2      Savo-Berge, Deanna         20:44 6:40   13
3      Corinne, Morales           20:55 6:44   15
Female Age Groups
14 and Under
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Barlow, Faith              20:37 6:38   12
2      Anastasia, Nichols         21:00 6:46   19
3      King, Jamie                22:28 7:14   36
4      Angela, Cantu              23:14 7:29   46
5      Ramirez, Priscilla         27:38 8:54   114
6      Caruso, Megan              29:49 9:36   156
7      Saan, Kristen              29:55 9:38   160
8      Maggie, Lloyd              30:10 9:43   164
9      Cormack, Chelsea           32:21 10:25  212
10     Maria A., Smith            33:12 10:41  227
11     Torres, Alexis             34:58 11:15  257
12     Bage, Sally                35:31 11:26  264
13     Destiny Ann, Macias        36:21 11:42  272
14     Dana, Hauser               37:08 11:57  280
15     Soto, Amanda               38:54 12:31  300
16     Soto, Jenn                 38:54 12:31  301
17     Levy, Rebecca              39:48 12:49  307
18     Melina, Gilg               43:17 13:56  326
19     Pollard, Shelby            51:13 16:29  379
20     Ortegon, Cassie            53:43 17:17  392
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Katherine, King            20:30 6:36   8
2      Ramirez, Veronica          20:35 6:37   10
3      Laura, Szarmach            21:36 6:57   26
4      Wyman, Jill                22:00 7:05   33
5      Ashley, Burch              22:28 7:14   37
6      Desiree, Lopez             22:53 7:22   39
7      Lisa, Garcia               22:58 7:24   42
8      Gutierrez, Katie           23:02 7:25   43
9      Maureen, Lloyd             23:09 7:27   44
10     Kamila, Kurzawa            23:43 7:38   51
11     Goudge, Carrie             24:15 7:48   59
12     Lizet, Garcia              24:20 7:50   61
13     Berge, Candice             24:48 7:59   67
14     Pinon, Natalie             25:52 8:20   83
15     Ordonez, Valerie           25:52 8:20   84
16     Gamez, Maya                26:11 8:26   90
17     Gonzales, Vanessa          26:40 8:35   99
18     Fowler, Pamela             27:09 8:44   106
19     Smith, Alexandra           27:45 8:56   116
20     Reyna, Debora              28:29 9:10   126
21     Ocejo, Monica              28:35 9:12   130
22     Drew, Chandler             29:41 9:33   153
23     Hochenedel, Annabelle      30:25 9:47   171
24     Ashleigh, Gocong           42:34 13:42  323
25     Ruth, Groff                43:30 14:00  329
26     Talamantes, Vianey         44:57 14:28  335
27     Cassie, Washburn           45:54 14:46  348
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Wallace, Samatha           20:24 6:34   7
2      Ingrid, Peterson           20:36 6:38   11
3      Mojica, Lya                21:51 7:02   28
4      Spring, Chandler           22:03 7:06   34
5      Oliva Martinez, Veronica   24:14 7:48   58
6      Dietrich, Alex             24:48 7:59   68
7      Kirschen, Heather          24:48 7:59   69
8      Verner, Michelle           24:56 8:01   72
9      Orsborn, Christina         26:16 8:27   92
10     Ayala, Marisa              27:01 8:42   102
11     Curtis, Mehren             27:09 8:44   107
12     Teresa, Martinez/guerra    27:48 8:57   117
13     Cheri, Travis              28:51 9:17   136
14     Crawford, Stephanie        29:06 9:22   143
15     Brooklymm, Chandler        30:14 9:44   165
16     Iniguez, Guadalupe         30:24 9:47   170
17     Daniels, Katherine         34:27 11:05  250
18     L. Lisa, Sandoval          41:07 13:14  317
19     Patricia, Macias           43:28 13:59  328
20     Duran, Jennifer            45:15 14:34  339
21     Anne, Delgado              45:16 14:34  340
22     Ackerman, Gina             45:57 14:47  350
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Iniguez, Cecilia           20:59 6:45   18
2      Hatton, Kimberly           21:56 7:04   31
3      Webb, Cynthia              22:23 7:12   35
4      Lerma, Sanya               22:56 7:23   41
5      Bravo, Karla               23:27 7:33   47
6      Herrera, Nora              24:29 7:53   64
7      Juarez, Patricia           24:55 8:01   71
8      Lester, Michelle           25:48 8:18   82
9      Ashley, Jackson            27:24 8:49   109
10     Meyer, Lindsey             27:58 9:00   120
11     Geiger, Minde              28:37 9:13   132
12     Lisa, Pedrotti             28:51 9:17   137
