The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon 2003 - A Run to Remember
March 6, 2003
Courtesy: event press release
The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon proudly announces that the
2003 version of the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon, billed
as "A Run to Remember " will be April 27th, 2003. April 25th
kicks it off with the opening of the Health and Fitness Expo,
which is presented by OU Medical Center. The event weekend
includes the marathon, presented by BancFirst, as well as 2 and
5-person relays for runners and walkers. The event also
includes a Wheelchair Marathon, Kid's Marathon and an ever-
growing 2K Memorial Walk, which is presented by AARP. In
addition, there will be the health and fitness exposition, a pre-
race pasta party held at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and
a moving sunrise prayer service the morning of the race. All
post-race events and awards ceremonies will be held on the
grounds of the Oklahoma City National Memorial. Chet Collier, executive director of The Oklahoma City Memorial
Marathon says, "The 2003 version of the Oklahoma City Memorial
Marathon weekend is filled with surprises and additions. We
have some great celebrities that will be announced soon, much
more on-course entertainment this year, as well as a new twist,
an ongoing concert, complete with food vendors in the finish
area plaza." "We look forward to presenting this gift to the
world, and we hope that everyone that comes to Oklahoma City
during this weekend is surrounded and inspired by our mission to
honor their memories, celebrate life, reach for the future and
unite the world in hope," states Collier. The marathon works closely with the Oklahoma City National
Memorial, who is the benefactor of the proceeds. The Oklahoma
City National Memorial, Oklahoma City Mayor Kirk Humphreys,
Former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating and many corporate
sponsors endorse this national event. The event weekend has something for everyone, so get involved
and support this great event. To learn more about the events,
training or volunteering, please contact the OKC Memorial
Marathon at (405) 525-4242 or at www.okcmarathon.com. And please visit the
Oklahoma City National Memorial website at www.oklahomacitynationalmemorial.org.
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