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SARR 4th of July 4 Miler
July 4, 2002
San Antonio, Texas
4 miles

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Overall Male
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Terris, David           21:22  5:21    1       1
Overall Female
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Mccumber, Liz           26:35  6:39    27      1
Male Age Groups
14 and Under
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Araiza, Aaron           26:11  6:33    23      23
2     Garcia, Joseph A.       30:36  7:39    65      55
3     Garcia, Jarrod          30:48  7:42    70      59
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Perez, Nicolas          21:34  5:24    2       2
2     Reina, Rio              21:54  5:29    4       4
3     Perez, Carlos           22:06  5:32    6       6
4     Ochoa, Bernie           23:14  5:49    7       7
5     Barr, Sheldon           24:40  6:10    11      11
6     Corres, Jose            25:08  6:17    14      14
7     Araiza lll, Abel        25:34  6:24    18      18
8     Splitek, Steven         32:25  8:06    86      71
9     Sigler, Nick            32:58  8:15    93      78
10    Rathjen, Nick           37:54  9:29    141     105
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Kruse, Curt             29:43  7:26    51      45
2     Splitek, Jeremy         36:16  9:04    128     99
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Bogar, Roy              26:14  6:34    24      24
2     Esparza, Christopher    29:23  7:21    46      41
3     Meier, Jay              30:14  7:34    59      51
4     Blataric, Jason         30:55  7:44    73      62
5     Walkingstick, Mike      34:02  8:31    108     87
6     Clarke Iii, William     35:54  8:59    123     97
7     Goss, Bruce             36:45  9:11    133     102
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Viesca, Victor          23:45  5:56    8       8
2     Grater, Stefan          24:07  6:02    9       9
3     Chavarria, Edward       26:00  6:30    22      22
4     Rodriguez, Roland       27:11  6:48    30      28
5     Anzaldua, Michael       28:22  7:06    38      35
6     Luckowski, Phil         30:23  7:36    62      53
7     Janus, Scott            30:40  7:40    66      56
8     Averyt, Edward          31:37  7:54    81      68
9     Ramirez Jr., Alfredo    35:48  8:57    122     96
10    McCray, Mark            40:29  10:07   162     120
11    Gimbel, John            41:46  10:27   170     125
12    Salazar, Paul           41:49  10:27   171     126
13    Jenkins, Charles        51:14  12:49   195     137
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Sanders, Mike           24:26  6:07    10      10
2     Smith, Charles          25:07  6:17    13      13
3     Pumphrey, Mark          25:28  6:22    16      16
4     Kalisky, Gary           26:00  6:30    21      21
5     Zuniga, Jesus           26:24  6:36    25      25
6     Cox, Rudy               26:58  6:45    28      27
7     Briere, Todd            27:35  6:54    32      30
8     Wiesen, John            30:41  7:40    67      57
9     Middleaag, Steve        30:50  7:43    72      61
10    Ukleya, Rob             31:28  7:52    79      67
11    Runner, Ken             31:40  7:55    82      69
12    Flores, Michael         32:53  8:13    92      77
13    Post, John              33:37  8:24    99      80
14    Ochotorena, Gus         33:40  8:25    100     81
15    Kirk, Scott A.          34:51  8:43    114     93
16    Eblen, James            47:46  11:57   189     135
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Dunn, David             21:45  5:26    3       3
2     Reina, Randy            22:05  5:31    5       5
3     Sylestine, Steve        25:31  6:23    17      17
4     Fuentes, Roger          25:38  6:25    19      19
5     Fitzgerald, Andy        25:51  6:28    20      20
6     Guajardo, Anthony       26:27  6:37    26      26
7     Esterl, Robert          27:34  6:54    31      29
8     Alston, Robert D        30:13  7:33    58      50
9     Patterson, Michael      30:29  7:37    64      54
10    Martinez, Victor        31:10  7:48    76      65
11    Garcia, Joe             32:35  8:09    88      73
12    Zavaza, Victor          32:37  8:09    89      74
13    Brahm, David            33:42  8:26    101     82
14    Gonzalez, Adrian        36:19  9:05    129     100
15    Stoll, L                36:46  9:12    134     103
16    Griffin, Graylyne       38:53  9:43    146     107
17    Pena, Robert            39:26  9:52    151     112
18    Doss, Timothy           39:30  9:53    153     114