13     Tovar, Adriana             29:09 9:23   144
14     Amy, Castiglone            30:03 9:40   162
15     Hernandez, Melissa         30:26 9:48   173
16     Guzman, Luchianna          31:57 10:17  202
17     Christina, Aranda          31:58 10:17  204
18     Sarah, Woody               32:08 10:21  208
19     Julie, Fike                32:18 10:24  211
20     Maricela, Santiago         32:27 10:27  217
21     Salas, Sharon              34:57 11:15  256
22     Talamantes, Tamara         35:02 11:17  259
23     Ursula, Sayers-ward        35:25 11:24  262
24     Cardenas, Christine        35:52 11:33  268
25     Luhrs, Michelle            37:10 11:58  281
26     Holowecky, Heather         37:13 11:59  282
27     Sininger, Saundra          37:14 11:59  283
28     Luhrs, Christine           37:19 12:01  286
29     Hernandez, Maria           38:02 12:14  293
30     Padilla, Kathy             38:30 12:23  296
31     Cisneros, Sandra           40:07 12:55  312
32     Loveless, Barbara          46:12 14:52  354
33     DeJohn, Rose               47:14 15:12  361
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Gonzalez, Toni             20:49 6:42   14
2      Ahrens, Kimberly           20:57 6:45   16
3      Lisa, Ray                  21:55 7:03   30
4      Tina, Russ                 21:59 7:05   32
5      Gross, Monique             23:30 7:34   49
6      Faucett, Ernestina         23:40 7:37   50
7      Sheeran, Mary Kay          24:07 7:46   57
8      Melissa, Haddad            24:19 7:50   60
9      Wendy, Timmons             25:31 8:13   79
10     Jennifer, Jaroszewski      26:07 8:24   88
11     Jupe, Kim                  26:19 8:28   93
12     Noyola, Suzette            26:29 8:31   97
13     Christilles, Dawn          27:31 8:51   111
14     Nelson, Dawn               27:38 8:54   113
15     Laura, O'donnell           28:52 9:17   138
16     Kellie, Bednarz            29:05 9:22   142
17     Emily, Goode               29:34 9:31   149
18     Jane, Weeden               29:46 9:35   155
19     Maria A., Anguiano         29:57 9:38   161
20     Anderson, Berenice         30:17 9:45   166
21     Forkheim, Crystal          30:26 9:48   172
22     Cathleen, Stryker          30:31 9:49   174
23     Zandra, Narvaez            31:12 10:03  181
24     Carolyn, Shofner           31:28 10:08  188
25     DeLeon, Melissa            31:41 10:12  194
26     Zelda, Fernandez           31:44 10:13  195
27     Jessica, Clary             31:50 10:15  196
28     Drolla, Jennifer           32:05 10:20  206
29     Navejas, Yolanda           32:12 10:22  209
30     Delia, Garcia              32:13 10:22  210
31     Brandi, Bryan              32:28 10:27  218
32     Martha, Otake              32:39 10:31  221
33     Pearson, Linda             33:14 10:42  228
34     Bogar, Theresia            33:30 10:47  234
35     Kathy, Nava                33:53 10:54  242
36     Long, Tammy                33:55 10:55  244
37     Lorena M., Havill          34:19 11:03  249
38     Melannie, Eldridge         34:37 11:08  253
39     Pena, Shannon              35:30 11:26  263
40     Hernandez, Barbara         36:12 11:39  271
41     Julie, Hardaway            36:30 11:45  275
42     Kim, Grosenbacher          37:17 12:00  284
43     Peacock, Nelda             37:24 12:02  287
44     Tuch, Marcia               37:32 12:05  288
45     Laura, Almasy              39:17 12:39  304
46     Jimenez, Gina              39:20 12:40  305
47     Sicurella, Teresa          40:13 12:57  314
48     Martinez, Gracie           41:22 13:19  319
49     Davidson, Courtney         41:50 13:28  322
50     Albert, Michelle           46:35 15:00  356
51     Ninfa, Martinez            46:48 15:04  359
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Ireland, Tammy             20:35 6:37   9
2      Bobbie, Demondante         20:58 6:45   17
3      Tina, Klein                21:11 6:49   21
4      Leah, Shiely               21:16 6:51   22
5      Stadler, Jane              21:18 6:51   23
6      Toland, Marissa            21:43 6:59   27
7      Kim M., Travella           22:44 7:19   38
8      Pennyjo, Adams             23:44 7:38   52
9      Theresa, Carroll           23:48 7:40   54
10     Moran, Gloria              24:05 7:45   56
11     Eydie, Garza               25:21 8:10   76
12     Cecilia, Gorecki           26:37 8:34   98
13     Deborah, Sinclair          27:30 8:51   110
14     Barrios Trevino, Diana     27:32 8:52   112
