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SWTJC Fitness Challenge
May 25-26, 2002
Uvalde, Texas
200ys / 15mb / 2mr / 200ys -- 5Kr / 35Kb / 5Kr -- 10K / 5K / swims
USAT sanctioned event

200ys / 15mb / 2mr / 200ys
Overall Male
John Jones               1:00:30

Overall Female Landra Fowler 1:06:06

Masters Male Clent Mericle 1:03:45

Masters Female Cyndie Windeland 1:09:48

Male Age Groups 25-29 Stuart Rubio 1:11:11

30-34 John Jones 1:00:30 Michael Rivera 1:12:23 Eliseo Hernandez 1:13:32 Alex Bernardo 1:24:13 Wade Keller 1:28:06

35-39 Lyle Trumbull 1:06:09 Paul Brunsvold 1:08:43 Rick Perez 1:09:57 Dan Friedly 1:16:17 Bill Ewing 1:17:37 Kevin Tift 1:21:47

40-44 Phil Johnson 1:04:50 Michael Adame 1:09:41 Marc Frey 1:26:46 David White 1:29:32

45-49 Bobby Bonds 1:05:49 Michael Sparks 1:10:19 Reyes Lopez 1:11:18 Bob Baen 1:18:55 John Luciano 1:20:33 Bob Warrington 1:29:05

55-59 John Robertson 1:21:22

Female Age Groups 19 and Under Jessica Muhlstein 1:24:04 Bethany Muhlstein 1:39:08

25-29 Catherine Fahey 1:17:44 Rebekah Smith 1:23:57 Rachel Vega 1:34:14

30-34 Beth Murguia 1:07:38 Rachel Garza 1:27:00 Jennifer Langford 1:43:48

35-39 Laura Tift 1:21:27 Monica Elizondo 1:21:34 Angela White 1:30:40 Melissa Grossling 1:47:03

55-59 Lynn Francis 1:41:04

Relay Team Dillards 1:41:42

Duathlon 5Kr / 35Kb /5Kr Overall Male Dean Buzbee 1:36:06

Overall Female Landra Fowler 1:48:38

Masters Male John Tiemann 1:49:05

Masters Female Vicki Ralph 1:52:23

Male Age Groups 30-34 Eliseo Hernandez 2:03:44 Michael Sanders 2:11:05 Keith Gartell 2:11:57 Bart Plumb 2:13:26

35-39 Hector Cortez 1:44:22 Eliseo Elizondo 2:37:24

40-44 David Olivero 1:56:22 Eddie Guffee 2:01:27

45-49 Bobby Bonds 1:49:20 Frank Lozano 1:52:24 Michael Sparks 1:58:17

50-54 Richard Smith 1:52:28 Jim Moss 2:38:52

55-59 Bob Armstrong 1:53:52

60-64 Roy Dwyer 1:54:50

65-69 William Smith 2:00:07 Gary Schmidt 2:03:09

Kids Triathlon 100ys / 3mb / 1kr Overall Males Julian Adame 20:15 Sabastian Bernal 22:38 Manuel Sanchez 23:30 Jose Bernal 24:03 Christopher Lindenborn 24:31 Antonio Elizondo 24:56 Thomas Farr 25:28 Patrick Guenther 27:22 Ford Dubose 28:15 Kory Saucedo 28:30 Christopher Conrad 33:01

Overall Females Adriana Jarosek 23:13

3-year-olds Mabel Elaine Fowler 30:34

Relay Tomas/Poehler/Garza 20:03

200ys / 6mb / 2Kr Overall Males Aaron Sutton 40:13 Hunter Poehler 47:45 Ryan Cargil 56:05

Overall Females Audra Elrod 52:16 Ana Sanchez 52:16 Claire Dubose 54:03

Relay Williams/Machen/Berry 47:32

10K run Overall Male David Forbes 40:59

Overall Female Landra Fowler 41:28

Male Age Groups 19 and Under Clay Hamilton 43:29

25-29 Toby Gray 1:08:22

30-34 Ed Lewis 55:08

35-39 Arturo Loro 45:50

40-44 Jose Mantalvo 43:29 Rodolfo Mendoza 45:02 Robert Torres 55:49

45-49 Luis Garza 45:57 Lucio Lerma 52:25 Dennis Gray 1:17:58

50-54 David Forbes 40:59

Female Age Groups 30-34 Mary Lowe 1:27:54

35-39 Susan Brooks 46:32 Imelda Torres 55:56 Sheri Rutledge 1:01:46 Nancy Cargil 1:03:32

40-44 Rosa Gomez 47:35 Karen Miller 1:22:17

45-49 D'Nese Fly 48:51 Linda Gray 1:22:16

5K run Overall Male Clay Hamilton 20:50

Overall Female Susan Brooks 21:41

Male Age Groups 19 and Under Clay Hamilton 20:50 Pete Ortiz 21:12

20-24 David Gonzalez 25:05 Luis Fernandez 29:42

40-44 Robert Torres 26:25 Ken Dillard 30:16

Female Age Groups 19 and Under Wendi Williams 29:23

25-29 Jamie Sanders 29:53

30-34 Terrie McDaniel 25:29 Schelle Redford 28:31

35-39 Imelda Torres 25:24

40-44 Kay Schmidt 22:40

45-49 D'Nese Fly 22:29

55-59 Lorane Smith 34:27

1500y swim Overall Male Rob Fowler 23:28

Overall Female Beth Mergia 24:42

1000y swim Overall Female De De Sutton 17:50

500y swim Overall Females Rachel Garza 9:12 Mary Fowler 11:46 Sharon Fowler 17:01

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