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Wet and Wild Triathlon
March 2, 2002
Corpus Christi, Texas
300ys / 14mb / 3mr
USAT sanctioned event

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Overall Females
First Name  Last Name        Age  Sex  Cat. Bib#       Time
Terra       Baker            21   F    ind. 120     1:04:30
Dawn        Hirn             41   F    ind. 75      1:15:55
Paige       Terry            40   F    ind. 9       1:17:09
Rosemary    Myers-Neagli     46   F    ind. 93      1:17:31
Caroline    Lenhart          47   F    ind. 133     1:18:36
Jackie      Acuna            16   F    ind. 65      1:20:24
Kathrine    Kandalaft        33   F    ind. 13      1:20:48
Caroline    Debrick          45   F    ind. 25      1:21:22
Mary        Perez            35   F    ind. 89      1:22:48
Megan       Webb             20   F    ind. 131     1:23:36
Dolores     McGee            35   F    ind. 49      1:24:18
Sherri      Larabie-Exum     33   F    ind. 105     1:25:08
Tracy       Cassidy          42   F    ind. 116     1:25:17
Sarah       King             40   F    ind. 22      1:26:47
Wendy       Hart             34   F    ind. 14      1:27:16
Vicky       Bledsoe          33   F    ind. 45      1:30:22
Roswitha    Goossens-Winter  53   F    ind. 52      1:30:42
Katherine   De Lack          41   F    ind. 5       1:31:31
Courtney    Dreyer           27   F    ind. 78      1:35:29
Teresa      Albright         45   F    ind. 51      1:35:40
Michelle    Lester           26   F    ind. 27      1:35:47
Camille     Morrison         40   F    ind. 92      1:36:58
Vanessa     Ellermann        31   F    ind. 60      1:37:06
Ann         Aleman           40   F    ind. 141     1:37:33
Starrla     Simmons          26   F    ind. 117     1:37:36
Jacqueline  Amaya            37   F    ind. 3       1:38:44
Anna        Brozick          27   F    ind. 36      1:39:11
Rachel      Vega             28   F    ind. 149     1:41:50
Janice      Williams         43   F    ind. 144     1:42:10
Jamie       Wildenberg       25   F    ind. 130     1:43:04
Kathy       Watson           33   F    ind. 46      1:43:31
Katherine   Knot             31   F    ind. 104     1:44:45
Kristin     Frizzell         19   F    ind. 76      1:45:03
Joan        Trayhan          40   F    ind. 23      1:45:32
Stephanie   Kowalik          23   F    ind. 98      1:46:44
Faustina    Galbraith        24   F    ind. 56      1:47:08
Bonny       Cundiff          57   F    ind. 15      1:47:53
Ashley      Longoria         18   F    ind. 43      1:58:42
Overall Males
First Name  Last Name        Age  Sex  Cat. Bib#       Time
Matt        Seagrave         22   M    ind. 134     0:56:53
John        Jones            34   M    ind. 11      1:00:22
Brian       Uhler            40   M    ind. 85      1:01:40
Greg        Torrence         23   M    ind. 139     1:02:08
Orlando     Gonzalez         37   M    ind. 97      1:02:50
Mark        Wright           29   M    ind. 18      1:03:04
Kaili       Purviance        22   M    ind. 124     1:04:27
Kevin       Watassek         40   M    ind. 121     1:04:34
Clent       Mericle          48   M    ind. 101     1:04:59
Lee         Boyer            30   M    ind. 115     1:05:30
Paul        Brunsvold        37   M    ind. 102     1:06:32
Robert      Kite             32   M    ind. 34      1:07:01
Daniel      Lutz             22   M    ind. 29      1:07:42
Philip      Johnson          39   M    ind. 19      1:07:49
Kyle        Klootwyk         24   M    ind. 54      1:08:35
John        Hitzfeld         33   M    ind. 30      1:08:46
Blake       Hohensee         34   M    ind. 38      1:09:28
Maciej      Golonka          19   M    ind. 113     1:10:00
Barry       Exum             38   M    ind. 106     1:10:51