19    Sambrano, Jesse         39:37  9:54    154     115
20    Parker, James           42:11  10:33   174     128
21    Morales, Frank          48:46  12:12   191     136
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Martinez, Rafael        25:13  6:18    15      15
2     Amezcua, Rene           27:41  6:55    34      32
3     Young, Gregory          28:32  7:08    41      37
4     Hoffman, Greg           29:03  7:16    45      40
5     Dominguez, Daniel       29:46  7:27    53      46
6     Acuna, Daniel           30:15  7:34    60      52
7     DeLimonico, Ben         31:24  7:51    78      66
8     Sanchez, Roger          38:29  9:37    145     106
9     Monaghan, Jake          39:16  9:49    150     111
10    Perez-arbelo, Jose      39:50  9:58    158     118
11    Jacob, Mark             42:04  10:31   172     127
12    Bobrukiewiez, Walter    55:35  13:54   206     141
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Perez, Ramon            27:57  6:59    35      33
2     Orsborn, John           29:41  7:25    50      44
3     Sozanski, Stephen       29:51  7:28    54      47
4     Shomion, Steve          32:28  8:07    87      72
5     Garcia, Daniel          32:38  8:10    90      75
6     Deleon, Gilbert         34:07  8:32    111     90
7     Splitek, David          34:29  8:37    112     91
8     Tarver, Darrel          34:40  8:40    113     92
9     Mata, Ruben             35:30  8:53    119     95
10    Shoaf, Franz            36:34  9:09    132     101
11    Bailey, David           41:13  10:18   167     123
12    Ruiz, Paul              52:58  13:15   199     139
13    Jones, John             53:13  13:18   201     140
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Koppes, Gerald          28:19  7:05    37      34
2     Armstrong, Bob          28:24  7:06    39      36
3     Saldana, George         29:24  7:21    47      42
4     Teitz, Richard          29:24  7:21    48      43
5     Kalinowski, Leonard     30:47  7:42    69      58
6     Lake, Thomas            31:44  7:56    84      70
7     Espinoza, Luis          33:44  8:26    103     84
8     Dertien, Paul           33:49  8:27    104     85
9     Ramsey, Merrill         37:18  9:20    138     104
10    Oliva, Joe              39:08  9:47    149     110
11    Mason, Laurence         39:29  9:52    152     113
12    Vargas, Thomas          39:40  9:55    155     116
13    Bosch, John V           39:46  9:57    157     117
14    Clarkson, Robert        45:14  11:19   181     131
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Hernandez, Fernando     30:49  7:42    71      60
2     Speece, George          35:05  8:46    117     94
3     Barrera, Gilbert        39:03  9:46    147     108
4     Sablow, Sid             42:49  10:42   177     129
5     Riordan, Patrick        45:54  11:29   182     132
6     Rodriguez, Rogelio      47:38  11:55   188     134
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Marchbanks, Jerry       32:44  8:11    91      76
2     Dylla, Ed               33:28  8:22    98      79
3     Shuff, Dan              34:06  8:32    110     89
4     Langill, Ray            40:51  10:13   165     122
5     Carson, David           41:38  10:25   169     124
6     Hamlyn, Hugh            44:51  11:13   180     130
7     Dovali, William         51:28  12:52   196     138
70 and Over
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Rios, Robert            33:42  8:26    102     83
2     Limon, Alfredo          33:54  8:29    105     86
3     Raiborn Jr., Louis      45:59  11:30   183     133
Clydesdale Males
39 and Under
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Smierciak, Michael      28:43  7:11    43      39
2     Skiba, David            29:57  7:29    55      48
3     Gomez, Rick             30:05  7:31    57      49
4     Vasquez, Tony           31:10  7:48    75      64
5     Larson, Allen           40:34  10:09   164     121
40 and Over
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Johnson, Gene           24:55  6:14    12      12
2     Thornton, Paul          27:40  6:55    33      31
3     Riordan, Mike           28:41  7:10    42      38
4     Dralle, Mark            34:04  8:31    109     88
5     Mcbrearty, Scott        36:11  9:03    126     98
6     Moynihan, Steve         39:06  9:47    148     109
7     Munoz, Jeffrey          39:53  9:58    160     119
Males w/o ages
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Hernandez, Tom          31:03  7:46    74      63
Female Age Groups
14 and Under
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Nichols, Anastasia      27:59  7:00    36      3