15     Hamilton, Margaret         27:39 8:54   115
16     Katherine, Barry           27:56 8:59   118
17     Compean, Monica            28:23 9:08   122
18     Garcia, Neida              28:36 9:12   131
19     Matha, Bohrer              29:04 9:21   141
20     Willette, Shannon          29:50 9:36   157
21     Rachel, Camarano           29:53 9:37   158
22     Saari, Terri               29:54 9:37   159
23     Fitch, Lori                30:19 9:45   168
24     Betty C., Rodriguez        30:20 9:46   169
25     Hartbarger, Gina           31:10 10:02  180
26     Ortegon, Dora              31:14 10:03  182
27     Rosemary, Castillo-sarti   31:35 10:10  192
28     Sharon, Ellis              31:39 10:11  193
29     Wilkinson, Mary            31:52 10:15  198
30     Esquivel, Maria            31:57 10:17  203
31     Joyce, Austin              32:08 10:21  207
32     Micki, Philbin             32:23 10:25  213
33     Annabel, Mendez            32:34 10:29  220
34     Molly, Miller              33:42 10:51  236
35     Elizabeth, Tobias          33:54 10:55  243
36     Dana, Jackson              34:17 11:02  248
37     Caroline, Cameron          35:03 11:17  260
38     Jeffords, Leticia          35:47 11:31  267
39     Rose Ann, Hauser           36:41 11:48  278
40     Levy, Sandy                36:58 11:54  279
41     Shawn, Constable           37:56 12:13  292
42     Rodriguez, Carolyn         38:53 12:31  299
43     Sabine, Brown              41:46 13:27  321
44     Tellez, Ruth               47:15 15:12  362
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Wilcox, Ana Maria          21:00 6:46   20
2      Rudy, Elizabeth            21:18 6:51   24
3      Sanford-Blagg, Nancy       21:20 6:52   25
4      Monday, Rose               21:51 7:02   29
5      Bambace, Cheryl            23:29 7:33   48
6      Medlin, Cindy              23:55 7:42   55
7      Kerry, Zuhlke              24:24 7:51   62
8      Karen, Chavez              24:53 8:01   70
9      Denise, Macomber           25:18 8:09   75
10     Aoorno, Robin              25:26 8:11   77
11     Gonzalez, Yolanda          25:31 8:13   78
12     McClaran, Lynette          25:42 8:16   81
13     Mulligin-Tyler, Marion     26:23 8:29   94
14     Campbell, Mary             26:25 8:30   95
15     Constance, Cruz            26:28 8:31   96
16     SanTrajo, Mirna            26:49 8:38   100
17     Felty, Kimberley           28:25 9:09   123
18     Beverly, Koch              28:31 9:11   127
19     Elizabeth, Williamson      28:32 9:11   128
20     Cynthia, Carreon           29:10 9:23   145
21     Spencer, Lindie            29:35 9:31   151
22     Faucett, Judy              30:40 9:52   177
23     Martinez, Sandra           31:16 10:04  183
24     Webb, Eva                  31:20 10:05  186
25     Kiem, Jeannine             31:32 10:09  189
26     Karen A., Keener           32:25 10:26  214
27     Laura, Walters             32:26 10:26  215
28     Virginia, Sanchez          32:41 10:31  222
29     Dibrell, Ingrid            32:58 10:37  225
30     Dela Garza, Julia          33:02 10:38  226
31     Janet, Vasquez             33:20 10:44  232
32     Myrna, Penn                33:53 10:54  241
33     Eva, Munoz                 34:57 11:15  255
34     Daniels, Sue               35:37 11:28  265
35     Cercolo, Kathy             37:18 12:00  285
36     Gerardi, Margit            37:51 12:11  290
37     Yvette, Dralle             38:18 12:20  295
38     Debra, Acosta              39:59 12:52  310
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Zooala, Juana              22:56 7:23   40
2      Baggett, Janet             23:12 7:28   45
3      Gizelle, Schellenberg      23:47 7:39   53
4      Michele, Trankina          24:28 7:52   63
5      Sarah, Martinez            25:12 8:07   74
6      Altomare, Theresa          25:34 8:14   80
7      Meza, Betty                26:06 8:24   87
8      Laura, Clader              26:10 8:25   89
9      Gretchen, Mayes            26:15 8:27   91
10     Hochenedel, Amanda         27:04 8:43   103
11     Rocha, Silvia              27:08 8:44   105
12     Egger, Rita                27:17 8:47   108
13     Reese, Shelta              27:58 9:00   119
14     Karen, Battafarano         28:03 9:02   121
15     Ana, Bosch                 28:28 9:10   125
16     Castillo, Carmen           28:44 9:15   133
17     Curtis, Pam                28:48 9:16   134