Rick        Perez            38   M    ind. 88      1:11:58
Pete        Mora             33   M    ind. 146     1:12:14
Che'        Coleman          29   M    ind. 114     1:12:38
Rendy       Fuentes          47   M    ind. 103     1:12:38
Jay         Anderson         40   M    ind. 137     1:13:11
Roger       Flores           32   M    ind. 84      1:13:12
David       Beverly          27   M    ind. 12      1:13:15
Fernando    Flores           26   M    ind. 77      1:14:13
Josh        Rubin            41   M    ind. 28      1:14:14
Joe         Kock             25   M    ind. 20      1:14:41
Steve       White            33   M    ind. 73      1:14:53
Eliseo      Hernandez IV     32   M    ind. 118     1:15:33
Ken         Weston           41   M    ind. 71      1:15:52
Michael     Rivera           33   M    ind. 107     1:16:23
Riou        Laurent          30   M    ind. 119     1:16:58
Trey        McBride          29   M    ind. 44      1:17:32
Craig       Burnside         41   M    ind. 86      1:18:07
Craft       Hughes           24   M    ind. 10      1:18:48
Tony        Eichstadt        49   M    ind. 48      1:18:48
Richard     Torres           32   M    ind. 140     1:19:28
James       Moseley          42   M    ind. 111     1:19:29
Mario       Chapa            40   M    ind. 136     1:19:54
Ben         McCrackin        44   M    ind. 138     1:19:54
Pete        Hansen           25   M    ind. 70      1:20:30
Andy        Stewart          44   M    ind. 53      1:20:44
Lloyd       Burnett          53   M    ind. 81      1:21:18
Bill        Ewing            36   M    ind. 74      1:21:35
Matt        Beahm            24   M    ind. 37      1:22:19
Michael     Brown            48   M    ind. 21      1:22:45
Eddie       Chapa            35   M    ind. 109     1:23:23
Mark        McBath           44   M    ind. 39      1:24:32
Monte       English          47   M    ind. 132     1:25:37
Anthony     Mireles          47   M    ind. 72      1:25:52
Albert      Hernandez        28   M    ind. 35      1:26:24
Chris       Gorrebeec        28   M    ind. 26      1:26:25
Jason       Goodson          35   M    ind. 112     1:27:18
John        Allen            32   M    ind. 147     1:27:18
Mark        McConnell        36   M    ind. 83      1:29:17
Chase       Yarbrough        23   M    ind. 110     1:29:22
Martin      Fay              66   M    ind. 59      1:30:03
Ronald      McGee            47   M    ind. 69      1:30:04
Jim         Russell          48   M    ind. 135     1:33:42
Shelby      Ricketts         33   M    ind. 145     1:34:54
Chris       Blazina          35   M    ind. 123     1:35:05
Todd        Lange            25   M    ind. 80      1:36:24
Rob         Smith            48   M    ind. 100     1:36:30
Jim         Moss             52   M    ind. 4       1:41:09
Robert      Cundiff          56   M    ind. 16      1:47:26
Mountain Bike
Name                         Age  Sex  Cat. Bib#       Time
Travis      Wheeler          27   M    M.B. 79      1:26:26
James       Kollaja Jr.      23   M    M.B. 47      1:30:12
Male Relays
Name                         Age  Sex  Cat. Bib#       Time
Flannery, Heldenfels, Klost  32   M    RM   143     0:57:15
Female Relays
Name                         Age  Sex  Cat. Bib#       Time
Huerta, Rios, Owens          32   F    RF   40      1:41:02
Mixed Relays
Name                         Age  Sex  Cat. Bib#       Time
Hamilton, Hargis, Inserni    40   F    mix. 90      1:10:03
Green, Charyaman, Garza      21   F    mix. 94      1:44:31
Garcia, Crice, Hurtado       41   F    mix. 62      1:45:42
Fruend, Packard, Packard     14   F    mix. 6       2:06:37
Mendoza, Leonard, Mendoza    58   M    mix. 66      1:05:24
Fabre, Sweet, Fabre          30   M    mix. 31      2:39:03

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