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Subject: RE: Do away with Chip Timing
IP: Logged

To NTDIR: You still have not named that race that a non-chip wearing runner won!!

Coco B Ware: Which races have you won?

love chips

RE: Do away with Chip Timing
IP: Logged

hey. i love chips. with sausa mostly, and i have enjoyed a few fish and chips. but running with a chip is my favorite. it gives me MY TIME> from start to finish. even if i start back in the pack, and it takes me 2 minutes to get to the start line, it tells me what my official time is. what is so terrible about that? what is the big deal. do you guys not have anything else in your life to complain about? just go out there run your race and stop complaining about everything. enjoy life and the sport of running and stop making it so unpleasant for everyone. if you don't like the way things are done (1) stay home (2) put on your own race, your own way and shut up about how the other guy does it. OK????


RE: Do away with Chip Timing
IP: Logged


The 2002 Race for the Cure 5K in Oklahoma gave the option of running or not running with a chip. The first runner across the finish had a number but no chip. Not only that out of the nearly 4,000 runners only about 900 were wearing the chip. It was a race mixed with a fun run and nobody had any idea who the winners were until the results were printed. Also, in the 2000 race the first finisher did not have a number. He simply ran through the finish chutes and vanished.

In 2004 this race will go back to pull tags.

Chip timing is good, but it does not give people the right to do whatever they feel like simply because they don't care about being officially timed.

Coco B. Ware

RE: Do away with Chip Timing
IP: Logged

Wow Steve, I just went back and read my posts and I can't find anywhere me saying I ever won a race. Are you saying I need to win a race to qualify my posts? Or because I said you losers will never win a race, that I must have won one in order to back up that statement?

Here is the thing Steve I will never win a legitimate race with real competition. I am ok with that. What makes me ok with that is the fact that you can possibly run a 5K or 10K or Marathon faster than me, but you for sure can't play basketball, or softball or football, or soccer, or tennis or any other sport better than me. And that is all that matters to me.

Coco B. Ware

RE: Do away with Chip Timing
IP: Logged

Wow Steve, I just went back and read my posts and I can't find anywhere me saying I ever won a race. Are you saying I need to win a race to qualify my posts? Or because I said you losers will never win a race, that I must have won one in order to back up that statement?

Here is the thing Steve I will never win a legitimate race with real competition. I am ok with that. What makes me ok with that is the fact that you can possibly run a 5K or 10K or Marathon faster than me, but you for sure can't play basketball, or softball or football, or soccer, or tennis or any other sport better than me. And that is all that matters to me.

random guy IS stupid

RE: Do away with Chip Timing
IP: Logged

to some random guy;

Maybe if you asked you'd know better...

Here it is from the source:

Gun to chip for results, but chip to chip will be listed also
----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Subject: chip timing

when you say "The Texas Marathon will use the computerized ChampionChip timing system, which records your time precisely from start to finish. Results and awards will be based on actual chip time. You must pick up your black loaner chip along with your bib number at packet pickup. You may use your own ChampionChip, however make sure it is entered on your entry form and it is your responsibility to ensure that it matches your bib number. If you do not wear a chip, you will not be timed and will not be included in any results"

do you mean chip start to chip finish or gun start to chip finish as USATF requires?



RE: Do away with Chip Timing
IP: Logged

To:Coco B. Ware,
Find me at Looking good 5k

Faster and stronger

RE: Do away with Chip Timing
IP: Logged

Coco B. Ware:
Talking smack is nice but try backing it up. Sean Wade may be great tennis player, John Butler might be an excellent basketball player, Jose Lara could be a great soccer player and that would make you a loser at everything. Now stop bothering people or I will tell you Mom to ground you from the computer.


RE: Do away with Chip Timing
IP: Logged

all the name calling, insults and generally juvenille behavior really make this message board much less fun. people...state your opinion and keep your childish language to yourself.

RTN Editor


RE: Do away with Chip Timing
IP: Logged

Regarding the name calling and other assorted junk that this message (and others) has devolved into:

This message board is for the discussion of topics pertaining to the sports covered by our magazine. We encourage everyone to participate in discussion topics that relate to these matters. However, non-stop bickering and arguing over items that neither side can prove is completely pointless.

I feel it's important to review a couple of points in the guidelines for this message board (which I encourage EVERYONE to become familiar with):

--Try to stay on topic, be considerate of others.

--You agree that you will not use this message board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, harassing, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violating any law.

There are a number of posters who fall into the "threatening" and/or "harassing" categories.

If you just want to trade insults, call the Jim Rome show or whichever local sports talk radio program you prefer.

Lance Phegley

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