18     Lou Ann, Demartino         28:49 9:16   135
19     Collier, Marsha            29:21 9:27   146
20     Cindy, Kimling             29:35 9:31   150
21     Braid, Lupe                30:05 9:41   163
22     Aline, Tucker              30:33 9:50   175
23     Belcher, Marilyn           30:36 9:51   176
24     Alvarado, Susana           31:07 10:01  179
25     Mclerran, Glenda           31:17 10:04  184
26     Ramirez, Liz               31:34 10:10  190
27     Deborah, Mabrey            31:55 10:16  200
28     Gamez, Irma                32:01 10:18  205
29     Cornelia, Hely             32:26 10:26  216
30     Perez, Eloise              32:50 10:34  224
31     Trevino, Sylvia            33:16 10:42  229
32     Aquire, Maria              33:29 10:47  233
33     Vaughan, Melissa           33:33 10:48  235
34     Debbie, Brady              33:49 10:53  238
35     Anne, Duke-shaw            33:50 10:53  239
36     Mary, O'hara               35:17 11:21  261
37     Debra, Burch               35:38 11:28  266
38     Cathy, Sullivan            36:05 11:37  269
39     Lowrey, Debbie             36:27 11:44  274
40     Canales, Estalla           38:41 12:27  297
41     Elizabeth, Flores          53:58 17:22  394
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Kay, Moon                  24:41 7:57   65
2      Liz, Mcgowan               24:59 8:02   73
3      Wanda, Knippa              28:28 9:10   124
4      Heffner, Sherry            29:02 9:21   140
5      Jeannette, Rivera          31:51 10:15  197
6      Earhardt, Sue              31:57 10:17  201
7      Ramos, Irene               33:16 10:42  230
8      Ressel, Kris               33:18 10:43  231
9      Virginia, Vargas           34:10 11:00  246
10     Castillo, Carhy            34:11 11:00  247
11     Diane, Persellin           34:30 11:06  251
12     Jessie N.M., Simpson       34:51 11:13  254
13     Young, Melinda             36:11 11:39  270
14     Orsborn, Rose              39:30 12:43  306
15     Halverson, Pat             39:51 12:50  308
16     Kathy, Juarez              40:24 13:00  316
17     Palacio, Hilda             41:22 13:19  320
18     Mary Ann, Cruz             45:02 14:30  336
19     Lydia, Alston              51:14 16:29  380
20     Gutierr, Yolanda           54:53 17:40  399
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Olga O., Bellg             24:42 7:57   66
2      Brink, Trudy               27:05 8:43   104
3      Emma, Gregory              29:26 9:28   147
4      Maddox, Sylvia             29:31 9:30   148
5      Gloria, Anderson           30:18 9:45   167
6      Lena, Williams             31:20 10:05  185
7      Camero, Diana              31:23 10:06  187
8      Mary M., Mccord            31:54 10:16  199
9      Mardale, Wilson            33:44 10:51  237
10     Alvarado, Janet            34:32 11:07  252
11     Jean, Rosow                35:01 11:16  258
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Un, Cox                    25:56 8:21   85
2      Mary, Kaplan               29:39 9:33   152
3      Pat, Penrod                29:44 9:34   154
4      Alice, Candler             31:34 10:10  191
5      Ann, Alwood                32:29 10:27  219
6      DeKruyff, Ruth             32:45 10:32  223
7      Martha A., Graf            33:51 10:54  240
8      Carol, Gilg                36:26 11:44  273
9      Cruz G., Oliva             37:54 12:12  291
10     Zatarain, Josie            43:51 14:07  332
11     Bursun, Sandy              46:04 14:50  351
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Beverly, Avery             26:49 8:38   101
2      Vonda Lee, Adorno          28:53 9:18   139
3      Jane, Hamlyn               43:30 14:00  330
70 and Over
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Julia, Wilkerson           33:56 10:55  245
2      Janie, Velez               37:34 12:05  289
3      Doss, Lillie               43:27 13:59  327
Females w/o ages
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      McKeenex, Patti            26:00 8:22   86
2      Adell, Leila               28:34 9:12   129
3      Dicianna, Kristen          30:47 9:54   178
4      Powell, Chris              38:16 12:19  294
5      Manners, Joanne            47:01 15:08  360
14 and Under
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Pittman, Aisha             46:36 15:00  357
2      Garcia, Rene               48:57 15:45  367
3      Castouno, Elena            48:57 15:45  368