2     Saucedo, Zolshynal      56:20  14:05   207     66
3     Irwin-Coab, Jessica   1:00:55  15:14   211     70
4     Rathjen, Katie        1:00:57  15:14   212     71
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Pinon, Natalie          30:03  7:31    56      8
2     Verner, Michelle        31:42  7:56    83      14
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Moody, Alie             28:57  7:14    44      5
2     Collum, Lindsay         36:29  9:07    131     31
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Firestone, Lisa         29:26  7:22    49      6
2     Hanson, April           29:44  7:26    52      7
3     Bravo, Karlo            30:25  7:36    63      10
4     Kalisky, Kristy         34:01  8:30    107     21
5     Janus, Jennifer         34:56  8:44    116     23
6     Cortes-costa, Karie     35:37  8:54    120     25
7     Layn, Jennifer          36:28  9:07    130     30
8     Leblanc, Elizabeth      49:43  12:26   192     56
9     Padilla, Kathy          52:48  13:12   197     59
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Sosa, Melissa           33:08  8:17    95      17
2     Cruz, Betty             33:10  8:18    96      18
3     Ortiz, Maureen          35:42  8:56    121     26
4     Bednarz, Kelli          38:11  9:33    143     38
5     Nelson, Dawn            38:21  9:35    144     39
6     Bogar, Theresia         43:31  10:53   178     49
7     Jenkins, Rose           53:49  13:27   203     63
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Adams, Penny Joe        30:23  7:36    61      9
2     Adorno, Noel            31:15  7:49    77      12
3     Rohmer, Christi         34:55  8:44    115     22
4     Willette, Shannon       37:31  9:23    139     35
5     Bohrer, Marth           38:10  9:33    142     37
6     Post, Mellie            43:37  10:54   179     50
7     Austin, Joyce Ann       47:23  11:51   187     54
8     Collins, Elizabeth      56:22  14:06   208     67
9     Costley, Bigail       1:00:46  15:12   210     69
10    Rathjen, Lesa         1:01:04  15:16   213     72
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Morales, Corinne        27:11  6:48    29      2
2     Sanford, Nancy          28:25  7:06    40      4
3     Garcia, April           31:34  7:54    80      13
4     Senuen, Lorie           33:58  8:30    106     20
5     Kelly, Colleen          35:06  8:47    118     24
6     Felty, Kimberley        36:14  9:04    127     29
7     Clarke, Brenda          40:59  10:15   166     44
8     Dralle, Yvette          49:54  12:29   193     57
9     Sambrano, Sally         51:08  12:47   194     58
10    Albert, Ann E.          56:54  14:14   209     68
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Browne, Donna           32:11  8:03    85      15
2     Saldana, Anita          33:04  8:16    94      16
3     Mayes, Gretchen         33:23  8:21    97      19
4     Bosch, Ana M            36:08  9:02    124     27
5     Tucker, Aline           41:36  10:24   168     45
6     Wolfshohl, Karen        42:44  10:41   176     48
7     Gross, Cheri            53:12  13:18   200     61
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Salinas, Veronica       30:43  7:41    68      11
2     Heffner, Sherry         36:54  9:14    136     33
3     Rivera, Jeannette       40:30  10:08   163     43
4     Bobrukiewiez, Joan      46:29  11:37   186     53
5     Cruz, Donna             52:57  13:14   198     60
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Kaminski, Dee           36:58  9:15    137     34
2     Gregory, Emma           37:37  9:24    140     36
3     Williams, Lena          39:55  9:59    161     42
4     Camero, Diana           46:14  11:34   184     51
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Sambrano, Gloria        39:45  9:56    156     40
2     Alwood, Ann             42:09  10:32   173     46
3     Oliva, Cruz             48:43  12:11   190     55
4     Ingle, Frances          54:16  13:34   204     64
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Adorno, Vonda Lee       36:47  9:12    135     32
2     Stahala, Maggie         46:15  11:34   185     52
3     Hamlyn, Jane            53:20  13:20   202     62
70 and Over
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Wilkerson, Julia        42:24  10:36   175     47
2     Doss, Lillie            54:38  13:40   205     65
Filly Females
40 and Over
Place Name                     Time  Pace O'all  Sex Place
1     Hernandez, Diana        36:10  9:03    125     28
2     Yount, Sharon           39:52  9:58    159     41

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