4      Muillo, Vanessa            52:50 17:00  385
5      Megan, Gilg                55:29 17:51  403
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Caballero, Natalie         50:29 16:15  376
2      Levy, Beth                 52:46 16:59  384
3      Saenz, Tere                56:08 18:04  410
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Alaniz, Jennifer           55:16 17:47  400
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Carranza, Amelia           43:37 14:02  331
2      Shanna, Garcia             53:54 17:21  393
3      Gomez, Brenda              54:14 17:27  396
4      Rodriguez, Petra           54:16 17:28  397
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Tulbah, Becky              36:37 11:47  277
2      Miles-Branham, Marva       42:53 13:48  324
3      Butcher, Laura             52:45 16:59  383
4      Trina, Diehl               52:55 17:02  388
5      Sandra P., Guerrero        53:02 17:04  389
6      Cruz Ponce, Terry          53:02 17:04  390
7      Gareis, Jimmie Sue         55:49 17:58  408
8      Pyne, Jen                1:01:25 19:46  412
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Richardson, Lorelei        36:37 11:47  276
2      Johnson, LeNora            44:51 14:26  334
3      Galvan, Eva                45:30 14:39  345
4      Mary, Cuellar              46:37 15:00  358
5      Cheryl, Jans               47:30 15:17  364
6      Schaffer, Glenda           52:38 16:56  382
7      Buentello, Rosemary        52:50 17:00  386
8      San Miguel, Cindy          54:22 17:30  398
9      Kambi, Deuel               55:28 17:51  402
10     Garza, Rita                55:31 17:52  404
11     Castoreno, Marie           55:32 17:52  405
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Scott, Marisa              38:42 12:27  298
2      Betsey, Burrows            38:55 12:32  302
3      Victoria, Cruz             39:03 12:34  303
4      Patti, Grossman            43:00 13:50  325
5      Vaness, Eoff               45:06 14:31  337
6      Dimas, Stella              45:29 14:38  343
7      Jolanta, Jobczyk           45:54 14:46  349
8      Mock, Liann                46:16 14:53  355
9      Teri, Perez                49:38 15:58  372
10     Cathy, Darr                50:18 16:11  373
11     Hilda, Lopez               50:28 16:15  375
12     Williams, Rosetta          50:51 16:22  378
13     Krisch, Dana               53:03 17:04  391
14     Ponce, Patricia            54:09 17:26  395
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Roden, Katy                40:01 12:53  311
2      Nicolette, Palmer          41:12 13:16  318
3      Cantu, Norma               45:11 14:33  338
4      Klug, Karen                45:16 14:34  342
5      Montalvo, Maria            45:30 14:39  344
6      Frances V., Young          47:29 15:17  363
7      Sharon, Nichols            47:49 15:23  365
8      Susan, Bundrick            49:01 15:47  369
9      Key, Evelyn                52:55 17:02  387
10     Prado, Bessie              55:36 17:54  406
11     Saenz, Jayne               56:10 18:05  411
12     Rubin, Lesley            1:01:26 19:46  413
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Angie, Chaos-peters        40:10 12:56  313
2      Carolyn, Pfeiffer          45:52 14:46  347
3      Cynthia, Grimes            46:04 14:50  352
4      Alaniz, Yolanda            55:17 17:48  401
5      Martha, Gates              55:56 18:00  409
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Wendy, Drezek              44:43 14:24  333
2      Stanush, B elinda          48:46 15:42  366
3      Esther Valdez, Mary        49:11 15:50  371
4      Simpson, Cherry            52:32 16:54  381
5      Sandoval, Olivia           55:37 17:54  407
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Peggy, Fancher             39:53 12:50  309
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Valdes-Shick, Margie       40:18 12:58  315
2      Peschel, Marjorie          45:45 14:43  346
3      Mendoza, Sophia            46:11 14:52  353
70 and Over
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Miriam, Ellison            49:10 15:49  370
Females w/o ages
Place  Name                        Time Pace   O'all
1      Gentry, Grizeldi           45:16 14:34  341
2      Jennifer, Scanlon          50:19 16:12  374
3      Papaho, Maria Ingrid       50:45 16:20  377

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